NV Antelope Draw


Active Member
I just received an email from NV telling me I'm successful for Antelope. Can anyone tell me which unit I drew? I'm not sure how to tell the unit from the email. The 2251 and 2261 seem to mean non-resident any weapon or archery. Is the 768 the unit number? I don't see that number anywhere on their web site.

Here is the information they sent to me:

NR Antelope Horns Longer (2251, 2261) - 768
313.00 10.00 0.00 300.00 3.00 0.00

Thanks a bunch.
111-114 congratulations!

Measure wealth by the things you have,, for which you would not take money.
Thanks for your help nvmuley. This will be my first ever antelope hunt so I'm pretty excited.

111-114 is a big unit - can anyone give me a starting place or two for scouting? Are there any fun camping places where I can take the family when I go scouting? Will the animals still be in about the same places now and when the season opens in late August?

YES,they will be --- Fun Hunt,enjoy.I think Stevie Wonder could fine a "Lope" in these units/Spring Valley.In a.m travel on Eight mile Ranch Rd and in P.M. use Rd 893 to Scout.Good Luck in "06"
I may run into you on this hunt, I was also fortunate to get this tag. I spent 2 days over the July 4th holiday glassing these units. I was on eight mile road and the cross over road from road 893 where the pavement ends and saw 10 antelope. It was stormy when I was there, lots of puddles supplying water. I saw my biggest concentration of animals (over 40) at the north end, along the road between units 112 and 113, north of Tippett. I have hunted this area for deer in recent years and done some camping here. The are plenty of animals and some nice bucks too. I saw no real real trophies, but you can't eat the horns!
Thanks for the info from your scouting trip. I'm going out either the first or second weekend of August to look around a bit - I'll let you know what I see.

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