Not Very Conservative Conservatives



Today Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson asked congress to quikly approve the 5th debt cieling increase of Bush's presidency up 850 billion dollars from the current 8.695 trillion it's at today. he says without it the government will be unable to borrow the money needed to operate past October.

Conservatives? yeah right.
It's sick, conservative is just a title they use to get elected. What is the poind of this thread? Are we supposed to feel bad as conservatives? People like you are blind. Both sides suck at the top Dude, most people know that. It's the conservate core beliefs that appeal to me, not the idiots in washington who supposedly represent them. Grow up.


Not conservative at all. Lets have a garage sale and pay off the balance.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-07 AT 04:29PM (MST)[p]Hey thats what I've been trying to say. Washington idiots sounds much better than clowns. Conservatives should act conservative not like liberals.

Cool way of looking at it Andy, if you don't like what the people you voted for do then blame those who point it out. you're a better republican than you give yourself credit for.
>Cool way of looking at it
>Andy, if you don't like
>what the people you voted
>for do then blame those
>who point it out. you're
>a better republican than you
>give yourself credit for.

I will type slowly so that you don't get lost here dude. I did not "blame" you for anything , I implied that you were being stupid.
I "blame" those in office for their decisions and think that they should be held accountable by the voters for their decisions. We can see what happened to republican senators and congressmen last election, the people voted them out. It's simple really, if you are unhappy with them, vote them out, and republicans have not been happy with many of their elected representatives. What they do while in office cannot be controlled by those who voted them into that position. You electronically pee your pants with joy whenever a republican does something stupid, but the real accounting for their actions takes place at the ballot box. Again, these politicians are acting stupid, but so are you and at least we can vote them out.

Ok you get it, but you say what's the point in this thread? so we shouldn't talk about it? somehow I doubt you'll vote for a dem because of what the republicans have done to our debt so in reality you do condone it, if you don't vote them out them nothing changes. fiscal responsibilty was a primary reason I registered as a republican, the liberals now appear to be more conservative than the conservatives. this is a serious problem and it will effect our economy and our way of life in time, like your VISA bill you can only ignore it for so long.
Good points. My reps have done well in my opinion, so I will continue to vote for them. You are right, the current republicans are more fiscally liberal then the democrats. I don't know that the democrats would do any better. They have been in power for only one year and have not done anything to counter the republican's (and Pres Bush's) careless spending. I don't know the answer. I like that you bring these things up, post #2 is what got me going.


I have full confidence in the dems spending tons of money. that's just it, if the republicans spend worse than the dems it's hopeless, the conservatives used to be the fiscal cops.
I hate to say it but I agree with you dude.I am to the point of having no faith in any politician. Repub or Dem. Look at our ultra conservative Larry Craig. I voted for him. What the hell?
Have you ever read Tom Clancy's Debt of Honor? It is a great book. All of our government officials are wiped out. We are forced to start all over with non experienced, no political agenda, normal, everyday people as our senators and congressman.
How sweet is that idea? People that are not yet corrupted by Washington, making decisions. What would be even better, no ##### IRS.

Good post. Remember it's a debate not a war between us hunters. Dude's a good man, just wrong. LOL

He hates wolves so he is alright by me. Even if his thinking on world politics is a little off.

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