NV O11 antelope



Any help out there where to start? This is my 1st antelope hunt. Any info is good for me.
Hunted south of there, 032, 034, 035 TOO long ago. Actually went with a partner one year and drew the next. Not sure about 011 but I hunted mountains. The hunt was like a mule deer hunt. Found pockets of antelope in every canyon that had water and the pressure was alot less than on the flats. I'd get high early before it heats up and eliminates your optics and glass. Antelope are easy to find but in that country, at that time of year, you're dealing with heat mirage by 9:00 AM.
I had that tag in 2004, we saw a lot of young bucks that had great potential, I think that there will be a few monsters running around up there now. Just a few pointers, a lot of people will be hunting on the east side of that unit around the Wildlife refuge, my personal opinion would be to stay on the west side of the unit, get a topo map and hunt the area around New Years lake. There are quite a few water holes around that area and that is where I harvested my buck, grossed 81 and change. Good luck and congrats.
Thanks alot guys,i'll be checking my topos . elkguide, how is access into the unit?
There isn't much private land up in that area so access is pretty easy. There are plenty of two track roads to get you into good hunting areas. The roads are very rocky, and thats an understatement, take a couple of spares with you just to be safe cuz the nearest town is a ways away. That area consists of a lot of rolling plateau hills that are covered in juniper and lots of native grasses, but there are a lot of open sage covered benches. Lots of high points to glass from. Again good luck, hope you find a monster to put in the freezer and on the wall, just be patient cuz there are a few monsters in there.
Not a problem and good luck, maybe one day I can get back over to that area and do a little hunting for myself, if nothing else I would like to get back there and do a little looking around.

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