NVBighorn dishing it out in the chatroom


Long Time Member
The man in the photo has in the past been falsely identified as Bobcat but it's really NVBighorn typing away at the chatroom gang. Gives a decent person the creeps.

Well jeez, Ransom, I don't know what to say. I mean, that picture was taken right after the holidays and who doesn't put on a few pounds at that time of year. OK, OK, maybe I need to get some excercise. But I thought sitting in front of the computer all day hitting the refresh button to see who has responded to my hilariously witty posts on MM would be excercise enough. And besides, you didn't get my good side. Anybody have a good way to flush the lint out of a fat crease?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-09 AT 10:33PM (MST)[p]NVB try useing a tattooed midget with a pipe cleaner seems to work for Rosie ODonnell
Good Luck and Great Memories
Wow.. You know a guy invites a few friends over and after 8 or 10 drinks you want to show you buddies something on the internet and someone has to start taking photos.... I just hate it when that happens.
OMG!! I just spewed a pretzel out of my nose.

I'm gonna have nightmares for a loooong loooong time.

Anyone know of a good shrink???!!! I might have Post Traumatic NVBIghorn Disorder.
industrial power washer might do the trick. With the lint that was flushed out you'd probably have enough material to weave into yarn and knit a blanket
I'm betting he has never heard the saying "SLIM PICKEN"

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
What's up with that???? And the MM calender noms got nuked?? At least they had clothing on.

Maybe he does but I didn't look long enough. LOL I need counseling.

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