Notre Dame vs USC



Well it's time for my beloved Trojans to it to Notre Dame at least they should.. And it gives me great pleasure when Charlie Weis gets sent back home with his tail tucked between his legs and from what I have been reading Mr. Weis had best get his resume updated as he may soon be joining the ranks of the unemployed. I just don't like the guy.. Charles Atlas mouth with a Mickey Mouse a$$. I will be attending the game to see the butt whuppin'

i'll be watching. Notre Dame is the team I care for least, can't stand em. Trojans should romp em. Have fun at the game!
Good morning F'er.

Oh ya the point at hand, In order to fire Charley
they will have to cough up a cool 20 million dollars
as per the terms of his contract.
I think USC views its performance in its last two games, aganist what the talking heads universally agree are subpar competitors, needs to be impressive to secure the best bowl opportunity for the Trojans. So I think old Notre Dame is in for one really long and painful game! Just another loss, in what has become a record of historic proportions over that last couple of years, under the guidence of the self proclaimed Offensive Genuis/ Guru, that is Mr. Weis.
Quote from the Chicago Tribune..
The 20 million figure seems to be inflated..

"If Weis' salary was up to $650,000, the paper reported, that would put his buyout at less than $5 million. The paper, citing an unnamed prominent alumnus, called a buyout figure "loose change."

The only real question about this game is who will be responsible for more points.... USC's offense or.....USC's defense.
Weis' buyout will be in the millions. His school salary is lower and all the perks, extra money take him into the millions per year. Weis is like Norv Turner, great coordinator not so great head coach.
That will not be a pretty game, not at all. 52-10 Trojans, ND gets a TD and a FG in garbage time.

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