
I haven't seen it yet. Why aren't you in it? HAHA


Later, Brandon
LAST EDITED ON Jul-06-09 AT 03:44PM (MST)[p]" ...but I'd say it didn't suck too bad"

Edit for the benifit of Moosie's humor; LOL

I'd say it was way better than that. Kinda a fresh breath of air, it beats bass fishing info shows, tame turkey, or a high dollar tree stand hunt over a cut corn field any day!!!

I'm looking forward to more of this show and this type of outdoor programing!! Kudos!!

LAST EDITED ON Jul-06-09 AT 03:51PM (MST)[p]My humor is wasted on you guys ... ;)

Browtine, I happen to know Randy well.... that's probably the reason I'm not on the show. Well, that, and I shoot small critters and drop the "F-BOMB" too much for editing... ;)

Moose <<------ Crying !!

(Edited for the Edit that was edited on my behalf... UHHHh... WHAT ?!??! ) :)


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
Pretty sure i got your humor moosie but w/you sometimes you never know... :)

Those of you that saw the show, i'm about the same age as the two hunters showcased this week. Did you notice when they slip-slided down off that cut bank and ended up running to let their feet catch up with themselves? Me, i afraid i'da had a major league face plant in the dirt!! lol :)

I liked the show!

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