Obama and NASCAR



Obama Orders Chevrolet and Dodge Out Of NASCAR
April 2009

In a move sure to spark outrage, the White House announced today that GM and Chrysler must cease participation in NASCAR at the end of the 2009 season if they hope to receive any additional financial aid from the government.

The statement goes on further to say the same demand will be made of Ford if it asks for government assistance. ?In order to receive this money, corporations must demonstrate they will spend it wisely. Racing has been said to improve on-road technology, but frankly, NASCAR almost flaunts its standing among the lowest-tech forms of motorsport. NASCAR is not proven to drive advancements that transfer from the racetrack to the road, and this nation?s way forward does not hinge on decades-old technology. We need new, and we need innovation.?

The President realizes this will be an unpopular call, but stands behind the decision, saying, ?This is an obvious cut to make, but it is not an easy one. This administration is not ignoring the tremendous sentimental value and emotional appeal NASCAR holds for so many Americans. But now is not the time for sentiment and nostalgia; now is a time for decisive financial action. If our automotive industry is to emerge from this recession intact, then these difficult decisions must be made.?
For real or April Fool ' s joke? When we have a fool for a president, there is no way to know.

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