Obama - Don't drill, just inflate your tires



LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-08 AT 06:10PM (MST)[p]What a great idea!! He's so smart to have figured this out. I wonder what he'll come up with for other complicated issues? LMAO!!! Is this guy for real?

Transcript -
There are things you can do individually, though, to save energy. Making sure your tires are properly inflated ? simple thing. But we could save all the oil that they're talking about getting off drilling ? if everybody was just inflating their tires? And getting regular tune-ups? You?d actually save just as much!
I checked my tire pressure this morning, and on the way home from work this afternoon I noticed the price of gas dropped $.03

I'll be darned, it worked!


That was a stupid thing to say, but statistically according to AAA a tune up and inflating your tires will gain you 10% better economy if you need it done. so if everyone needed a tune up and their tires inflated he would be correct, but any idiot knows that's not the case.

Maybe Obama is just trying to cut into the Bush voter base by sounding like Bush? he's clever I tell you.
I put a 1000psi in my tires last week and had to dump gas out of the tank twice already this week.


I'm on my way right now to the gas station to fill my tires. I'm selling all my excess fuel I'm saving, you dork no wonder you are broke.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-08 AT 09:09PM (MST)[p]JB, good for you, but if everybody did that, there would be an air shortage, you plick! We can live without gas but not air!


You taunted me into replying 100 pds and dude said I'm stupid again, kind of. It's all your fault.

Do any of you see the common thread about Obama's statement over saving gas compared to the statements given on this forum by Dude, Piper, and Zigga?

I have a new plan to combat global warming...........

Just wear shorts........Problem Solved!!!!!

I may just have to go into politics. I didn't know it was this easy.
i just put helium in all my tires and now my truck weighs 347 pounds lighter, im now getting 20.3 mpg. i was gettin 18.2

Did you try the tune up? It worked so well for me that each time I fill up with fuel and air the tires I'm going to get a tune up. I'll try the helium too.

i'll try the tuneup ransom thanks for the tip, also if your going down the interstate get about 10 feet behind a 18 wheeler and draft of off him. u will be suprised how much better fuel mileage u get
This will soon be REQUIRED by Automotive Repair Shops in CA.

I own 2 Aamco Transmissions in CA and it is coming up that we will be REQUIRED to check and adjust the air pressure in the tires any time we work on a car. Right now they are in the process of determining what charge there will be for it. I have not yet heard what the penalty to the shop that does not do this required check and adjustment. Its CA so I assume it will be a fine.

Other recent laws in CA. Certain Condor areas you are not allowed to use lead bullets.

You will be fined if you hold a cell phone to your ear while driving, but, ear buds are fine.

Coming to a state where you live soon.

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