LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-06 AT 04:55PM (MST)[p]No kidding Pred. Inquiring minds want to know? What is up with this stuff? People take some dang nice animals and there pics makes you wonder if they are realy unhappy with the animal, or if they got kicked in the junk, or what?
My favorite is one from the Henrys rifle hunt last year. You can see it on Jareds website. The hunter is happy as a kid in a candy store but his pals look pissed off as could be.
I don't know, maybe if one of my hunting buds put a buck like that on the ground then I would have a unhappy face on also? No, I don't think so. I would have the unhappy face on as soon I found out he had the tag of lifetime! Ha!
Would these guys smile if they had the winning ticket to the big lotto? Makes ya wonder?
Nice antelope. Hope I get a chance at one like him in Wyo this weekend.