Novel idea for deer smashed by winter

But I like the initiative. Someone who actually practices what he preaches instead of just whining on the internet, yet still doing the same crap?

Maybe America isn’t screwed after all…
Yeah a MFF guy. I am sure they won’t be giving up the commission tags they got, or the hunts they use to make money off…

I really don’t see the point at all. People buy the license, and go hunt if you don’t see the “one” then don’t pull the trigger. I really do not see how incentivizing people to buy up tags, especially limited entry tag and not using them is a good thing? At least from the management perspective it would create a whole new level is issues when 30% of the tags bought are not even resulting in hunters in the field… Or now all the sudden we incentivize anti hunters to buy up tags then not hunt and get prizes as a reward? Not a far stretch as there is already some of that reported to be happening…
Yeah a MFF guy. I am sure they won’t be giving up the commission tags they got, or the hunts they use to make money off…

I really don’t see the point at all. People buy the license, and go hunt if you don’t see the “one” then don’t pull the trigger. I really do not see how incentivizing people to buy up tags, especially limited entry tag and not using them is a good thing? At least from the management perspective it would create a whole new level is issues when 30% of the tags bought are not even resulting in hunters in the field… Or now all the sudden we incentivize anti hunters to buy up tags then not hunt and get prizes as a reward? Not a far stretch as there is already some of that reported to be happening…

It already happens. I'm all for hunting, I'm a proud opportunist.

My thought/hope, that guys make a decision before the heart starts beating.

Maybe let that 3point walk this year. If not, no big deal, but in the excitement, having a predetermined plan doesn't hurt.

As a dedicated I do this every 3 years. First year, it has to be a legit big deer for me to shoot it. I hunt a bunch, enjoy the time, but pass pretty much everything, to save my tags for year 2 and three.

A contest just helps drive the idea of letting a few pass.
It might work for a year or two. Incentives rarely work long-term. I can see a few hundred people participating in Wyoming.

Cutting antlerless tags is the best remedy to grow populations. ?
Not a bad idea to take the control back from government. However I don’t think there is any way of getting even 20 people on the same page. Much less entire hunting communities In western states. We are probably the most unorganized/self destroying groups of people. My guess is it may not be my lifetime but I bet my kids lifetime hunting will cease.
As much as I love Fish and Game (eye roll) they should have to produce just like everyone else. If they have the power to set tag numbers based on how much money they would like to have they need to rethink that. I have no desire to give them a free ride. If hunting is destroying the deer herds they need to figure that out and act accordingly.
It already happens. I'm all for hunting, I'm a proud opportunist.

My thought/hope, that guys make a decision before the heart starts beating.

Maybe let that 3point walk this year. If not, no big deal, but in the excitement, having a predetermined plan doesn't hurt.

As a dedicated I do this every 3 years. First year, it has to be a legit big deer for me to shoot it. I hunt a bunch, enjoy the time, but pass pretty much everything, to save my tags for year 2 and three.

A contest just helps drive the idea of letting a few pass.
I would agree but this contest appears to be but a tag and turn it in before the season ever starts. Meaning no time in the field with a tag, no family trips, field food, etc.

I guess that is where my issue lies. It is not for the guy who goes out takes out his family and friends, hunts hard for 10 days and passes on little bucks. It is literally for the guy who has no intention at all of hunting.
I would agree but this contest appears to be but a tag and turn it in before the season ever starts. Meaning no time in the field with a tag, no family trips, field food, etc.

I guess that is where my issue lies. It is not for the guy who goes out takes out his family and friends, hunts hard for 10 days and passes on little bucks. It is literally for the guy who has no intention at all of hunting.

That's true. It does, just like my challenge, give a chance for the tag cut crews, a wonderful opportunity to put up or shut up.

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