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No wonder he doesnt want to debate McCain. Remember the challange from McCain to debate...and Obama chickened out because it was not going to be in "speech" format which really is not a debate at all.

The silver tounged devil soon turns into the babbling idiot when his beloved telepromter takes a s**t

Like I have said and this shows, Husien Obama is an empty suit.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
Exactly why he won't do town hall debates with mccain. He is NOTHING without a teleprompter.

This guy is a puppet and nothing more.
Remember, this is the guy dude says will make McCain look silly during debates. What say you dude? When I watch that all I can picture is Porky Pig.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-08 AT 05:06PM (MST)[p]That did look like Bush, with his promter.

You actually though anyone could make crap up like that on the fly? give me a break you'd be laughing at yourself if you hadn't already heard it before. why do you think they all have speech writers? politics is more show than substance .

If you think McCain can out talk him you need to look at some of the 1st grade screw ups he's made recently. McCain said all 57 states, didn't know the difference between Sudan and Somalia, talked about the border of Pakistan and Iraq, which for those who don't know there isn't one, talked about president Putin of Germany and those are just a few.

Broken teleprompter or not my money is still on Obama in the debates, he did well in the primary debates and McCain is an easier target than Hillary was. gramps will screw up and the focus from then on will be what's the old coot going to say next more than what Obama is blabbering about, just watch.
Dude, are you drinking before typing. Now you have McCain saying things that was Obama who had made the statement about 57 states. You need to lay off the firewater.
Since you have been saying that McCain is dumb due to his speaking mistakes, does this make you as dumb.

After you drink the kool aid for so long you start to believe it. That's funny but typical that dude blames McCain for what Obama said.
What's more interesting is how you find my screw up more important than the fact your presidential candidate can't figure who borders who in the region he wants to wage war in.

I guess after 8 years of Bush little things like Putin of Germany and the Iraq /Pakistan border don't phase you.

Ransom who's defending Obama? I said he'll out do gramps in the debates, count on it. just hope gramps doesn't talk about world leaders, geography or his time as a POW since he can't even keep that story straight anymore. getting old sucks, McCain does well for his age but he isn't going to get a free pass, and he shouldn't .
I think you are prejudiced of older people. I pity you when you get old. I hope some youngster doesn't make fun of you...well on second thought.......
Give me a break, we're talking about the president of the United States here. if McCain has past his prime and can't think as well as he used to that's natural and nothing to be ashamed of, BUT if that's the case you don't run for president.

His age is already a factor on voters minds and with every screw up it will become more of one, even if he makes a simple slip or dumb statment it will be viewed as because he's losing it. maybe he is or maybe he isn't, it's a valid concern and one he should be required to answer to. he'd be 75 by the end of his term and that's getting up there.
So WHY won't Obabble debate McCain. It is pretty much a given he is a better public speaker and not only did he chicken out when challenged to a series of debates from the McCain camp?it would make sense for him to be making lots of challenges of his own to lots of debates?.but no?.its his strength and McCain?s weakness?.so why?.

Because he knows there is nothing behind the curtain of bulls**t except worldwide mega liberal program and biiiiig taxes that will make your mind numb. He is scared to death the truth is going to accidently pop out. We are witnessing the biggest fraud in the history of man and I pray the country wakes up before it is too late. He knows this carnival act of his is a house of cards and if people really see what he is all about it will all come tumbling down.
I will answer for Dupe and Pipe "Because Obable is an empty suit!"

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-08 AT 05:34PM (MST)[p]There will be debates keep your shorts on.

1/3 of McCain's ads now are negative ads about Obama, what that means is he doesn't have anything to say he just wants to drag his opponent down. we'll see if Obama's pie in the sky program is more effective than McCain's he's not much better than me plan. they're both losers, I think Obama will smoke McCain in the debates but I don't think either one has anything to say anyone gives a crap about. what's the hurry.
I heard on the polls that Obama and McCain are pretty dang close right now. Even with the Rock Star tour and biased media treatment Obama hasn't gained any more of a lead.
He doesn't have to gain any lead, all he has to do is keep it.

Most polls show a wider margin than Gallup, hard to say which one is most accurate.
No, the point is not that there will be debates....that is a given is WHY is Obabble avoiding them as long as possible when he should be the one pushing for them...public speaking is his strong point (only strong point)....right?. He should be biting at the bit to get McCain on the floor....but he clearly is not..... the question is why? He already chickened out once. It seems obvious to me he is doing everything possible to keep up the illusion....and As I said before we are witnessing a fraud like never before....and what frightens me even more than Obama is that half of the country is so stupid they buy his bag of tricks

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