NVB, don't forget the Dr.


Long Time Member
NVB, I know you were sorta nervous about going in for your prostate exam today so I thought I'd take a moment and set up a quick reminder. Take 'er easy NVB, nothing to worry about.


Just remain calm. There is really nothing to worry about.

Most doctors know you are anxious and have a gentle touch.


After you can go hit a greasy spoon for some fish fingers.


hey,sniff this out...............

nine inch nails?

my name is sue,how the hell do you do?

don't worry NVB,everything is gonna be just fine...............

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
C'mon NVB, tell the posse about the magic trick....ok I will. NVB gets into the office and disrobes. The doc stands behind him and says no bend over the table. 'She' helps with his fears by playing a little magic game. After NVB hears the tale tale sound of KY being squeazed from a tube, the inevitable happens, he groans from a bit of discomfort, and the doc says, Ok NVB, you feel my finger in there now right?? NVB, answering the obvious, exclaims, WELL OF COURSE I CAN, to which point the doc puts both hands in front of NVB, fingers and thumbs to see, and exlaims, TAH DAH.
good gawd 1911!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just blowed an overload...................................
poor NVB.............................
he thought 'he'(the doc) was a she....................

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed

More conversation from the exam room today.

NVB: Are you calling me crazy doctor???!!!!

DOC: No, I said I can see your nuts.
ah c'mon guys, if there is one guy on monstermulies that is used to things being shoved up his @$$, it would be the nevada guy. i'm sure a finger up there would go un-noticed.

my only question would be : what is the most fingers he's had in there at 1 time?

j/k but funny you gotta admit:)
He said the doc had him bend over then he put his left hand on his left shoulder. Wait it was his right hand on his left shoulder. No wait it was his left hand on his right........ That sonofab**ch had both hands on his shoulders!
don't forget to ask Dr Wiggles Worth for the 2nd opinion(the other hand!)

1911 that reminds me of the very very first flight exam I got while in the U.S. Army. Here's the story. I go visit the flight surgeon as ordered by my commander to receive a complete physical so that I can get my "Up Slip" (kinda ironic, huh). That's a piece of paper that all flight personel must have on them at all times to prove that they are healthy enough to fly. I was an Army aviator. So Doc tells me to bend over so I do as ordered. I hear the snap of the latex glove and the squirt of the KY. Then 1 hand on my left shoulder then whammo, Doc asked the same question, "can you feel that"? Then at the same time I answer him I see the shape of a right hand on my right shoulder. I stood up and spun around so fast. I was about ready too clobber this guy (Full Bird by the way) I pulled back when I saw the maniquin hand he was holding and we both about passed out from laughing so hard. I will never forget that as long as I live. I asked if anyone has ever punched his lights out for playing that joke and he said one time it happened and that's when the Doc started taking Karate.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-

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