
Very Active Member
Not to beat a dead horse BUT, I went onto NTO (non-typical outfitters) website and left a post under his (Robb Wiley) mule deer crisis thread. Basically, I asked him what he was doing for mule deer. I asked if he was taking less hunters, about his long range school, flying to scout,riding his stock on unapproved FS trails and being upset with people (founder) for selling GPS coordinates (isn't that what he does, except he holds their hands all the way through the process). I also told those who previously posted about being onboard with him and his crisis to do some research on Robb before writing GnF in regards to cutting tags. I was polite and the only thing I said negative was calling his "mule deer crisis" article self serving (which isn't a lie). So, what do you guess think happened? Yep, the moderator (Robb or his wife I'm guessing) refused to post it. Do you have something to hide Robb? Simple questions I thought. Heck, you posted all the positive Robb is our savior type posts. You hiding from the truth Robb? Why cant you answer the questions and leave the post up for everyone to draw their own opinions. Pretty chicken shite, but to be expected from a guy who is self serving and is all smoke and mirrors.

On a side note. Guy Eastman posted a complement to Robb and his hypocritical article. I thought Eastmans is all about DIY hunter. Guy, why not question Robb and his scouting by air, long range hunting,etc, etc, etc? What I will question when my Eastman subscription is up for renewal is how Eastmans can claim to be a DIY organization on TV/ magazine, but backs the likes of Robb and WYOGA. In my book you cant be both when Robb/ WYOGA is the biggest threat to our hunting heritage here in Wyoming. For that, I will not renew either of my Eastmans magazine subscriptions. It's not much, but I like to spend my money on like minded people/organizations.

Now, I wonder if Founder will delete this post? Merry Christmas everyone.
Nothing you stated surprises me at all about Wiley or Guy and I hope Founder leaves this thread up! I got banned from Eastmans website a couple years ago when they suddenly dropped everyone from accessing their online MRS section that we had paid good money for as a part of our magazine subscription price. There was a huge outcry by the members and numerous posts on the site were deleted, so I got about a dozen members together and wrote a complaint letter on their behalf to the Wyoming AG in Cheyenne. The AG contacted Guy and Guy sent me a nasty letter saying I didn't meet the Eastman standards (no kidding, LOL!), but he did refund my $40 subscription fee. However, I'm sure that was done just to get the AG off his back because none of the other members got a cent back and Guy made a ton of money by cheating thousands of loyal subscribers! Then the Eastman boys had the nerve to ask for everyone that lost access to the MRS to send them more money to get it back! That has more than soured me on that bunch and their MRS had so many errors in it when I got banned and my subscription cancelled that it wasn't worth the paper it was printed on anyway!
Unimpressed with the Urinal,or the MRS. Cmon Wiley, I've followed the debate, read your letter, since you make your living on the backs of the deer herd, whats your response? Bh1
I just put the comments below on his comment section and I'll bet it won't go up just like yours didn't. He sure has buffaloed a lot of people that have made positive comments on his site.

Your comment is awaiting moderation.
So are you going to take less hunters from now on, drop your long range shooting classes and quit flying a plane to scout for the largest bucks? All these things are a bigger part of the problem than selling coordinates, so if you're not a hypocrite then prove it and answer yes to my question! No answer or not posting my comment on line will be spread all over the internet and it's already started on the biggest mule deer website in the country in case you haven't been on MM!
I also was deleted off of his face book bunch of lies! It was actually posted for a few minutes but was taken down. I am sure after that they probably made it so each comment had to be viewed and approved by them before it would post. I asked him some very specific questions and I figure he didn't want to answer them and he sure didn't want others to see those questions of him.

As far as Guy Eastman. It only took me about 10 seconds after meeting him on a hunt to form an opinion of him.
Haha the Eastman way... DIY. Give me a break and as I have stated before they were the first sell outs of Wyoming mule deer! The originals and also the worst IMO.
This is a problem I have seen from a few peoples posts of old Rob and him doing what is best for the deer...

Some have said it doesn't matter what kind of guy he is as long as he is doing right by the deer.

I tend to agree with that, but there is only one problem. Because of the kind of guy he is (making a living off of the backs of deer) he is NOT trying to do what's right by the deer! He is doing what it right for his bank account. As was stated in the original post there are some things he himself could do along with a few more that would help the big buck population but he doesn't want to seem to slow down there. He blames others and also other factors and says they need to change for the better of the deer.

Haha I actually did see on his face book page where he did actually admit he and his outfit is a big contributing factor of what he is calling very critical time for deer. Then what is he himself doing about it. The answer is nothing except trying to make it easier for him and his other WYOGA cronies to make money off of mule deer.
I opened my mailbox the other day and had received the new WYOGA publication, not sure why as I have never received one In my life until now. I flipped through the pages and I kid you not there was ole Wiley?s add with his mule deer crisis letter, just below it his long range shooting school advertisement, just above it pictures of large bucks saying come hunt these giants (or something to that effect).... what a joke and a hypocrite.
Exactly! So for all of you that think that it doesn't matter who the man is all that is important is his message....

You might want to reconsider who the man is and what his motives are for spreading his message
It's called capitalism. the check on capitalism only comes from forced limitations and restrictions. in this case tag numbers would be the most obvious remedy since the law allows their legal business activities.

At some point residents are going to have to admit they're part of the problem too. find a trophy deer area with unlimited tags that's worth a chit for very long in any state.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Dec-25-17 AT 04:06PM (MST)[p]You have no idea what you are even talking about Ocho. Hmmm. Show you a trophey area well. Why don't you just check out Rob's pimp page. Those deer are not trophey worthy to you? And guess what the area has been over the counter for residents for ever.

We have no problem. Thanks for your concern though
LAST EDITED ON Dec-25-17 AT 07:06PM (MST)[p]Weird, some residents are saying there is no problem, then other talk about how bad it is, or how good it could be?
I dont have a dog in the fight as a NR. What I do know is, if its bad you guy better pray you dont have another bad winter.
>Weird, some residents are saying there
>is no problem, then other
>talk about how bad it
>is, or how good it
>could be?
>I dont have a dog in
>the fight as a NR.
>What I do know is,
>if its bad you guy
>better pray you dont have
>another bad winter.

Maybe the ones that say it's bad are not good hunters and the ones that say otherwise know what they're doing up there in that high country! I was up there in G in 2015 and 2016 and unless there was a lot of winter kill last year there should be plenty of good bucks up there if a guy knows how to hunt that kind of country.
We hunted G this year. Saw 9 different bucks and a half dozen does in the area we hunted. Not sure what the norm should be as it was our first year hunting it.
The early snow during the hunt for sure saved some deer for 2018.
>We hunted G this year. Saw
>9 different bucks and a
>half dozen does in the
>area we hunted. Not sure
>what the norm should be
>as it was our first
>year hunting it.
>The early snow during the hunt
>for sure saved some deer
>for 2018.

How many days did you hunt up there in G this past season Junior? It sounds like the weather sucked for good hunting again the first few days of the season just like it did for the opener in 2015 a few days before we got there and started hunting on the 20th. We had great weather on our five day hunt and took two really nice bucks in the 170s and 180s even though overall we didn't see that many deer.
We were there 2 days early to hunt 7 days. It was so cloudy/foggy on day one we couldn't see nothing. Then a couple snow storms shut us down. There was no being quiet once the snow frooze/crusted over.
The first storm dropped around 4". The next storm was worse! 20" someone estimated. We were camped several miles inn diy without horses. Thankfully we had phone service, and saw the weather alerts. We come down before the second storm hit. Then went back a couple days later.
The deer we were watching had changed up completely, and we run out of time finding them again. My buddy had to go back to work, so we went home. We had a good trip.
Funny how some are good with raping and pillaging public land for financial gain but draw the line when an outfitter makes a legal profit from it.

I don't hunt this area and don't intent to. but I know residents have been pounding it unchecked forever. when I hunted moose there a few years back I saw lots of 160 type bucks coming down the hill. mostly in rigs with WY plates.

I asked where does trophy mule deer hunting last long with this management? with todays long range equipment and hunters who can and will spend weeks hunting it's no mystery why things are going down hill. throw a bad winter or two in the mix and presto it's bad.

It's up to the residents what happens from here, and if you really care you're going to have to pull one hand out of the cookie jar to fix it.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Funny how some are good with
>raping and pillaging public land
>for financial gain but
>draw the line when an
>outfitter makes a legal profit
>from it.
>I don't hunt this area and
>don't intent to. but
>I know residents have been
>pounding it unchecked forever. when
>I hunted moose there a
>few years back I saw
>lots of 160 type bucks
>coming down the hill.
>mostly in rigs with WY
>> I asked where does trophy
>mule deer hunting last
>long with this management?
>with todays long range equipment
>and hunters who can and
>will spend weeks hunting it's
>no mystery why things are
>going down hill. throw
>a bad winter or two
>in the mix and presto
>it's bad.
> It's up to the residents
>what happens from here, and
>if you really care you're
>going to have to pull
>one hand out of the
>cookie jar to fix it.

So you don't hunt it and have only been there one time years ago, but are now posting as an expert on the entire area, LOL! I'll end my post right here, as I think that's all that needs to be said about your knowledge on how "it's getting pounded and is going down hill"!
Hi Russ,

Thank you for your question. I will try to answer it for you.

Our long range shooting classes help the deer in a few ways. First off, one of the things that we really focus on in the class is determining one?s effective shot distance. For most of the students in the class, it is not as far as they thought! In the mountains there are certainly more variables to take into consideration when making an ethical shot at an animal. Wind, angle and other factors all effect the shot. Many of our students leave the class with a better understanding of what their individual shot distance should be under certain conditions.

Teaching someone to be able to make a good and ethical shot at 400 yards will also improve their shots at 200 yards. We believe that the more people we can train to make good ethical hunting decisions and one shot kills, the less wounded game there will be. I would venture to say that a wounded animal in the wild has a very low chance of long term survival. We teach shot placement and ethical decisions as well as shooting at our classes and feel very confident that the classes help the hunting sport as a whole.

Once again, thank you for your question. We welcome the opportunity to explain to anyone what our philosophy is as far as shooting goes.

Have a Merry Christmas!!

Brenda Wiley
Non-Typical Outfitters (BG351)
P.O. Box 3644
Alpine, WY 83128
(307) 654-0000
[email protected]
Hahaha that is hilarious! Their class helps the deer. Man everything in these peoples lives that they do "helps the deer". Forget about it helping their bank accounts they only want to help the deer. If they are so concerned about people making unethical shots why do they not make each and everyone of there clients go through their "class" free of charge? Seems like the right thing to do following their logic on this.

I do not mind at all the fact they do have such a class, and people are to lazy, or as others put it just don't have the time to learn these skills on their own. What bothers me is he sits on his high horse and lists this as one of the reasons these big bucks are in trouble then out of the other side of his face his wife will tell you why there long range class helps the deer.

Hmmm where have we heard this before from these people.. All of you others need to do this or that to help the BIG deer but we are not going to change a thing.
You might notice I keep referring to BIG deer as to what they are concerned with. That is because they are not at all concerned with the overall herds health, because that doesn't affect their pockets. They only care of BIG deer. The science and data all show the overall health of the heard is in good to great shape. Of course last years winter took its toll, but barring anything major like that in the next few years the herd should be right back to where it was.

In some of his posts he claimed he and his wife could stop hunting mule deer now and be completely content because of all the great hunts they have been part of. Then Rob goes on to say he won't stop now because he just don't want to. I say if he wants to save a few big deer a year then put your money where your mouth is and close shop.
One more thing to point out about his high horse claims opposed to reality.

He claims how he and his guides stress to the clients that shooting the good but younger bucks is not good for the herd. They stress this should be avoided.

Well he may say that around the campfire to them, or when he is talking with them while booking, but once again look at his web page. He takes some great bucks to be sure. No arguments there, but the much higher percentage of his bucks are the very ones he claims to not want anyone shooting including his clients. Money talks.

Deerlove I am glad you posted this for all to read. I sure wish he or she would have emailed me with answers to all of my questions.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-17 AT 12:04PM (MST)[p]Ocho as I said above you have no idea what you are talking about as it pertains to this subject. Thanks for stating some facts to back that up.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-17 AT 12:24PM (MST)[p]440, yes there are things that can be done, but Robb/WYOGA will scream and kick the whole time. First, I think the season needs to be shortened. The deer get pounded and they can only hide out for so long. I also think Wyoming should go to a state wide opener on all general season deer hunts. Now can you imagine Robb pushing for a week long season. Of course not, Robb/WYOGA wouldn't be able to bring in half as many deer hunters. So Robb will only push for one thing, and that is to limit the resident hunters. Robb/ WYOGA would still be booked out years in advance and he wouldn't have to worry about resident hunters shooting the bucks he had scouted. Robb may very well be concerned about the mule deer herd, but he won't change his ways. He wants others to change, meaning limiting resident hunters. How many of you actually think Robb is cutting the number of deer hunters he's taking in the upcoming years to save the herd? I mean afterall we are on a crisis Robb.
This is the e-mail I received from Robb, after he deleted my post of his website.


I am sorry you feel I am hypocritical. You are actually wrong about that part. I would say I have an insight to what is happening on the ground better than most, hence my concern. You also are making some huge assumptions that my shooting classes are about long range. We spend more time reining students in on range, we are more about being accurate at all distances and knowing your personal limits. We also spend more time on off hand and short range supported shots than we do at longer ranges. Bryon, I am doing what God called me to do, I am not ashamed of doing it well. I believe I am honoring God by doing my best at everything I do, that includes killing big mule deer. But, I am also willing to take responsibility for impacting them and am doing something about it. I am not motivated by trying to get more big deer for NTO. I am truthfully embarrassed at the commercialization of hunting. When I go to a modern day sport-show, I leave sick to my stomach to see what hunting has turned into. Bryon we are all part of the problem. I am also ashamed to be called a hunter when I go to the wintergrounds on May 1st and see what hunters are doing to the herd for a lust of shed horns. It's time we all take resposibility!!! Can you?

I have never once claimed I was not responsible for impacting this herd. This is why I have made this effort to help them. I also have never shied from standing up and being accountable for NTO?s impact. You can disagree with me, that is fine. But your kidding yourself if you think this herd is not in bad shape. You can attack my message all you want, it does not change the fact this herd needs all of us to take a step back. I am standing up trying to help, what are you doing? We may not agree on a management strategy either, but we all better be willing to come to the table and help this herd or it will go down on our watch.

Respectfully, and Merry Christmas,
Robb Wiley
LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-17 AT 12:53PM (MST)[p]God chose him to kill big mule deer...

What a self righteous human being.
On his website it says. It will cover shooting targets close range off hand all the way out to 1,000 yards.
>God chose him to kill big
>mule deer...
>What a self righteous human being.

What a a bunch of BS in hers and his reply that was even worse than the article he wrote with him now bringing God into the equation, LOL! I visit the LR website once in a while that Len Backus runs and he is the one who sets up those LR classes for $1900 a pop with NTO and probably gets his cut of that money. If they are "reigning in" those who would shoot deer at LR as they stated, I wonder why they have their clients shooting out past 1200 yards that some of the clients mention in their comments on the LR website. Wiley is an absolute hypocrite and in that response he didn't mention one damn thing that he's doing to help that herd that is in a "crisis"! I haven't received anything back from him or his wife and probably won't because I don't think they could contradict a thing I posted that wasn't completely accurate about them.
>I'm still waiting for the bullet
>points on what exactly he's
>doing to "save the herd".

Maybe he won't fly any more after 7/1 to do his part in saving the herd, LOL!
What I found laughable in his e-mail to me: "You can attack my message all you want, it does not change the fact this herd needs all of us to take a step back. I am standing up trying to help, what are you doing"

I wonder what "all of us to take a step back" means? I believe it means, "I will continue to take as many hunters as I possibly can during the season, and push for LQ on resident hunters." Watch and see. Robb's article was nothing more than a ploy to get that ball rolling.
>AT 12:53?PM (MST)

>God chose him to kill big
>mule deer...
>What a self righteous human being.

Can't stop SMH on that one.

This reminds me of the movie "Oh God!" when the preacher repeats, in front of the congregation, what John Denver said about God sending him to see him.

Preacher says "Gawd, sent Him, to me"

God chose Rod Wiley to what he does! Still SMH!
I posted a message on NTO website.. It said if its so bad.. WF&G should cut the season to two weeks.. Or maybe just a week.. Have not heard any thing back yet... LOL
LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-17 AT 09:02PM (MST)[p]>I posted a message on NTO
>website.. It said if its
>so bad.. WF&G should cut
>the season to two weeks..
>Or maybe just a week..
>Have not heard any thing
>back yet... LOL

They will probably accept and post your comment since it is nothing directly against their business like ours were. Wiley definitely would not like that though because it would cut back on his number of hunters or he would have to hire more staff and ask the NF to approve opening more camps to keep the number of clients he gets at the present level in a shorter season. He wants to cut back the resident hunter numbers and it's strictly for his economic benefit and not for the good of the herd because it would lessen his competition and the vast majority of his customers are NRs.

***Addendum---They did post your comments Rodney like I figured they would. No comments have been posted since yours went up last night.
That's why I ask what I did.. Didn't figure he would like it much... But if the mule deer are that bad.. Shorten the season... It would be better than limited quota.. Than NTO could really help the heard by gutting his guided hunters...
LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-17 AT 04:55PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-17 AT 04:51?PM (MST)

Robb if you are watching this website which I'm sure you are, answer some of these questions? I am a non-resident but I'm trying to put myself in other's shoes. Would you be willing to shorten the season? Would you be willing to go 90/10 resident to non-resident, although I would not like that. If you went 90/10 then perhaps more Wyoming residents would be willing to go limited quota? Robb, tell us how you are taking a step back for the benefit of the herd, it would go a long way in having others believe you are sincere. Maybe you are, but you have to show what you're willing to sacrifice for others to believe you.
That ain't happening buddy. More than 10 years ago Robb was asking me how I could help to push his agenda back then. At that time, he wanted limited quota for residents, but wanted to build support among residents and non-residents. At that point, I told him that the outfitters should do away with that wildnerness law BS and then maybe us non-residents would rally behind them as best we could. I just thought they should do something to benefit us first.
At that time, he told me it's been in place a while and it wasn't going to change. Essentially, I was told he wouldn't be putting any effort in changing that.
We never talked again about me helping to push their agenda.

Robb single handedly cut 100 more tags in region G alone from us non-residents earlier this year. The game commission would have gone with a lesser cut, but he used his pull and got more of our opportunity taken away. And it's almost certainly gone forever. I can't imagine those tags ever coming back. The additional cut was not needed. That was very disappointing. I'm guessing that he has non-refundable deposits sitting in his bank account for the next 3 years worth of deer hunters, so in the short term the cut won't hurt him none, but it hurts non-residents and other outfitters, because those tags probably won't ever come back.

What I like to hear are outfitters, or whomever has some pull, asking the game commission to maintain non-resident tag quotas, not reduce. Many things can happen before tag cuts are needed. What Robb should have been asking for is a shorter season. Instead of trying to save 30 bucks from being shot by non-residents by cutting 100 tags, he should have saved the 30 bucks by asking for the season to be a week shorter.

That's my opinion. I tried to stay out of this thread, but I just can't do it. That dude is dishonest and posted an outright lie on his FB page about me operating illegally, along with claiming that what I do is a "major impact", yet not mentioning any of what he's done over the years to affect trophy mule deer. Not cool to be a liar to push your agenda.

>AT 04:56?PM (MST)

>P.S. One more thing, please lobby
>to get rid of that
>Wilderness Law?

Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
I sure hope they don't cut tags down to 90/10. Although, if I was a resident I can see where I would want that. I hope you get a tag founder. I enjoy watching your scouting and your season unfold. I'm sure someone will share their points with you. Good luck in the draws.
I finally went on his website and read his 2 faced bull crap. I am not impressed. I just love it how the people that reply on his page are people that agree with him. Then there is people like us who want to state something on his bull crap and zero post. I live a few houses down from the Eastmans and im going to stop by and have a chit chat with Guy. Ike is understanding and will sit and listen to what you say but Guy can be thick headed
Rob will never get on here and debate because he does not have the power to delete questions asked of him.

Haha founder and just to think you have residents on here telling you we do not support the wilderness law and Rob telling you personally otherwise and still WYOGA is more of a friend to you then the average Joe's?

NFH I sure hope to hear about that conversation.

Founder thank you very much for the info about good old Rob wanting to push an agenda of LQ way back as far as 10 years ago. Doesn't really add up with the lies he is spewing now!
This is not the only hunt in WY , find another. any NR talk of changing NR quotas over the residents refusal to limit their own activities is pure insanity.

what the residents chose to do is beyond our control so the NR should sit back and shut up . we only have one advocate in WY don't make their task any harder than it is. let it go.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-17 AT 11:01AM (MST)[p]This is coming from a guy who only hunts with an outfitter while in Wyoming. Of course you like the outfitters it's the only way you kill anything. Enough said....

Jr, the story cam be told by each and everyone of us. Social media is crazy these days. Tell everyone you know and post it in as many places as you possibly can.
NTO got the tags cut once already, once he has all the NR tags cut down to just paying customers, DO YOU RESIDENTS really think it will stop there, he would like to see these units as he private hunting area's.
Wake up and smell the roses Boys before the roses are gone.
Rob is all about making his living and doing whatever he needs to do to make it close to his operation as possible.
I can tell ya from experience looking down from a plane you sure can see those deer easy as HeLL.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
> This is not the only
>hunt in WY , find
>another. any NR
>talk of changing NR quotas
>over the residents refusal to
>limit their own activities is
>pure insanity.
> what the residents chose to
>do is beyond our control
> so the NR should
>sit back and shut up
>. we only have
>one advocate in WY don't
>make their task any harder
>than it is. let
>it go.

What a bunch of BS that post was you outfitter lover, LOL! Maybe you should be the one who thinks real hard about shutting up on this thread and I now see why some members really love you---NOT!
>I finally went on his website
>and read his 2 faced
>bull crap. I am
>not impressed. I just love
>it how the people that
>reply on his page are
>people that agree with him.
>Then there is people like
>us who want to state
>something on his bull crap
>and zero post. I
>live a few houses down
>from the Eastmans and im
>going to stop by and
>have a chit chat with
>Guy. Ike is understanding and
>will sit and listen to
>what you say but Guy
>can be thick headed

You are wasting your time with Guy Eastman. I have seen his comments on many issues and he rarely gets it right, not to mention he is just plain uninformed. Scott Reeker is leaps and bounds ahead of Guy.
NFH I cant believe Guy was on NTO website supporting hid agenda.. But I think he is friends with him? Or he has hunted with him a few times.. I don't watch the tv program any more... Because it mostly guided hunts any way...
>>I finally went on his website
>>and read his 2 faced
>>bull crap. I am
>>not impressed. I just love
>>it how the people that
>>reply on his page are
>>people that agree with him.
>>Then there is people like
>>us who want to state
>>something on his bull crap
>>and zero post. I
>>live a few houses down
>>from the Eastmans and im
>>going to stop by and
>>have a chit chat with
>>Guy. Ike is understanding and
>>will sit and listen to
>>what you say but Guy
>>can be thick headed
>You are wasting your time with
>Guy Eastman. I have seen
>his comments on many issues
>and he rarely gets it
>right, not to mention he
>is just plain uninformed. Scott
>Reeker is leaps and bounds
>ahead of Guy.

Nailed it! Scott Reekers is good people and means well.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-17 AT 01:35AM (MST)[p]How did you guys not know how gawd felt about killing mule deer? THE DON of $fw has been using the "secret handshake" here to grab millions in "deer saving" money for years. Gawd loves grip and grins with big deer!!

I enjoyed and agreed 100% with his assessment of the hunting industry. Makes me sick to my stomach too. So quit going to shows/expose. Quit selling animals for profit. It works good he should try that.

Truly a case of a man who believes the BS he has been spewing as reality. Doesn't sound like he takes himself seriously at all.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
>NFH I cant believe Guy was
>on NTO website supporting hid
>agenda.. But I think he
>is friends with him? Or
>he has hunted with him
>a few times.. I don't
>watch the tv program any
>more... Because it mostly guided
>hunts any way...

Im not sure what the relationship is. I am bound to find out. Ike lives a few houses down to and he is a good guy to talk to. Guy on the other hand you talk and agree then he turns around and says something else.

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