Nuwt is the man

"Nuwt is the man"

Newt Gingrich arguably started the Conservative Republicans down the path of irrelevance. This clown?s contract with America is why the conservatives lost control of congress and will most likely loose the white house in ?08. He is a wannabe, goofy, looser that couldn't beat Rush Limbaugh in a contest for biggest loud mouth in America! Ever wonder why dumb-dumb Bush didn't call on him for some cabinet post?

LAST EDITED ON Nov-23-07 AT 09:01PM (MST)[p]OK Rus, we get it, you don't like Newt Gingrich. What you failed to make a worthwhile comment about, is whether you think he's correct in his view on terrorism, or you think he's simply wrong. Come on, the rest of us would like to know what you think.

Rus, you and I don't know each other, so I can't say whether you know more about the mid-east than I do. I can say, based on brief personal experience, that I firmly believe they are a much bigger threat to our country, society, way of life and our very lives themselves than most liberals want to believe. I spent just over two months living and working in the middle east in 1983, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I came away from that project with a very changed view of the arab and muslim cultures and world, and can assure you from first hand experience that they are nothing like we are. Maybe you've had more hands-on experience with muslims than me, but I doubt it from your comments. You have no idea how serious this problem is, and I can only hope that it doesn't take the bombing of one of our cities to wake people such as yourself up to the true danger we face.

So, elaborate and tell us whether you think Mr. Gingrich is correct or not. We don't need to hear your views about him, only what you think of his speech. Tell us what you believe.
We all know what he thinks. He thinks what his talkin point tell him to think
Guilty as charged. I didn't watch the video at 1st because it takes forever for my PC to download video. I did click on the (read) icon. Gingrich was talking about campaign finance reform from the perspective of someone who wants to run for president in 2008 and has no support to do so. I still believe Gingrich did a lot more damage to his party than good because of his vindictive attacks on Clinton.

Now after watching the video, I don't disagree with what Newt is saying about the Middle East. In fact it pretty well sums up how badly this administration has screwed up the war on terror. He recognizes the issue as being a regional problem rather than a problem with Iraq.

I'm no expert on the Middle East but I don't think you have to be to realize we have taken a wrong and dangerous path in the war on terror.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-24-07 AT 10:53AM (MST)[p]RUS, you're an interesting fellow. I usually make a point of reading your posts, as I do try to understand what makes people tick, who are so unlike myself. Glad to hear that you finally watched the video after making your comments about Gingrich. At least now you're informed about what we are talking about. Political speech is rightly protected in this country, but isn't it easier to make cogent points on a subject when you actually know what we're talking about, which can only occur after you watched the video?

Why is it, among a group of people who have such a hatred toward our President and his administration, that they won't miss any opportunity to turn a discussion about any issue into what they perceive as a Bush problem? Rus, you're among a group of people in this country who have such an overt hatred of Bush that it doesn't matter what he and the administration do, right or wrong, you'll find something wrong with it. Your hatred blinds you to so much of what is truly wrong, and both sides of the aisle have plenty that is wrong with them, that postive changes could be made if more people would only focus on what needs to be done right, instead of simply opposing the other side, even when they're right.

I have as dim a view of liberals like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barbar Boxer as you do of conservatives; however, I try to focus on what they say and do, rather than take every single example of news and figure out how to turn it into an explanation or blame for how screwed up they are. People with a view such as yours really do seem to regard the other side of the aisle as your biggest enemy, when in fact we're all in this together. You and I are so unlike each other, I believe that muslim extremists are the problem, and threat to our way of life, and you think George Bush is the biggest problem we face. I believe that legislators like Pelosi, Reid and the rest of their ilk are a big part of why we have these problems, as they don't take the threat seriously and resist attempts to beat these fascists back to where they belong. I may be wrong, but I also believe that people with a view such as yours won't realize we have a bigger problem (as you see it) than the republican party and conservatives, until it's too late and thousands of people die or we are forced into a much wider and dealier war with those who's primary focus is to kill us, because we aren't like them.

Political correctness.....ISN'T!
CAelknuts, I apologized for not watching the video 1st. I thought when I clicked on the (read) icon it was the printed version of the video. Anyway, don't confuse disagreement with hatred. I don't hate anyone period. You're correct when you say I believe Bush is currently our biggest problem. When I say Bush I mean his administration. I truly believe that the invasion of Iraq was a huge mistake. I believe the motives for the invasion are far different than what we were led to believe. I believe the region is more unstable now than when the Bush administration began. I believe that Newt Gingrich epitomizes the move by the extreme conservative right towards the politics of hatred. I don't apologize for not marching lock step with the premise that you are "either with us or against us".

I bet that we all would have a far different opinion of each other if we spoke face to face. Print is a poor way to communicate.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-24-07 AT 12:49PM (MST)[p]

lest we forget (story posted below) - I wish the republican party would stay out of the gutter, but it's more and more clear today that the moral party just likes to talk about it. . . Guliani, Newt, Fred, hard to be on the "moral" side of things when the people the GOP supports cant lead the moral party by example. . . well, unless they are trying to lead them underground. . .

Can anyone tell us how come the moral party cant/wont find, or support a candidate that represents the moral platform? If the family values party thinks so highly of the family unit, why do you support cross dressers, two timers, gay rights supports, abortion supporters, liars, playboys and cheats?

But, more to the point, and more important is why would a moral person, of any ilk support the likes of Guliani and Newt?

March 9, 2007
Gingrich Says He Cheated on His Wife

(AP) -- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich acknowledged he was having an extramarital affair even as he led the charge against President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair, he acknowledged in an interview with a conservative Christian group.

''The honest answer is yes,'' Gingrich, a potential 2008 Republican presidential candidate, said in an interview with Focus on the Family founder James Dobson to be aired Friday, according to a transcript provided to The Associated Press. ''There are times that I have fallen short of my own standards. There's certainly times when I've fallen short of God's standards.''

Gingrich argued in the interview, however, that he should not be viewed as a hypocrite for pursuing Clinton's infidelity.

''The president of the United States got in trouble for committing a felony in front of a sitting federal judge,'' the former Georgia congressman said of Clinton's 1998 House impeachment on perjury and obstruction of justice charges. ''I drew a line in my mind that said, 'Even though I run the risk of being deeply embarrassed, and even though at a purely personal level I am not rendering judgment on another human being, as a leader of the government trying to uphold the rule of law, I have no choice except to move forward and say that you cannot accept ... perjury in your highest officials.''

Widely considered a mastermind of the Republican revolution that swept Congress in the 1994 elections, Gingrich remains wildly popular among many conservatives. He has repeatedly placed near the top of Republican presidential polls recently, even though he has not formed a campaign.

Gingrich has said he is waiting to see how the Republican field shapes up before deciding in the fall whether to run.

Reports of extramarital affairs have dogged him for years as a result of two messy divorces, but he has refused to discuss them publicly.

Gingrich, who frequently campaigned on family values issues, divorced his second wife, Marianne, in 2000 after his attorneys acknowledged Gingrich's relationship with his current wife, Callista Bisek, a former congressional aide more than 20 years younger than he is.

His first marriage, to his former high school geometry teacher, Jackie Battley, ended in divorce in 1981. Although Gingrich has said he doesn't remember it, Battley has said Gingrich discussed divorce terms with her while she was recuperating in the hospital from cancer surgery.

Gingrich married Marianne months after the divorce.

''There were times when I was praying and when I felt I was doing things that were wrong. But I was still doing them,'' he said in the interview. ''I look back on those as periods of weakness and periods that I'm ... not proud of.''

Gingrich's congressional career ended in 1998 when he abruptly resigned from Congress after poor showings from Republicans in elections and after being reprimanded by the House ethics panel over charges that he used tax-exempt funding to advance his political goals.
RUS, perhaps you're right. We might see things differently if we were talking in person. While I believe that there are many things our current administration has done that weren't handled as well as they should have been, or were mistakes in hindsight, I also realize that there are many things the other side of the aisle is wrong about as well. Neither party gives us what we should have, but we deserve what we get since we keep electing people who are more concerned with their own power than in doing what is best for our country. I believe that if our founding fathers were alive today, we'd have a much different country than we do.

Also, I must thank Tfinalshot, as your post directly above mine validates pretty much everything I've been saying above this post about the mentality of some people.
>RUS, perhaps you're right. We
>might see things differently if
>we were talking in person.
> While I believe that
>there are many things our
>current administration has done that
>weren't handled as well as
>they should have been, or
>were mistakes in hindsight, I
>also realize that there are
>many things the other side
>of the aisle is wrong
>about as well. Neither
>party gives us what we
>should have, but we deserve
>what we get since we
>keep electing people who are
>more concerned with their own
>power than in doing what
>is best for our country.
> I believe that if
>our founding fathers were alive
>today, we'd have a much
>different country than we do.
>Also, I must thank Tfinalshot, as
>your post directly above mine
>validates pretty much everything I've
>been saying above this post
>about the mentality of some

LAST EDITED ON Nov-24-07 AT 08:47PM (MST)[p]URRRRP! Sorry my bad, I've been drinking!

I believe that if
>our founding fathers were alive
>today, we'd have a much
>different country than we do.

Probably wouldn't smell very good though.


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