Nugent Guilty Again


Long Time Member
Ted Nugent agrees to plead guilty in illegal kill
By RACHEL D'ORO, Associated Press

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) ? Rocker and wildlife hunter Ted Nugent has agreed to plead guilty to transporting a black bear he illegally killed in southeast Alaska.

Nugent made the admission in signing a plea agreement with federal prosecutors that was filed Friday in U.S. District Court.

Calls seeking comment from Nugent, his Anchorage attorney, Wayne Anthony Ross, and assistant U.S. Attorney Jack Schmidt were not immediately returned.

The plea agreement says Nugent illegally shot and killed the bear in May 2009 on Sukkwan Island days after wounding a bear in a bow hunt, which counted toward a state seasonal limit of one bear.

According to the agreement, first reported by the Anchorage Daily News, the six-day hunt was filmed for his Outdoor Channel television show, "Spirit of the Wild." In the hunt, Nugent used a number of bear-baiting sites on U.S. Forest Service property, according to the agreement.

The document says Nugent knowingly possessed and transported the bear in misdemeanor violation of the federal Lacey Act.

Nugent, identified in the agreement as Theodore A. Nugent, agreed to pay a $10,000 fine, according to the agreement, which says he also agreed with a two-year probation, including a special condition that he not hunt or fish in Alaska or Forest Service properties for one year. He also agreed to create a public service announcement that would be broadcast on his show every second week for one year, the document states.

"This PSA will discuss the importance of a hunter's responsibility in knowing the rules and regulations of the hunting activities that they engage in, which is subject to the review and final approval, prior to any broadcast, by a representative of the United States Attorney's Office in the District of Alaska," the agreement says.

Nugent, who signed the document April 14, also agreed to pay the state $600 for the bear that was taken illegally, according to the agreement. He would still need to enter the plea in court and have the plea be approved by a judge.

Nugent ? a conservative activist famed for his 1977 hit "Cat Scratch Fever" ? drew the attention of the Secret Service after he rallied support last weekend for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and said of the Obama administration: "We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November." His comments were made during a National Rifle Association meeting in St. Louis.

Nugent said on his website Thursday that he discussed the matter with two agents on Thursday while in Oklahoma.

"The meeting could not have gone better," he said. "I thanked them for their service, we shook hands and went about our business. God bless the good federal agents wherever they may be."

Nugent said he was just speaking figuratively and that he didn't threaten anyone's life or advocate violence.

"Metaphors needn't be explained to educated people," he said.

A Secret Service spokesman has said the issue has been resolved.

With hunting, Nugent has run afoul of the law before.

In August 2010, California revoked Nugent's deer hunting license after he pleaded no contest to misdemeanor charges of deer-baiting and not having a properly signed tag.

Nugent's loss of that deer hunting license through June 2012 allows 34 other states to revoke the same privilege under the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact. Each state, however, can interpret and enforce the agreement differently.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
I agree Walt, but did you know that there were any places that have a law like he evidently violated? I sure didn't, although I have heard of outfitters having it in their contract that if you wound an animal that they consider it a kill and the hunt is over. That is their own requirement though, and not any state law. The requirements in the western states, especially just to apply for a license in many instances, have gotten to where it takes a PHD to understand! This appears to be another violation that was shown on TV and got the celebrity charged, similar to the other incidents reported recently by the media.
Celebs always draw alot of attention to themeselves wanted or not. It's too bad Uncle Ted has these black marks on his record but it sounds like he has taken the punishment and hopefully this will be the last of it. I'm sure there have been people out to get him because he is a high profile activist. I do think he has done a huge amount of good for hunters, gun owners and our troops though.JMO.
Thank you Mr. Nugent!
I agree TOPGUN,in Alaska the regs say that to pursue and to bag big game is considered the same.I have talked to a lot of hunters who have been burned.
come on, we need a PHD to understand game laws in different states? Even if Nugent is that dumb, you don't think his outfitter knew the laws of that state? Reminds me of RMEF CEO Paul Allen telling us how we need Garth Carter because the drawing procedures are just so complicated. Give us a break.
This guy is a repeat game law violator and should be called out. He is an affront to all honest and ethical hunters across this country and should be shunned.

If memory serves me correctly Ted is a speaker for SFW. Irony?

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 10:06AM (MST)[p]piper---I don't know how you can say that about applying for licenses in some of the western states. There are so many units and sub units in some of the states that my head is swimming by the time I go through everything. New Mexico and AZ are two examples. Maybe it just takes a little time getting to know each one because I think Wyoming is real easy and others think it's a mess. I didn't say that knowledge of the game laws was that difficult and don't disagree that you or your guide, if you have one, should know everything. However, to say what was just said above by elderado is really not fair. He has had what most would consider minor violations and both were not contested when he found out he had made mistakes. He is definitely on the brash side, but to say he's an affront to all honest hunters and should be shunned is baloney IMHO. We all should be happy he's been on our side of the fence on the gun issue because, God forbid, if he was on the other side we would probably have lost a lot more than we already have. He's not my favorite guy around, but he no candy azz when we're talking about serious rights that they're trying to take away from us all the time. I believe Ted did lend his name on something having to do with SFW, but he puts his name out on a lot of stuff and that may be one where if he had plenty of time to look into things that he wouldn't have. Just sayin! Look at how many people that are members in that organization and know how it works that still think it's better than sliced bread!
Minor violations? A violation is still a violation regardless of the severity or implication of that violation. So I gather it's O.K. to violate game laws just because it may be seen as just a "minor" violation? Either you fully comply with game and state laws or you don't. There's simply no in-between.

eldorado.give it a rest, you sound like a cry baby.we know he did it,. we dont need you telling us what is right and wrong.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 01:55PM (MST)[p]We get it! You're perfect and have never made a mistake in your life! Like was said, give it a rest. I, and nobody else, ever said that it was okay to violate any law! The guy was guilty and I would put it as similar to a minor traffic violation of 5MPH over, rather than intentionally going 50MPH over the speed limit!!! The guy is in the spotlight and has to be that much more careful that he doesn't screw up. He didn't and paid the price!
there is a huge difference to me. its not black and white like some post. i would compare it to a speeding ticket vs murder. there are mild offenses and severe offenses. this is mild IMO. Give the guy a break.

The guys that shoot out of season, without a tag, those are the ones we should all want the harsh punishments for.

I would watch Ted Nugent in concert,it would be a hell of lot better than watching some gangsta rap at the White House!
Dang. I was hoping the SS found him guilty of conspiracy to assassinate the prez.

Only in RWJ land would you find someone dumb enough to defend this bag of $htt. What exactly does he need to do? Vote for Barry for you guys to not defend him? He is the cancer of hunting and gun rights.

ZIG ZAG take it easy!Ted has BALLS,just think about those Gentlemen sitting in that room over 200 years ago writing up that constitution so you can speak your mind.
Ziggy, Nugent is not the best spokesman for hunting and gun rights due to his off the wall B. S. But, he is not the cancer to hunting and gun rights, that honor belongs to left wing liberals like you and Piper who voted for Obama and will vote for him again.

"Yerr stoopud!"

I love those replies. Supporting one extremist only attracts the oppositions extremists. There will be major backlash from this clown.
>"Yerr stoopud!"
>I love those replies. Supporting
>one extremist only attracts the
>oppositions extremists. There will
>be major backlash from this

Take a nap and sober up
>>"Yerr stoopud!"
>>I love those replies. Supporting
>>one extremist only attracts the
>>oppositions extremists. There will
>>be major backlash from this
> Take a nap
>and sober up

Another "yerr stoopud" comment already. Nice!

Having Nugent defend guns and hunting is like having OJ Simpson defending women's rights.
I don't think Nugent is a "spokesman" for any group or organization on any official level. He's a celebrity with a stage and mic in front of him at all times and 99% of what he says rings true on some level with most gun owners and hunters (whether they wanna admit it or not) and the rest of what he says makes us cringe.

I have never met anyone I agree with accross the board on any issue and probably never will. I welcome him as a mouthpiece celebrity with access to millions and a STRONG second amendment opinion that closely echoes mine and a tendency to say brash things that focus the spotlight on himself occasionally only to then get the real message out to the now larger audience. I sometimes wonder whether it's intentional.

Some of the IDIOTIC CRAP our commander in chief has done and said as the OFFICIAL SPOKESMAN AND REPRESENTATIVE OF OUR ENTIRE COUNTRY makes Nugent look like the perfect spokesman.

Ziggy are you one of his long lost illegitimate children that he never paid child support on or spent time with?


Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of
ignorance, and the gospel of envy.

You have enemies? Good. That means you've
stood up for something, sometime in your life.

- Winston Churchill
Beats me, but all I said in reference to the Nugent concert getting cancelled at Fort Knox was that it was the .... and, bingo, GONE!!!
His concert is being canceled is because of his mouth, Im sorry but Obama is the commander in chief,like it or not. Ziggy is right, extremism has its place but not when it comes to protecting our hunting rights, the vast majority of citizens in this country are neither hunters or antihunters, and hypermouthed people like Nugent probably aren't doing us any favors in the long run on that front.
piper---That may be true, but you still have to remember that we live in a country where freedom of speech is a basic tenet of our existence and to the best of my knowledge Ted has always stated that we go to the ballot box to solve our problems, not using violence. Granted, he's an extremist, but I'd still rather have him on our side that the antis.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-12 AT 02:02PM (MST)[p]Not much a fan of Nugent but I respect him for speaking is mind and him preaching the basics of America being the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...

If he expects to be taken seriously by Americans then he needs to be certain he is abiding by every law out there and should be held to a greater standard than the rest of us, no excuses. If he wants to continue with any amount of credibility speaking as a rep for hunting and the second ammendment he needs to step it up... I believe he is capable of this IF he can a swallow small fraction of his ego.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
Wow.... So let me get this straight. We've got a guitar player convicted
Of multiple game violations. Same guitar player happens to be a champion
Of the 2nd amendment and Constitution but wouldn't do his duty to defend
Either when the draft board came a calling.

Sounds like a poaching coward to me.

I don't believe Nugent did anything that others didn't legally do when "the draft board came a calling" and here's a question for you. Even though there's no draft now, have you volunteered and served two or three years for your country as the patriot you seem to be? If you haven't, I would suggest your's was a very lame post, so maybe that makes you a coward! I've searched all over the net and can find nothing regarding what you mentioned, so I have to assume he was exempted due to an injury of some sort. Back then there were thousands that either did the same thing if they had a qualifying problem, some were exempt because they were in college, and some left the country so they wouldn't have to serve. The latter IMHO would qualify more as a coward than Nugent possibly taking advantage of a legal out. I do believe he has bad knees, so maybe that was the case way back in the 60s.
>Left wing zigga has spoken, it
>must be true.

I don't write the news.

Poaching coward pretty much nails it. You could also add deadbeat dad but we could be here all day if we got started.
TOPGUN I did register for the draft when I was 18 BECAUSE IT IS THE LAW. TOPGUN I had a Brother serve 2 tours with the USMC over there. He did in fact get a purple heart his first tour and still re-upped!! I WOULD HAVE DONE MY DUTY IF CALLED!!

I have NEVER broken a game law!! Let alone multiple game laws.

Look, Nugent is as big a hypocrite as you'll ever find.

WW---Is it a fact that Ted dodged the service because I can't find a thing about it anywhere? Good for your brother and good for you if you would have served when called. I enlisted in 68 and did three years with the Army Vet Corp, but stayed in the states the entire time. Please don't get me wrong because I'm not condoning anything Ted has done wrong whether it's violating game laws, not serving in the armed forces if he was able, or anything else. I have wondered myself at times if he's a bigger detriment with his mouth than the good he does. Millions think he makes a big positive contribution to the hunting/shooting sports and maybe millions are in your camp too.
Whats really bad is the fact that he's still done more for sportsmen than all of those who will criticize him.
I'll take Teds conservation loving patriotism any day over some of the anti American, politically correct whiney-arsed crap I hear every day.
At least he's still "got a pair".
Ironic that this comes out in the media days after he badmouths the commie-and-chief. Ted screwed up, again. Not good. Ted does more to promote what we all love than most Americans - very good.

Zigg is a piece of work. I wonder if he is a closet left-wing PETA member.
I've never been much of a fan of his music, but I respect all the good he has done for hunters and gun owners in America. A true patriot, that the libs love to target. When caught in the technicalities, he mans up and moves on. Some of us on the board could learn from that example.
So....All you anti Nugent guys, give me an example of YOUR pick to replace Ted and his POSITIVE attributes?

A true Patriot, anti drug, anti alcohol, anti freeloaders.

Yes, he speaks his mind and says some things that make me cringe, but that is HIS way of staying in the spotlight and getting his message out.

Your way seems to be sitting on your azz and sniveling.

I still go with the old saying, The enemy of my enemy, is my friend".

Who else has the platform?

And really, most of the stuff you guys are whining about can be hung on dozens of regular people.

The game violations are acts of stupidity and until someone shows me a coverup over any of them, I'll stick with stupid.

I suspect hanging the tag "coward" on him is also stupid, and I doubt you would say it to his face. He had legitimate deferments, as did millions of others at the time.

I hold nothing against him and I am a Vietnam Disabled Veteran.

"I could eat a bowl of Alphabet Soup and
sh!t a better argument than that!"
>WW---Is it a fact that Ted
>dodged the service because I
>can't find a thing about
>it anywhere?

>High Times:How did you get out of the draft?

Ted Nugent: I got my physical notice 30 days prior to. Well, on that day I ceased cleansing my body. No more brushing my teeth, no more washing my hair, no baths, no soap, no water. Thirty days of debris build. I stopped shavin? and I was 18, had a little scraggly beard, really looked like a hippie. I had long hair, and it started gettin? kinky, matted up. Then two weeks before, I stopped eating any food with nutritional value. I just had chips, Pepsi, beer-stuff I never touched-buttered poop, little jars of Polish sausages, and I'd drink the syrup, I was this side of death, Then a week before, I stopped going to the bathroom. I did it in my pants. poop, piss the whole shot. My pants got crusted up.
So I went in, and those guys in uniform couldn't believe the smell. They were ridiculin? me and pushin? me around and I was cryin?, but all the time I was laughin? to myself. When they stuck the needle in my arm for the blood test I passed out, and when I came to they were kicking me into the wall. Then they made everybody take off their pants, and I did, and this sergeant says, ?Oh my God, put those back on! You f*cking swine you!? Then they had a urine test and I couldn't piss, But my poop was just like ooze, man, so I poop in the cup and put it on the counter. I had poop on my hand and my arm. The guy almost puked. I was so proud. I knew I had these chumps beat. The last thing I remember was wakin? up in the ear test booth and they were sweepin? up. So I went home and cleaned up.

They took a putty knife to me. I got the street rats out of my hair, ate some good steaks, beans, potatoes, cottage cheese, milk. A couple of days and I was ready to kick ass. And in the mail I got this big juicy 4-F. They?d call dead people before they'd call my ass. But you know the funny thing about it? I'd make an incredible army man. I'd be a colonel before you knew what hit you, and I'd have the baddest bunch of motherf*ckin? killers you'd ever seen in my platoon. But I just wasn?t into it. I was too busy doin? my own thing, you know?
I was at the Hunting Expo in Salt Lake a couple of years ago. Ted Nugent was there and he was going to give a talk in the back corner of the place. They had some bleachers set up and a small walkway in front with a barrier and Ted was to talk on the other side.

There was this low life walking around the expo with a vest on which said "I Like Mormon *****" on the back of it. When I seen him walking around, I couldn't believe they had let him in or that someone hadn't escorted him out or beat the crap out of him while he was in there.

Ted was giving his talk and this guy comes and starts walking back and forth in front of the bleachers so everyone could read his vest. Ted finally stopped talking looks at the guy and said to him "Hey, do you know I killed something that looked like you last week". Everyone busted out laughing and the guy left the place.

I cringe at some of the things Ted says, but he uses his celebrity platform protecting our constitutional rights and the 2nd amendment better than most do.
What I find amazing in this thread is someone would vote for Obama amd in the same voice beyotch about Ted Nugent??? Obama is tearing this country down and all some of you are worried about is an old rock star??? WOW! as you would say....

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Be gratefull you were born in the USA so you can do and say what you have done,Hitler or some other Tyrant would have you executed.
>What I find amazing in this
>thread is someone would vote
>for Obama amd in the
>same voice beyotch about Ted
>Nugent??? Obama is tearing this
>country down and all some
>of you are worried about
>is an old rock star???
>WOW! as you would say....
>Government doesn't fix anything and has
>spent trillions proving it!!!
>Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday,
>even the calender says WTF!

Obama is tearing this country down?? Oh yeah, because things were running so smoothly when he took office. I forgot.


This "old rock star" is the worst thing for hunting and gun rights that you could possibly imagine. Calling him a Patriot is an insult to anyone that has fought or died for this country.

Continue on as it looks like you guys have all things figured out in rwj land. I sure would like to visit someday but for now I'll stand on the outside looking in. Enjoy!
+1 to everyone except Zigga since my last post #47. To his comments I say: "Get a life" if you really believe what you're saying because it's now BO and all the other Lib crappola that are doing more to ruin this country right now than 100,000 Ted Nugents!!! PS: The friggin R's aren't much better and that's why I vote Independent. If a lot more did, we might be able to turn this country around and get it back from all the career politicians in the two main parties!
This guy(Ted Nugent)might be abrasive, arrogant, and have broken multiple game laws but at the end of the day I believe he doesn't even have a secret desire to infringe on ANY of my god-given rights or individual liberties. This in and of itself is due cause for me to hold him in higher esteem than millions of other americans including Mr. Obama.
Z, I never thought anyone would make me want to vote for GW again...But Obama make GW look pretty damn good!!! That's how "good" things are going...How do you like your change now...Liberals??? Just dumb Republicans!!! I agree vote independant.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
>Z, I never thought anyone would
>make me want to vote
>for GW again...But Obama make
>GW look pretty damn good!!!
>That's how "good" things are
>going...How do you like your
>change now...Liberals??? Just dumb Republicans!!!
>I agree vote independant.
>Government doesn't fix anything and has
>spent trillions proving it!!!
>Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday,
>even the calender says WTF!

We are finally getting somewhere. Another decade of listening to me and we'll all be on the same page. Politicians suck! Every 4 years we pick the politician we want screwing this country into the ground. That's all it amounts to.
"Politicians suck! Every 4 years we pick the politician we want screwing this country into the ground. That's all it amounts to."

Now you've finally said something that I can definitely agree with!
Solesearcher said, "This guy(Ted Nugent)might be abrasive, arrogant, and have broken multiple game laws but at the end of the day I believe he doesn't even have a secret desire to infringe on ANY of my god-given rights or individual liberties. This in and of itself is due cause for me to hold him in higher esteem than millions of other Americans including Mr. Obama.

+1 well said, very well said!

i still hate the fact that he came hunting to Kali, killed a spike buck while using bait to do it, both of which are big no-no's here. He seems to have no regard for the Game laws of the states that he wants to hunt in and him being rich, popular, or a voice of the NRA or any other Org., is no excuse!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-12 AT 09:27PM (MST)[p]Am I the only one who finds it kinda funny that someone is posting Quotes from a High Times magazine?



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Nugent publicly denies dodging the draft by crapping his pants. The post above is the first documentation I have seen of the allegation other than word of mouth.

His game violations are inexcusable.

Am I the only one that finds it ironic that the Secret Service went after Nugent in the middle of their hooker scandal?

Nothing like making a new news story to try to change the current news of the day.
SS & hooker scandal in the same sentence! You better be careful or they will be coming for you next very soon! Cripes, the boys were just being boys, LOL, but it got out of hand when one gal actually wanted to get paid for her nights "work"!
For $47 they would have lived to fight again and love and party and ...

I bet they wished they would have pooled their change now.
I'd pick Antonin Scalia.

I do not wish Mr. Nugent to speak on my behalf until he can learn to put together a coherent sentence and not sound like he's borderline MH/MR with Coprolalia.
In response to Nicks post...


I think this is who they are seeking as their spokesman.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
Its probably a good thing Ted doesn't frequent this site. With his shooting of the cigar horned buck in California (among other things), his rambling talk of "Backstrap-age" and harvesting "Spirit of the Beast", the VERY VERY judgemental people that frequent this site, would eat him up. Ted would find a deep hole and cover himself up.
>In response to Nicks post...

>I think this is who they
>are seeking as their spokesman.
>"Courage is being scared to death
>but saddling up anyway."

Sweet gun Barry's packin.........hey wait a minute....
Actually, he'd cut their knutz off, fry 'em up and feed em to his dogs.

And the more i think about ziggas philosophy, i figure she's probably a smoking hot blonde from LA, NY or possibly Miami.
No real man that actually hunts could think that way, but I have known many babes that do.....she's had us fooled the whole time.
>Obama is tearing this country down??
> Oh yeah, because things
>were running so smoothly when
>he took office. I

So now Zigger shows his true colors. I can't say I am surprised. Why do you even hang out on here?
A lot of people did have legal deferments Nickman. I'm a cold war veteran myself. Maybe this will tick your box.

Posted by Frogman at years ago.

Two years ago my wife and I attended the SHOT Show in Orlando, FL. After a couple days of walking the show Mrs. Frogman was a little sluggish getting up in the morning. It was strongly suggested by her that I go get our morning coffee while she caught a few more Z's. I cautioned that she may miss something by sleeping in as more often than not I had run into someone interesting; a celebrity or whathaveyou, at that particular Starbuck's.

This mere tantalizing factoid would not budge the woman, however, and so I was off to retrieve caffeine alone.

I ordered our drinks and stood at the drink pick-up area patiently awaiting our elixirs when Ted Nugent, his wife, and someone I presumed to be his daughter walked in.

Never one to fawn on celebrities I feigned ignorance as to who he was and continued my vigil waiting for the drinks.

As I was on leave at the time, I had a couple weeks growth of beard and was wearing average civilian clothing. Ted initiated a friendly conversation about nothing in particular with me after signing a couple of autographs for patrons and sitting with his family next to where I stood.

His wife glanced at me from behind her morning paper where she had conveniently hid out while he signed the autograph or two before seating himself and engaging me in idle chit chat. She gave me a brief once over and returned to her paper, intent on dismissing me, as well.

About this time Ted asked me if I was in town for the SHOT Show and I told him I was. He said he was, too, and that he was an avid hunter. I told him that that was nice. He asked me if it was the first time I had been to SHOT and I told him, "No", that I had been several times before.

He asked why I had been so many times and I simply told him that "my work sent me nearly every year." He pressed me further about what I did and I told him "I was in the Navy".

At this point I was aware of the newspaper dipping slightly behind him and saw only one of his wife's eyes above the paper examining me once more, but more carefully this time. Then the single eye disappeared behind the paper once more, apparently satisfied that something interesting may develop here after all.

Oblivious to his wife, Ted extended his hand and said that his name was "Ted". I returned the favor and he began to tell me how he had trained Navy SEALs.

I was amazed. "Really?", I said. "What do you do for a living that allows you to train those guys?"

The newspaper slowly began to lower again and a curious grin crossed his wife's face.

He said nothing of his rock life-style, in fact he never mentioned his full name. But he went on and on about how he had trained SEALs often as well as Secret Service Agents and a whole host of other high speed characters.

As his wife crossed her arms and grinned a "I knew this day was coming grin", I began to fill out my mental scorecard by asking....

" Who did you train?"

(SEALs, Secret Service, Cops..etc...heavy emphasis on SEALs.

" When did you train them?"

(Vague answer.)

"Where did you train them?"

(Texas somewhere)

And then came the famous:

"What are some of the SEALs names?"

"Oh, you wouldn't know them.", he said.

"Sure, I would", I said. "I've been a SEAL for about 20 years. Lay some names on me."

A look of horror and panic hit his face as he stumbled for words and couldn't come up with a single name. His wife beamed in the background clearly amused at this development.

I let him dangle, clearly embarrassed for a while until I thought he'd had enough. Then I changed the subject to his favorite pistol cartridge the 10mm and 1911's. He eagerly took that bait in order to drop the previous subject.

By then my drinks were up and I departed. I couldn't help it, though, when I got to my car. I fished out one of my official business cards and went back to the store. In front of his wife I gave it to him and said something to the effect of, "Well, if you're ever passing through Virginia and you want to really shoot with a SEAL here's how to get hold of me."

His wife was in total bliss as he took my card.

Some of you may remember that this was early 2006 and Mrs. Frogman was busy trying to raise money to help the families of the guys we lost on June 28, 2005. When I told her the story she was miffed at herself for missing it by sleeping in. She also felt like she had an in with ol' Ted because he had grossly exaggerated his affiliation with SEALs and she was hopeful that he would do something to chip in when it came to helping real SEAL widows and such.

He never returned her e-mail, nor did he ever call me.

But that would NOT be the last time I ran into ol' Ted Nugent.

Stand-by for part two....

Lawrence. Your story should bother me...why?

Ted has produced several "survival" type shows, some that aired and some that have not. MANY hi profile people, have participated in one degree or another. He may well have been stretching the facts, but so what?

If we slammed every ego inflated entertainer for their BS statements, we could be on that topic for days.

Besides, we have regular "Joe the Plumber" types on here, that b!cch slap Rangers, Seals, and Green Beret guys all the time!

"I could eat a bowl of Alphabet Soup and
sh!t a better argument than that!"
I hope you guys all really understand what Uncle Ted did in this case... He harvested an animal illegally and transported it across state lines. That is a Federal Lacey Act violation, we aren't talking some minor game violation here.

This dude is doing hunters a huge disservice.
Nothing like Kirt Darner. AK FISH AND GAME are pretty tuff on game violators.Ted isn't the first hunter who has wounded a bear in AK and shot another and won't be the last.
He won't be the last, but boy is he padding his resume as an example of what not to do: Shoot over bait, Lacey act, draft dodge, minor molestation, misconstrued Nobama remarks and fried brain syndrome. One can only assume more will be added to the list due to the nature of the subject.
>He won't be the last, but
>boy is he padding his
>resume as an example of
>what not to do: Shoot
>over bait, Lacey act, draft
>dodge, minor molestation, misconstrued Nobama
>remarks and fried brain syndrome.
>One can only assume more
>will be added to the
>list due to the nature
>of the subject.

Welcome to planet Earth !
Apparently the planet is more screwed up than I thought. Ted speaking for hunters is about like Andrea Yates speaking for parents.
Swear to God, simply reading some of these responses is far more detrimental to the hunting community in general, than ANYTHING Nugent may have done.

Some of you guys should have considered higher education as an maybe 8th grade.

Oh, and guess what.....Ted won't care what you think

"I could eat a bowl of Alphabet Soup and
sh!t a better argument than that!"
That story was going along pretty good and maybe a little bit believable until the "Seal" went out and got a "business card" and gave it to Ted, LOL!!! I don't believe it was considered a major game law violation or Ted would have got a lot more than he did in penalties. What I find more than a little interesting is that Alaska authorities didn't prosecute him for anything and the Feds got him for Lacey Act violations. Seems more than a coincidence with him being who he is and the Feds getting involved because I doubt that the state statute of limitations would have run out in less than 3 years since the alleged major violation of nicking a bear with a broadhead took place! Ted is way out past my liking him as his "blood brother", but I'm glad he isn't against hunting and shooting!
+1 Nickman!

Some of the chit posted here and by people who may make Ted look like a boyscout no less (we don't really know whether or not someone posting what a cull Ted is isn't a much larger cull than Ted himself now do we?).

Ted is NOT a paid spokesman for the hunting/shooting public and does no more harm than a random Jackass here posting about? Pick your poison.

He has a large audience of free thinking individuals and does things in a manner that keeps that audience tuned in. It's good that there are guys here and elsewhere that say he's a piece of chit for doing things like this because it shows that not all of us are brash ,law breaking idiots. It's also good to point to the good things he's done.

What's not good IMO is to claim he should be held to a HIGHER standard than you or I as our SPOKESMAN. Because that makes us look as if we all elected him as such, therefore his antics do then effect us. He is a celebrity with a voice and an audience and he likes himself A LOT he is NOT a spokesman for our heritage.


Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of
ignorance, and the gospel of envy.

You have enemies? Good. That means you've
stood up for something, sometime in your life.

- Winston Churchill
Thanks for the link Tony! Everyone should read that 4 page piece, as it brings up a number of very good points and isn't really that long.
>+1 Nickman!
>Some of the chit posted here
>and by people who may
>make Ted look like a
>boyscout no less (we don't
>really know whether or not
>someone posting what a cull
>Ted is isn't a much
>larger cull than Ted himself
>now do we?).
> Ted is NOT a
>paid spokesman for the hunting/shooting
>public and does no more
>harm than a random Jackass
>here posting about? Pick your
>He has a large audience of
>free thinking individuals and does
>things in a manner that
>keeps that audience tuned in.
>It's good that there are
>guys here and elsewhere that
>say he's a piece of
>chit for doing things like
>this because it shows that
>not all of us are
>brash ,law breaking idiots. It's
>also good to point to
>the good things he's done.
>What's not good IMO is to
>claim he should be held
>to a HIGHER standard than
>you or I as our
>SPOKESMAN. Because that makes us
>look as if we all
>elected him as such, therefore
>his antics do then effect
>us. He is a celebrity
>with a voice and an
>audience and he likes himself
>A LOT he is NOT
>a spokesman for our heritage.

"Ted is NOT a paid spokesman for the hunting/shooting public and does no more harm than a random Jackass here posting about? Pick your poison."

Bill,....seriously?? Ted is doing WAY more harm to gun rights and hunting (livestock shooter-he's not a hunter) than anyone has ever done. Are you out of your mind? THIS IS THE PROBLEM WITH TED! He has a mouth in addition to game violations, braindead comments about CIC, deadbeat dad and you know the rest. I guarantee you he's done things that we will NEVER know that would make any career poacher blush.

We should be paying Ted to keep his mouth shut. Do you get it yet??

All extremists are bad.
Mr. Nugent, even as a well travelled and savvy hunter, was "blindsided" by a labyrinth of hunting rules and regulations. Alaska, like every other state , gives each hunter the affirmative responsibility to know the laws that control every hunt. In Mr. Nugent's case, he was responsible for knowing that even "wounding" a bear in Alaska is the functional equivalent of "taking" a bear and would satisfy Mr. Nugent's bag limit even if the bear was never recovered. See Alaska Hunting Regulations here: . Ignorance of the law is no defense and mistakes of this caliber can cost you thousands of dollars in fines, and perhaps more importantly, your hunting privileges.

Mr. Nugent's case, however unfortunate, clarifies an extremely important lesson. Hunters, unlike the football player or the boxer, must heavily rely on their moral compass to decipher right and wrong. As Aldo Leopold observed in his flagship work, A Sand County Almanac:

"[a] peculiar virtue in wildlife ethics is that the hunter ordinarily has no gallery to applaud or disapprove of his conduct. Whatever his acts, they are dictated by his own conscience, rather than by a mob of onlookers. It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of this fact."

Already, hunting forums across the internet rage about whether and for how long Mr. Nugent should have followed the wounded bear and if he should have hung up his bow REGARDLESS of whether it was illegal to take another bear. See, Hunters across the country offer different perspectives and most are contingent on a host of facts that no one but Mr. Nugent would understand. In fact, Mr. Nugent may have made a remarkably ethical decision. This however is of little consequence in court and clearly shows why we as hunters cannot afford to rely on our common sense notions of ethics in the wild. Our privileges as hunters may be guided by our ethic, but they are controlled by the law.

Planning your hunt, whether it's an over-the-counter archery trip in Colorado, or a dream quest to Alaska, requires more than looking at maps. Your success is contingent on knowing the laws and following them closely. If you have a big hunt in the future, call us and let us help you figure out exactly what you need to do (and not do). Or saddle up next to Mr. Nugent.

Good Hunting,
"I guarantee you he's done things that we will NEVER know that would make any career poacher blush."

*** That is one assinine comment to make about anybody unless you are privy to what nobody else is, so that is absolute conjecture on your part. I will, however, agree with your last statement and I wish he would tone it down some!
> What
>are you worried about? sounds
>like you can think for
>your self like the rest
>of us.

It's hoping integrity isn't only found in the minority of hunters. I am fully capable of rationalizing things and making accurate assumptions.
>I am fully capable of
>rationalizing things and making accurate
>assumptions...........You know, like when I call someone a "draft dodger"....accurate assumptions like that.

"I could eat a bowl of Alphabet Soup and
sh!t a better argument than that!"
nope, that's not even an assumption. It's understanding that sheep are sheep even though they may be led by different shepherds.

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