NWT Caribou hunt



Talk about a good time!!


lovenit, nice bulls, where did you go up there. We just got back a week or so ago what an awsome hunt. we hit the migation, probably had 2 days we seen 1000+ caribou. Killed some great bulls. I also killed a wolf. unforgetable hunt. looks like you had a great time too. Can't wait to hopefully go back.
Ghostinthewoods I herd that you guys had a great time I want to see some pictures of those Bulls Rust told me about .
We went with Barry Taylor's Arctic Safaris and were on Lake Providence.(30 miles south of the Arctic Circle) The hunting was okay, but nowhere near the numbers we were hoping for. Sounds like you had a dream hunt! I was hoping for a wolf and a wolverine, but no luck!!! We did see some griz which made hunting a little more exciting.....The bear are getting keen to the gun shots. They know when they hear one, it's as if someone is ringing a dinner bell!!!
lovnit, where are you from? we flew out of the same place as barry taylor does, I seen his suburban at the tindi airbase. We also seen alot of grizzly bears. our guide had to shoot a rock and blow srapnel in ones face because he wouldn't leave with us screaming at him he just kept coming closer. After he got to about 50 yards my guide decided that was close enough. makes for one heck of an exciting hunt. I missed a wolverine, been having nightmares about it ever since, I wanted one so bad they are an awsome animal. maybe next time.
GHOSTINTHEWOODS still waiting for some pictures of your bulls post some. lovnit is from vernal he went with the murray group
striker, That's what I got to thinking, I don't know how to post a pic. Maybe you'll have to help me, or just come over and see the damn things.
Hope i am not hijacking this thread but here is my pics from Barry's camp a few years ago.We never hit the migration either but had one of the best hunts ever.The barrenlands is a awesome place to be in the fall.My bro killed two bulls and i killed a bull and a wolverine.The wolverine is what i wanted the most and is my favorite trophy.It is one of the largest to come out of Barrys camp and i was very lucky to get it.I have talked to lots of trapper's from Alberta to Alaska and 90% of them say that they have never seen or trapped a Wolverine that was 40 to 50 pounds.What do you guys think from looking at the pic?I think it is somewhere in the 40 pound range,when you think an average house dog is 25 to 30 pounds.

Congrats to you gents on some fine caribou bulls.


LAST EDITED ON Oct-06-07 AT 12:20PM (MST)[p]I truly enjoy Caribou hunting, beautiful animals on the northern tundra.
Geat stuff!
Yes Indeed, the wolverine is a very difficult animal to bag.
They are very sparsley scattered over a vast area.
I saw on once on an interior Grizzly hunt in Alaska.
My trapper friend in Alaska has done very well on them over the years, but he is not your average trapper, he is one of the very best there is.



muzzy125, you suck you killed my wolverine, did you life size it? made me sick I went and shot my gun the other day because I got to thinking that the wolf I killed and my second caribou bull I killed I hit them both to the right of where I was holding. and yep sure enough my gun was shooting about 5" to the right. missed a shot of a lifetime because my scope was muffed.
HaHa sorry about that ghost.

Yes i am full mounting it on a oak pedastal in glass.

I will post a pic when it gets done.

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