
Long Time Member
Here's the response from the NRA in the wake of our most recent tragedy. It's not going to please everyone but it logical and well thought out and offers real world solutions and shows that many facets of society have failed on this.

One line in here is crystal clear and stark reality.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"

Elks96 just posting it up so it's clear up front what it is and easier to find. Good job with the original posting! THANK YOU
I could just see liberals gasp when he said that.

I wonder what the increse in membership has been in the last week ?
I watched it on MSNBC just so I could get laughs out of the commentary. I loved the smack down of the media for not knowing what they are talking about, then listening to MSNBC prove him correct. Then I caught CNN(pretty much MSNBC lite) where at least one reporter had an intellgent thought. He talked about how the "big push" for gun control was in liberal states. Here in Utah I am not hearing some big push, doubt there is in Texas either. I am glad to see Again that the two coasts set the agenda for the fly overs.

I do have a suggestion though. AR's should be made with wood stocks, then they are just rifles, NOT "HIGH POWERED ASSULT RIFLES".
Wayne LaPierre, "I can see the headlines, The NRA calls for more guns", followed by Wolf(talk about a name not matching the man)Blitzer saying, "The NRA wants more guns". Even when it is pointed out how stupid they are, they prove it over and over again! "16,000 murders before a kid is 18" was eye opening, even for me. I guess we have become so numb to "entertainment" we don't think about it much anymore, myself included in that.

"Your just jealous because _____, so you can't know anything!!"
People don't like "assault rifles" because they are scary looking. They go BANG and make loud noises. They shoot bullets fast and again...are scary. That's why people don't like them. They don't understand them. The masses have been fed anti-gun jargon for so long! I enjoyed this read and feel it is the right response!
A lot of people will hate that response but I do not think the obvious truth could have been written any better with sincere thought to our childrens futures.

We live in a world full of wack jobs and if anyone thinks that banning the good guys will stop the bad guys from obtaining weapons they are insane. If guns were not made, these nut jobs would use knives or bats.

Think the NRA just got some more funding from my wallet to further thier cause and thier sincere effort to protect our kids NOW. Kuddos to them for thier no charge effort to protect our children the best way it can be done!
How about the person protesting at about 5 min 20 sec who stands up and starts shouting that the "NRA is killing our children". That added a little drama to the speech.
NRA missed an opportunity today. I feel the speech skipped from point A to E to M to Z. We understand A to E, etc, because w live and breath guns and gun safety and understand how broken individuals rarely respond to pleas to put the gun or bomb down.

Those who want to ban guns will be unable to follow from A to Z in such large leaps. They will dig in.

A larger concern is what the reaction is by the person who maybe grew up around guns, has no gun in their house today but has kids. Those folks may also be unable to follow from A to Z. These are the people that outnumber us and outnumber the anti-gun folks. We need them to understand why guns are good tools. These are folks that sincerely want action taken rather than do nothing. They fear guns in school yet accept them in use by good guys inside banks, courts, airports etc. These are folks that understand outlawing something is not the same as improving society (drug war now in second decade, prohibition in 1920s).

An easy stat to find is how many people were shot and died in the United States. It is 1000s per year. Millions of guns. Millions of people. 1000s is a small percent but is still too many even when most of the dead are bad folks shot by other bad folks who would use a ballbat if needed to kill. In those 1000s though are innocents. Now we have a school shooting.

The stat that is not easy to find is how many law-abliding folks used a gun to prevent a crime upon them and others. This number is 10,000s per year. Lives are saved but no is counting when a gun was "good" in the hands of a citizen.

Guns are like cars in that most of us use them responsibly but deaths do result. Same with alcohol, especially when then the drinker drives. Outlawing cars is not the answer. Outlawing booze ha been tried. Some folks will make bad decisions by driving impaired and innocents will die. Some will be kids. Sometimes will be multiple kids killed when a van is hit, etc.

I think people could follow that if the stats about good used of guns were gathered. Perhaps NRA will launch a "Report a Gun was Good" tracking application that we can use to log these good uses: What was the situation, city, time of day, what was the fear, etc. A real time meter will show murders prevented, muggings prevented, rapes prevented, etc.

The next factor is at what point a gun is used. Was it prior to law enforcement being able to respond. If a bad guy kicks in my back door in the middle of the night then police will typically arrive at my residence in 3 to 5 minutes once alerted. If you live in a more rural area then add several more minutes.

Seconds may be all you have, though. A gun would be good in that case.

I think people can follow that A to B step.

Preaching to the choir is fine. We need to reach out to the undecideds that are open to finding a solution. Education is critical and it needs to be in small segments that are easy to understand.

My 2 cents.
I think today was more about coming out swinging. If the NRA had come out and said we can agreee on something that would be a signal of weakness, by doing what they did they planted their flag, good on them. Haven't always liked them, got tired of the constant need more money letters, but after colorado i joined back up, glad I did. Been tuning in and out all day and so far no one in the media seems to grasp they got smack today for being no nothings. I am sure specifics will come out soon, but I loved the smackdown, especially for NBC, who are so oblivious they didn't even know it happend. So some "gun owners" in Conn. on CNN talk about how she is mad at the NRA, she just doesn't support AUTOMATIC guns. Pretty sure Mr. LaPierre point out the falsness of that thought process. I wonder if that "gun owner" knows she can't buy an automatic weapon down at the gun show. Nice job CNN of making the NRA's point!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"

Very true but sometimes if there are no good guys with a gun, the bad guy with a gun gets bored or so disgusted with his own evil, that he shoots himself. A poor option if you ask me.

Concerning stats on homicide in the U.S. Most of these stats come from the F.B.I. who gathers them from all the law enforcement agencies. The homicide stats from the F.B.I. lumps all homicides together. Justified homicide was included in those stats when I retired from law enforcement and I believe they still are.

So any incidents where a citizen or officer legally shot and killed a criminal is lumped in with the unlawful homicides.

Saw an interesting argument... Deaths in automobiles is far higher than that from guns. If limiting guns is going to save lives then so to would limiting the type and way cars are driven.

If we a re truly worried about saving lives, then all cars should be governed and limits be set at 30 miles an hour. Then we could save way more people than guns ever hurt...

Thought is was a good argument just needs firmer numbers with it.
I thought Lapierre did a good job.

My fear is that Washington will pass some law, pat themselves on the back, and give hollywood and the media a pass. How can Hwood produce such filth and then judge the rest of the country???

Anybody know how sidearms fit into this? How does Cali handle em?
>Concerning stats on homicide in the
>U.S. Most of these stats
>come from the F.B.I. who
>gathers them from all the
>law enforcement agencies. The homicide
>stats from the F.B.I. lumps
>all homicides together. Justified homicide
>was included in those stats
>when I retired from law
>enforcement and I believe they
>still are.
> So any incidents
>where a citizen or officer
>legally shot and killed a
>criminal is lumped in with
>the unlawful homicides.

As are suicides by gun.
>I thought Lapierre did a good
>My fear is that Washington will
>pass some law, pat themselves
>on the back, and give
>hollywood and the media a
>pass. How can Hwood
>produce such filth and then
>judge the rest of the
>Anybody know how sidearms fit into
>this? How does Cali
>handle em?

I think LaPierre's point of mentioning movies, games, etc. was to say, #$@^ with the 2nd Amendment and you better be prepared to %^&$ with the 1st Amendment.
>How about the person protesting at
>about 5 min 20 sec
>who stands up and starts
>shouting that the "NRA is
>killing our children". That added
>a little drama to the

I love how those same people scream about freedom of speech until it doesn't agree with their stance. Then all of a sudden they are the first ones trying to shout down the rights of others.
Interesting thoughts Outdoors. I liked your point about alcohol. Alcohol is way worse on kids than guns. Don't take away a liberal's wine though, just add drugs on top of it.

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