Obama on TV


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-12 AT 06:56PM (MST)[p]Look out gunbearers he is going to change things.scary...Sandy Hook Elementary , Columbine and the other incidents during his Presidency saying it's time to chloose our children over our freedoms.
Yes he is going all out for the assault weapons ban now, Magazine size the whole damn thing. It will happen and he has the ability with the recent election to make it happen...
He's a freaking IDIOT!!!!
He's just listening to all these anti guns freaks screaming out protests for him to do something....they are ALL idiots!!!
That SOB can have all the fully automatic weapons to protect him, his home and his family, yet he's going to take away what protects mine???
He'll have a mutiny on his hands.............

I would assume that you all realize that any change in present federal gun laws has to pass congress of which the House is controlled by Republicans.

What did you really think he was going to say. Your rage is unreasonable without seeing what will come about. Don't you feel it is the presidents responsibility to speak to the parents and responder that are suffering from this tragedy?

Take it to the Sportsmen political talk section if you really want the discussion on this. Remember we've lost absolutely zero gun rights to Obama's presidency at this point. I agree this may be the straw that will change that time will tell.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-12 AT 07:28PM (MST)[p]>I would assume that you all
>realize that any change in
>present federal gun laws has
>to pass congress of which
>the House is controlled by
>What did you really think he
>was going to say.
>Your rage is unreasonable without
>seeing what will come about.
>Don't you feel it is
>the presidents responsibility to speak
>to the parents and responder
>that are suffering from this
>Take it to the Sportsmen political
>talk section if you really
>want the discussion on this.
> Remember we've lost absolutely
>zero gun rights to Obama's
>presidency at this point.
>I agree this may be
>the straw that will change
>that time will tell.

Good point CH.....very good point.
It just makes me sick they always want to attack the weapon and not the sourse of ones dysfunction.
Obama seems to get things passed without going through all the proper channels, i have a tough time thinking this would be any differen't.
Ya i went to a local Gun Show Today in Portland Oregon and there was a booth outside with the pictures of all the children murdered and a group of anti gun people working on a ban of of some sort. I am glad i didn't go check them out as i feel dearly for the families all affected by this piece of crap but they actually thought they would get support at a gun show of all places.
Where does Obama's kids go to school? You can bet your a$$ they are protected by gunmen guarding the school!!

If they banned guns, and that is a big IF. How would they get the guns that we already have? It would take a door to door search by the army to confiscate them.

And that wouldn't end very well. If they try something like this, it'll end in civil war, and the people with guns will win.

End of story.
>If they banned guns, and that
>is a big IF. How
>would they get the guns
>that we already have? It
>would take a door to
>door search by the army
>to confiscate them.
>And that wouldn't end very well.
>If they try something like
>this, it'll end in civil
>war, and the people with
>guns will win.
>End of story.

Casual gun owner with career and family is unlikely to risk prison over keeping a firearm.
Turn the argument back on them...The Democrats, Progressives, Obama, liberal judges, liberal media and Hollywood are to blame for this mass murder and over 400 killings in Chicago since Jan, 141 killings in New Orleans. They are responsible for the huge INCREASE in; mental illness, Hate, Frustrations, Mass Shootings, Crime, Drug Addiction, the One Parent Home, Piss Poor Academic Levels, Racial Tensions, Class Warfare, BS War on Woman, Poverty, the Recession-lack of jobs/incomes. They have promoted and removed God from our schools, the public square, attacking Christianity, the Catholic Church. They push and promote abortion on its school children, and citizens. They have destroyed the family unit with welfare, entitlements so it pays to have babies with no father in the home. These so called COMPASIONATE PEOPLE have created an explosion of Hatred, Jealousy, Bitterness, Frustration, Envy, Despair, Sadness, Lack of Hope, Mental Illness, and Evil. They then use EMOTION to then call for Gun Control and/or more SPENDING, a new Government Dept or Program to fix the problem which usually means someone is going to loose their rights or spending is increased?both of which have failed miserably. Just like the ?child left behind act?, ?war on poverty? have failed. The same people who caused the crash in our economy and real estate market blame everyone else for what they caused. They hate guns so they lay in wait for another ?Crisis? to use the emotion of the day to implement their political agenda of limiting our rights. Do not fall for this ploy. We must go on the attack and put the blame where the blame is due. Straight at Liberalism, Progressives, God Haters, Christ Bashers, Family Killers, Job/Economy Destroyers, Welfare Pimps keeping fathers from their children prompting woman to have babies for money and support. Liberals and liberalism are to blame for our economic, social, spiritual demise and these mass murders. Hating God and Christ has caused these killings and every other evil thing in our country. Not Guns.
>If they banned guns, and that
>is a big IF. How
>would they get the guns
>that we already have? It
>would take a door to
>door search by the army
>to confiscate them.
>And that wouldn't end very well.
>If they try something like
>this, it'll end in civil
>war, and the people with
>guns will win.
>End of story.

Well SMUT!

As SAD as it is you might wanna check what's already happened in a few other Countries!

I agree!

Hopefully the WEST will Stand and KICK ASS with a Civil War!

I'll bet RUS'S Buddy ain't got a Clue of how Well the West is Armed!

Here We go again!

If I had Listened!
I wouldn't be here today Living & Dieing with the Choices I've made!
Obama is a discusting leach of a human being. Using 20 babies deaths to further his political agendas. I watch him lastnight and really tried to allow him to show his humanity but he just couldn't do it. It turns into a speech with innuendos and half truths and threats. Bring it on Liberals....Come get our guns!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
"I watch him lastnight and really tried to allow him to show his humanity but he just couldn't do it."

That's exactly what I told my wife when he started his threats!
Exactly. He showed veiled threats over compassion. So you don't think he has already drafted gun removal plans. Can't use the Military so it would be local police.
I accidentally dropped all my guns in a lake while water-skiing last year... They can go look for them there...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Like i said before they wont want to mess with me when i have a 12g and a case of bullets!!!

Hank Jr. was right the south gonna rattle again!!!

I probably own as many or more guns that most of you but do you realize how you sound to somebody who just happens to be on this site. You sound crazy which is how they want to make you sound.

Fish if I was the FBI I'd run your IP address and have you cuffed an on the ground in 15 minutes for making a veiled threat. Try to at least sound rational so you don't come off as freaking lunatics. A 12 gauge and a case of bullets would buy you 5 seconds until they, whoever that is blew the hell out of you with an RPG.
If anyone thinks a BAN on semi auto weapons, and Capacity Guns is not coming sooner than later, you are WRONG.

People are now saying, including the President, that Obama may make a Ban on his own, a declaration, similar to declaring Wilderness Study areas, or National Monuments.

It would then go to court, but could take years to sort out.

SO, better step up and get something done about it now.
All they have to do is ban or confiscate ammunition and guns would be worthless for those that haven't stocked up. Pass a few laws that make it illegal to shoot certain guns or on publicly owned land. We might have guns but if you have to hide them, what good are they? Unless total societal breakdown happens, and we are fighting for our lives, most people will not step up and fight, no matter how tough they talk. Don't know how this is going to turn out, but it's not going to turn out well for the gun owners.
I don't remember Slick crying at the Fort Hood massacre. I don't remember him reading each of thier names? We still don't have the truth about Bengahzi and the families were lied to. Brian Terry's death is still a coverup for thousands of "Assault Weapons sold to Mexican Drug Lords. Hudreds of woman, children have been kiled in Mexico by Obama Assault Weapons and not one mention or tear by Slick or the media...let's remind them shal we?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-12 AT 06:09AM (MST)[p]Corn, you truly are an idiot!!! Thank God the FBI has more brains then some country bumkin in Nebraska with nothing better to do then play with his computer. Be a leader once in your life and take a stand!! Typical teacher!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Dancermatt is all over it in both his posts! You to are correct kingfish about Corn. Not that I would call him an idiot but he is a "typical teacher". Most,not all, are part of the problem and not the solution. We continue this march page by page from the writings of Marx & Alinsky and fools like Corn defend it as common sense. The indoctrination is almost complete on enough of the weak and the rest of us will succumb to the force of govt. The Left and its media arms are pathetic when it comes to tragedies like this and the use of peoples grief to further their political agenda. The gun laws are coming and ammo bans and taxes will follow not door to door confiscation. But look on the bright side fellas, you can have all the gay sex with your husband and smoke dope all you want. At least in my state.
>Turn the argument back on them...The
>Democrats, Progressives, Obama, liberal judges,
>liberal media and Hollywood are
>to blame for this mass
>murder and over 400 killings
>in Chicago since Jan, 141
>killings in New Orleans. They
>are responsible for the huge
>INCREASE in; mental illness, Hate,
>Frustrations, Mass Shootings, Crime, Drug
>Addiction, the One Parent Home,
> Piss Poor Academic Levels,
>Racial Tensions, Class Warfare, BS
>War on Woman, Poverty, the
>Recession-lack of jobs/incomes. They have
>promoted and removed God from
>our schools, the public square,
>attacking Christianity, the Catholic Church.
>They push and promote abortion
>on its school children, and
>citizens. They have destroyed the
>family unit with welfare, entitlements
>so it pays to have
>babies with no father in
>the home. These so called
>COMPASIONATE PEOPLE have created an
>explosion of Hatred, Jealousy, Bitterness,
>Frustration, Envy, Despair, Sadness, Lack
>of Hope, Mental Illness, and
>Evil. They then use EMOTION
>to then call for Gun
>Control and/or more SPENDING, a
>new Government Dept or Program
>to fix the problem which
>usually means someone is going
>to loose their rights or
>spending is increased?both of which
>have failed miserably. Just like
>the ?child left behind act?,
>?war on poverty? have failed.
> The same people who
>caused the crash in our
>economy and real estate market
>blame everyone else for what
>they caused. They hate guns
>so they lay in wait
>for another ?Crisis? to use
>the emotion of the day
>to implement their political agenda
>of limiting our rights. Do
>not fall for this ploy.
>We must go on the
>attack and put the blame
>where the blame is due.
> Straight at Liberalism, Progressives,
>God Haters, Christ Bashers, Family
>Killers, Job/Economy Destroyers, Welfare Pimps
>keeping fathers from their children
>prompting woman to have babies
>for money and support. Liberals
>and liberalism are to blame
>for our economic, social, spiritual
>demise and these mass murders.
>Hating God and Christ has
>caused these killings and every
>other evil thing in our
>country. Not Guns.


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