NRA mag



LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-07 AT 10:45AM (MST)[p]Just got my NRA mag and read the story on California and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signing into law the microstamping and lead free bullets. Link to article.

What are your opinions?

Mine is that it is another step in total gun control. Microstamping will not aid in solving one crime - period. And as far as the lead found in the condors? Come on does anyone actually believe that the lead came from bullet fragments?

Membership - renew or joing today -

antoher tidbit in the mag it stated that 33 million say they are a member yet only 1 million memberships. Come on guys - NRA fights for everything we believe in.
He signed it knowing that the science was flawed, there were 3 or 4 studies that found that it would not work.

The same thing with the Condors, studies showed that nobody knew how the condors had got lead in the system...
another tidbit in the mag stated that 33 million say they are a member yet only 1 million memberships.

Sad but very true!!
What I have seen during the past 25 years I have been a member, is that when we have a congress or president that tries to pass numerous anti gun laws, the membership will increase by twofold or more. When the anti gunners are laying low, the membership goes down with members not renewing their membership.
If Hillary the b!tch gets elected, I would not be surprised to see membership jump to 3-4 million, but by that time some bad laws are already passed and being used against us.

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