not drawing sheep tag record


Long Time Member
im wondering what it the record of not drawing a sheep tag this is year 28 for me. at first it was only in oregon . then i moved to idaho 13 years ago for the last couple of years i tried all over the west. i keep dreaming though.
I knew a fella who had applied every year in AZ for 34 years, with no luck in draw. He applied elsewhere too, but only know of AZ that many years. He passed away two years ago and never made his Grand Slam. He had the money and could have bought the tag, but preferred to do it the DRAW WAY.

Applied for 15 years in 4 states before drawing here in Idaho. That was in '93 and have been unsuccessful ever since in the surrounding states.
Sometimes it might be best to weigh the cost of hunting each year for a sheep - say a meagre 1000 dollars or even half that and times it the number of years you've applied for sheep - use that and treat yourself to a full on guided sheep hunting adventure in northern BC or Yukon / NWT
BC is probly right. last year was 31 in row for me in Az. one 'o these days tho.........
i got drawn in az in 1991 when i was 17. it was the first year i put in. i thought is was easy, but now i cant draw my rocky mountain tag. i have 13 pts this year.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-05 AT 02:18PM (MST)[p]bighrnhntr,

I'm assuming from your post that you drew a desert bighorn tag then, huh? If that's the case, at least you got the toughest one out of the way first! Do you put in for Rocky rams in any other states?
no i dont. dont have the money for it. i was just lucky the first time. it was the first year of the bonus point system in az and i had the hunter safety course point when alot of other applicants didnt.

i think that i am supposed to have 14 bonus points this year not 13.

anyways it will be almost impossible to draw the rocky tag for az. they only issue 6 a year.
You know what they say, better lucky than good! Nice you were ahead of the pack when the AZ system went into effect. Drawing a Rocky tag there is indeed tough, but you never know. As long as your name is in the barrel you've got a chance. I have 12 bonus points going into this year's AZ draw, but I'm after a desert tag in one of the Nelsoni units.

I've been putting in for a dozen plus years, usually in 12 states (I built up an "applications" fund over the years that gets used every year for only that purpose - I was buying a house the first year that WY started giving out preference points so I'm one down, great year to not apply, huh?). Last year was the first year I drew any kind of premium or limited entry tag (for any species). I drew one ewe tag and one ram tag. I'm hoping my luck holds now.
To get a record, you will have to outlive a lot of people. 28 years is not nearly enough. If you figure sheep draw odds average at 100:1, 50% of the people will draw in 50 years. I figure that is probabally the useful hunting life of the average person. So a lot of people will never draw. Just consider yourself lucky if you do.
This will be my 33rd year of applying for bighorn's here in Oregon. Has to be my turn, right!? :)

I also applied in Montana for a number of years until my son's were born, now I don't seem to have the extra money.

exellent elkcrzy1 i wish the best for your hunt. remember enjoy every minute of the hunt . keep us posted with the details so we can live your hunt a little with you.

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