Not too big, but take a look.

Ok maybe this will work

WOW! what a super cool looking buck. lets hear a story? i love the matching drop tines
Not sure where to start with the story, it's a long one. 1st, it's not a Columbia Whitetail.

Captured this guy on trailcams proir to season, in full velvet and all night shots, so I did not realize the color of the cape. After a few trips out, spotted this buck and saw its gray body, so began looking for him a little harder. This is where my 2nd year of expierence comes in. Early one Sunday we spotted him bedded down under a poison oak bush, while trying to decide on how to get 250 yds up the hill with out him spotting me, a small doe jumped and ran up the hill toward him. She spooked him a bit and he stood up and went to feeding. As he fed up and over the ridge it was my oppertunity. I headed up toward the ridge and to make a long story short, after haveing a stare down with his 3x2 buddy for 20 minutes I continued. As I came aroung a bush and looked over, there he was 5 yds above me. I dropped down to lock in and could not finger my release, fiddled with it for hours (maybe 30 sec). When I got locked in, I rose and he was gone. I worked my way in the direction that he was headed and was nowhere in site. I noticed him over my right shoulder, I go to full draw and turn on him and my peep is 90degrees, I can't get a shot. He and his buddy drop over the ridge and feed their way across the bottom and up the other side. When they dissappear I head over after them. I get over the other ridge and realize that there is no way I will find them in all this poison oak. I meander thru a few trails and come on him at 36 yds, he is behind a bush but I shoot anyway. Arrow bounces off the branches and he is gone. That is day 1, the day he got away.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-10 AT 07:54PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-10 AT 07:53?PM (MST)

The following Tuesday, went out after work. Working the same area I just bailed out looking for him. Never could really get on him. He was allways a couple steps ahead of me. Right before dusk I finally got close. I took a 55yd shot and hit him. Waited until almost dark to approach and found blood, not a lot, but blood. I was able to track for about 50yds and lost trail. Well, gave up on tonite and thought I'd go back in the morning to find him rolled up under some bush.

Wednesday morning 5:40 am, couldn't sleep all night and I'm an hour and fifteen minutes before daylight sitting there waiting. When the sun came up I thought I'd glass for some Elk and make a day of it. Much to my surprise I spot this guy limping up the ridge from 550yds. The hunt is back on. Descented real quick and painted up. Headed up to the top of the ridge and headed down. Got to 80yds from where I thought he would be and jumped him 20yds from me. Down into the draw he went and as I tryed to follow with no cover he was trying to find me on the side of the hill. As he was feeding up to the other ridge, I back out and thought I'd intercept him on the next ridge. As I moved out, the fog moved in and locked the bottom in a sea of gray dense fog. After 50min I was able to at least see some trees at the bottom. I started decending down the second ridge, traversing back and forth, as I don't know where he is now. 300yds down and above the hole I last seen him in, I spotted something in a bush at 30 yds. It was him, after missing him through the bush a couple days ago, I decide to sit him out. After 15-20mins he fed his way out to the clear, I shot and he pulled himself about 20yds and the game was over. Time for pictures.

I am sorry for the long story, but there was no way to shorten it. And you asked for it. Come to find that my first "fatal" shot was a mere nick of the front shoulder.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-10 AT 07:52PM (MST)[p]I think you meant "sweet buck" but it was "sweat buck". Got at least 10 hrs in the brush on this guy.
His silver coat matches your silver hair! LOL!! Congrats on the awesome blacktail, you deserved it!
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