NR Antelope Points



Good Morning!
I'm still trying to figure out if it is worth the continuing investment in hopes of some day drawing a NR Antelope tag.
Looking at the 2009 Points summery (If I did the Math correct) there are 587 NR Hunters with 8 points or more. (I have 8 points) With the limited amount of NR tags offered what are your thoughts? I realize some units are less sought after.
you'll have to look at the units you're interested in to answer that.
I live here and I'm going to WY. They can't give all their tags away. I'm guessing you could do a cpl WY hunts for the money it will take to do one OR hunt. Having hunted Hart Mt. and talked to guys who hunted WY, other than top end bucks, OR doesn't even register as a hunt compared to WY.
I would say if your looking for a quality hunt for an 80"+ antelope you should stay in the game in Oregon. There are several units that produce some really good bucks and my experience says that after the first weekend 90-95% of the hunters are gone after shooting the first decent 13" buck they get close to. I have hunted into the next week and I rarely see anyone left. I'm sure Wyoming has more numbers and there are obviously some really good bucks but on a percentage basis I'm not sure it's better. I've drawn Oregon 2x and have killed a 82" and near 85" buck. My son drew his first year at age 12 and he also killed a high 70's buck the first day.
I've hunted OR once and been on three other trips with family members, all in the same unit. Murders Creek. Lots of goats and plenty over the 75"+ mark. It takes us 8yrs to draw a tag for that unit, don't know about a NR. Keep putting in and as the fellow said above go to WY if you can afford it on the off years! Oregon is a beautiful place to hunt goats in certain units and I love each time someone in our group draws. I should next year hopefully!

Good luck

you can get an antelope license in Wyoming for the cost of 2 years of Applications only in Oregon.

Pref Point system doesn't work for antelope in Oregon. There are so many people with max points applying every year that you will be another 10 years running through them. Too few tags for the number of people applying. Unless you are feeling lucky, i don't see where the Non Res app for Antelope will ever pay off.
Elkliver ~ Why is it we draw every 8th year for that unit if pref points don't work? I've heard that before but curious why if we draw when it says 100% chance 8th year?

Just wanted to know your reason...

Taker easy ~

>Elkliver ~ Why is it we
>draw every 8th year for
>that unit if pref points
>don't work? I've heard that
>before but curious why if
>we draw when it says
>100% chance 8th year?
>Just wanted to know your reason...
>Taker easy ~

because ignorance says so:)

points systems work great, just because someone decided to start earlier means you wait your turn. you cant just start 3 yrs ago and complain that your getting hosed because you cant draw a wenaha tag. nothing in life works that way
So maybe somebody can help me here. Being an Oregon resident I don't follow the prices all that much and I know many folks on here are mad about the recent increases but I don't see where the increases are any different than I see applying in states like Nevada, Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, California, etc. I can appreciate the quality of the hunt lacking for deer but I don't think elk were ever that abundant on the trophy side? For antelope Oregon produces some really good bucks and I would think that if you want to hunt them it's worth it. Maybe it's just me but I've seen thousands and thousands of antelope in Wyoming and I have yet to see 1 that I would even need to use my bino's on. I know there are some good bucks there but I don't see the quality being that great like say New Mexico or Arizona or even Nevada. Anyway I still think the system in Oregon works with points just like it does in Nevada. I waited 7, 9 and 12 years there for Antelope, Elk and Deer. I have points in Colorado and should draw this year. I am building in Utah and Arizona but the odds are against me for deer. I have hunted 2x in Montana and I don't know what will make me go back there! In any case I have to buy a license in most states to build points so I guess I don't see the prices being that high in Oregon.
Muleyman, you are right. Murderers creek is 100% with 8 points

and you caught me exagerating the negative. For the first few years they started the preference points, you had more applicants with max points than # of tags. It has leveled off now and if you have 10-12 points, you are going to draw most antelope tags.

And no, i don't expect to draw right away. I drew mine about 6 years ago and went back to the bottom of the list.

The point i was trying to make was that for an out of state hunter, you would be as well off to hunt wyoming as to spend the money applying in oregon every year. If non-res didn't have to buy a license every year, it would make more sense. 8 years of applying is going to put you into the pot for over $1000.00

In my opinion, that $1000.00 would be better spent hunting wyoming 3 times.
jazz, i think most NR hunters would agree with what you have said. The new prices are not out of line. For me, the issue is the number of NR tags that OR issues. Only 3%. Compare that to what other states issue to NR hunters. Maybe I am idealistic but I feel we are all hunters first. Treat others as you would have them treat you.
It seems like many OR residents hunt other states so they have more hunting opportunities. They are given fair tag allocations (being NRs in those other states) for the dollars they spend to hunt. I believe the lowest NR tag allocation is 10% in AZ and other western states and go as high as 43% with 20-35% being in the range also.
Another bad thing for NR antelope hunters hunting OR with the 3% number, is the stacking up of applicants at the top of the points pool. Now with the higher OR fees it will create more money for OR without increasing opportunity. Maybe that was the plan anyway? ........ Bottom line is be thank full that as an OR resident that other states don't treat you as poorly when you hunt out of state as OR treats NR hunters.

Measure wealth by the things you have,, for which you would not take money.
Thanks for the replies.
Looking at the F&G website, some of the Antelope units (In Red) state that there is a lot of private ground and you should secure permission to access said private land prior to applying.
My question: How hard is it to get permission to the private ground? Let's use the Murders creek unit as an example. Do the land owners whant you to grease their palms with some ?Green Backs??
Private land is a possibility, but you better do your homework before applying for an easier unit because of the high amount o public land. Otherwise, for the best units, you are in no man's land with 8 points unless you pick up a bow or maybe muzzy. I say that because I burned 13 pts two yrs ago and that same unit, by the time you get to 13, will likely take 16 or more....
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