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Make Me take it down!

LAST EDITED ON Oct-12-15 AT 09:38PM (MST)[p]Good!
The whole world has gone mad.
We can kill an unborn human but it's an outrage to kill a lion with a name?
Yep, the scales have tipped and there's no way to right the ship!
>AT 09:38?PM (MST)

>The whole world has gone mad.
>We can kill an unborn human
>but it's an outrage to
>kill a lion with a
>Yep, the scales have tipped and
>there's no way to right
>the ship!

So what we need to do is name the unborn child while it's in the womb! He/she, after all, has human DNA different than the mother's.
Happy, but not surprised. The whole story didn't make sense, especially since the story was "broken" by the anti's.

It sounded and smelled like bullsh!t from the beginning, and yet everyone, including several hunters on many websites blasted him on the information presented by the sorry-ass media, as fed to them by the stupid ass anti's.

If I were ol' Mr. Palmer, I would gather my legal team and start filing lawsuits for libel/slander and whatever other remedies I was entitled to.
I agree with others that this was anti hunter crap from the beginning.

From the beginning of this I have been trying to figure out what law he was supposed to have broken.

Shooting a collared animal, not against the law in Zimbabwe or in the US.

Shooting a lion over bait. Not illegal.

Shooting a lion at night . Not illegal on private land in Zimbabwe.

Shooting an animal that wanders off a park. Not illegal in Zimbabwe or the US.

He was accused of dragging a bait behind a truck through the park to lure the lion off the park. Apparently there wasn't any evidence this happened or if it did happen Palmer didn't know anything about it.

There were early statements that he didn't have the proper license but I saw in a different article today that the Zimbabwe authorities admitted that he did have the proper license.

All this was just unfounded accusations.
I agree with WVHunter. I think some of these other articles are a good read that put a different perspective than what the animal rights activists and anti-hunter groups are saying.

This first one is a what a Zimbabwean journalist said about the whole situation.
Summary... One less lion to torment our villages and kill our villagers.

Or this one.... where a tour guide was mauled by lion in the same park Cecil was from.

This whole thing is just a drama made out by animal rights activists and anti-hunter groups. They seem to ignore every bit of information that paints the other side of the picture.

Leave the guy alone and let him get on with his life.
good but the damage is done. Can't undo all that attention even though it was false. Too many idiots don't care about truth.


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