Nv. Rams!! Draw


Long Time Member
'morning All, I'm reading that there will be one non-res Rocky Ram tag available for the draw in 2005---#101 out of Elko/Wells.

Sweet gig! Some one will draw it.....gotta apply for sure.
A guy who just took up residency somewhere else with max points would be sitting pretty good with the points squared deal. Looks like that happened to the mountain goat tag last year.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-05 AT 11:04AM (MST)[p]Should be this week as the "pdf" are on the website now. Last year, I received them on March 24th.

The regs have been online for awhile . I haven't got mine in the mail yet , but hate waiting so we applied online today . Put in for the new Bighorn hunt as well as everything else, somebody has to draw . You can now also just buy a point for a species .
They mailed procs. out last friday from Fallon.

Looking thru the odds on the website-- I see a person with 2 pts drew the 1 non-res, Desert Ram tag in 161........should a been me... that luck bugger!! haha
The same lucky SOB that drew the goat tag last year probabally has almost max points for rockies...... There is a lot of guys with few/no points, so usually one draws.
PleaseDear, how many times do I have to tell you year after year that the tag is mine??? HUH???

Pretty soon I'll have to start slappin' ya silly.....
I just spoke with NDOW about the non resident sheep tag and they said it was a typo and there will be a correction posted. There will not be a non resident sheep tag this year so don't bother applying. You'll just be waisting your money. Besides there aren't any sheep in that unit anyway
Now WES ya trying to spoil a perfectly good daydream!! haha

El-FD yeh the goat person had 12 pts..... could and probably will be a res. that has moved draw the Rocky tag.... but then again..... maybe not! ha

Easy Pred...... Nv. is all mine this year! ha---3 Ram tags to luck into---1 must have my name on him!!

Ya think..

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