NWT sheep pic



Howdy all. Im kind of a newbie to MM. Actually ive been listening to everyones awesome adventures and checking out all the cool hunt pics for awhile now. I thought this looks like too much fun not to share the adventures with folks who are just as hooked as I am. Here is my first ram. I hunted with Arctic Red River Outfitters this past August. What an experience. Truly the hunt of a lifetime.

Im hooked, thats for sure. Maybe I can draw a rocky or a desert tag one day. But as for going north again....who knows. This hunt was about as much as a "once in a lifetime" hunt for me as drawing a desert here in Utah. I actually won this hunt at a FNAWS banquet almost 2 years ago. Well I won an opportunity to go at a reduced rate. Still a bundle though. Couldnt afford NOT to go. Thanks to FNAWS, it gave a regular guy like myself the chance to go on a hunt that really was a dream come true.

A couple more pics, enjoy....


Backstraps over an open fire, it just doesnt get any better !
That is a "killer" Dall. Do you have a score for us...and a little more about the hunt? I was at that banquet and apparently you got my tag! Dang!
Sorry about swiping yer tag! I had to do it!
On August 4th I flew out of base camp in a Super Cub(quite a thrill in itself) and landed on a gravel bar on the Arctic Red.I met my guide, Jeremy Bergen. Hands down one of the toughest guys ive ever met. We stayed on the river that night and headed out the next morning for a place called "Grizzly Pass." After getting soaked to the bone in the first couple hours we stopped to build a fire and try to dry out. Thats when we spotted "my ram." There was no way to go up the drainage he was in so we continued with our original plan, hoping we would catch up to him sometime in the next 10 days. We finally arrived at our camp spot at 10:15 that night. About 12 1/2 hours of some serious hiking.
The next morning we woke up to find my ram had moved about four miles up the drainage he was in. Which put him less than a mile from our tent. The hunt was on!! The band of rams, 14 in all, dropped out of sight so we made a run after them. Of course when we reached the top (about 4 hours later) none of the rams were anywhere to be found. We went a little higher and found him bedded all by himself. Facing away from us no less!! He was a little over 700 yds away. We had the wind in our faces as we closed the distance to 374 yds. I got set up for the shot and waited for him to stand. When he finally did he started feeding straight away. He only had to go about 50 yds and would be out of sight. At about 390 I decided to take the shot. We had a little evelation on him so I had some of his back to shoot at. Not at all the perfect shot but I felt good about it. My first shot hit him high in the hip and ended up in his neck. Then he turned broadside, one over the back and one in the sweet spot. I couldnt believe it! It was over a little too quick.
Then he started to roll...and roll...and roll. He ended up about 500 yards down into the steepest nastiest hell hole anyone would ever want to go. Sheeps revenge I guess. Ill never forget watching him do "endos" only hitting the ground about every 30 yards. I thought he would be broke for sure. Not so, just real bloody and a couple of teeth knocked out.
What an amazing experience in some of the most breath taking country in the world.
The next couple days were spent hiking out to another air strip about 12 miles away. Needless to say we were loaded down pretty heavy since we never got the chance to go through any of our food. We sure pigged out on sheep meat though (between dodging all the grizzlies.) I really wanted to see a grizz when the hunt started, but after having to shoot into the ground to stop charges on two in one day, I dont care if I ever see another one!(one at 60yds and one at 40yds) They dont get hunted up there and they never see humans. So when they see you they come runnin. Scared the crap outta me!! We saw a total of 8 grizzlies and even one white wolf chasing some caribou. Had a wolf tag but didnt have a chance.
I cant say enough about Arctic Red and the crew. These guys are the best. I only hope that one day this poor boy can make it back. Someday.....
"That's what I'm talking about"
A well earned trophy Dall & Backstrap over an open fire!
I've also had the great fortune of winning a reduced sheep hunt, FNAWS is helping some of us live the dream.
Congrats again Chad!
Sorry, forgot the score. Got telling about the bears and started getting a little nervous again. My wifes chiauau walked in the room a minute ago and barked. Bout fired a waring shot at him also. Damn bears!
39 3/8 x 38 3/8
168 2/8
his 3/4's were 8 2/8
It was Jeremy's 74th ram he has guided and his biggest to date.
Hope to see you at the banquet this year.
Its your turn !
I hunted with Artic Red for caribou last September and Jeremy was my partner's guide. Now you know why they don't even get water without their bush gun. We saw four bears in a couple of days, but none got within 300 yards. Kelly, Alex and Mary back at main camp are super good folks and make you feel right at home. Incredible wilderness and incredible experience that I will also never forget.

Congrats on a super ram!


thanks for sharing the pics and story, congratulations!

ooo la la i am going to get my first dall next year (or at least try so hard it'll make me puke). i figger i can do it and a couple bou for less than 3 thou, but we'll see after i get home and tally up the receipts :)
Congrats on your ram jagrmystr!!! He is beautiful!!!
My buddy is due back today from Arctic Red River. It was his second trip up there doing the sheep, moose, and caribou hunts. He got all three two years ago, this year he got a great ram and monster bull. I can't wait to see his pics!
Congrats again and thanks for sharing.

I just went through his pics.
His ram is 38" and beautiful. Very symetrical, flares out, nice mass. His moose was "only" about 54", but had great brow tines, points, and nice palms. His guide was Andrew which was his guide 2 years ago as well. He didn't shoot a caribou this time, but the one he shot two years ago went about 380", so pretty nice.

Hey Jag,
Very nice story and thanks for the score! He looked like a toad in the pictures and the score confirms that. Arctic Red seems to be about the best there is, but my wife and my pocketbook kind of put a kabosh on ever buying a permit. Maybe next year's UFNAWS ticket will do it!
Thanks LBH. I hope you get it next year. Look me up in SLC and ill buy you a cold one.

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