NV Unit 263 Ram


Here are three pictures that were sent to me for posting of Ralph's Desert 263 ram that gross scored 167. Congrats to the hunter.


AWESOME RAM. It sure was a good year for sheep this year in Nevada. I am sure glad I got a tag. I will try to post pictures soon.
I have seen alot of sheep and I would swear that thing goes 170. Is that other horn chingered? Either way awesome sheep!!

Bret M.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-22-05 AT 08:59PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-22-05 AT 08:57?PM (MST)

Very nice ram. He looks over 170 to me to, maybe its the somewhat tight curl or the other horn. he sure is heavy, Congrats.
Congrats on your sheep Ralphie, since thats the reason you couldn't go and help me get my elk, ha ha. But if I ever get a desert sheep tag there will be no excuses!!! Looks like you had the right group of people to help you out. Good job.
Another great ram! Anyway you can forward contact info for the tagholder to me. What day did he harvest? I'd like to compare notes, I'm almost positive I have some pre-season and film of that ram. Jason

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