Not The Obammas!



A man had a TV on in his office when the news of the military base shootings came on. The husband of one of his employees was stationed there. He called her into his office and the minute he told her what was going on, she got a text message from her husband saying, "I am okay."
The cell phone started ringing right after that. It was an ER nurse. She said , "I'm the one who just sent you a text, not your husband." She thought the message would be comforting, but she immediately knew she had to let the wife know what was going on.


She said, "I am sorry but your husband has been shot 4 times and he is in surgery."
The wife left Southern Clinic in Dothan and drove all night.
Miraculously, here is the photo I just received from my brother that was taken today in the hospital room. He is awake and will recover. His wife, who lives in Dothan , made it to Ft. Hood about the time he was waking up. He had visitors. It was NOT the Obamas!!!
Imagine that.

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--
George looks to be about ten years younger. I'm glad I voted for him and would do it again.
>George looks to be about ten
>years younger. I'm glad I
>voted for him and would
>do it again.
> Michael


Nocked N Loaded
Anyone else find it ironic that when you type "Obama" into Microsoft Word, spell check suggests you change it to "Osama"?

Food for thought

Nocked N Loaded
I heard on the radio today that a recent gallup poll found that 44% wished GW was president right now. Obummer is down to 47% for, lower than any prez at this point of their term in the history of the US.
Obama was probably busy making sure the shooter was getting fair treatment and his rights were not violated.

Cant believe hes our president........shaking head :-(

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I think this really shows Bush's true colors. He had nothing to gain politically, but did it anyway, without being asked or expected to.

Nocked N Loaded
Just hot off the press...Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo Norway...and the Russians tested an ICBM which failed and showed a spectacular night sky phenomena over Norway for everybody to see......what a bummer....
Ummm...I'm no Obama fan, but did you guys notice that the Snopes article says this same man was also visited by the Obamas a few days later?

If you're going to attack him, at least make it a defensible attack...
Yes, The Obamas!

>Ummm...I'm no Obama fan, but did
>you guys notice that the
>Snopes article says this same
>man was also visited by
>the Obamas a few days
>If you're going to attack him,
>at least make it a
>defensible attack...

RWJ's cracking me up again.

Anybody that would want to go through another 8 years of w has got to be out of their minds. It obviously would never happen because we would never survive another 8 years.

Good stuff though manny, thanks for the laugh.

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