Northern sheds



I went on a Dall sheep hunt in August to the NWT. Its a Shed hunters dream. I have no idea how many caribou sheds we walked by. On the way out, after killing my sheep we were loaded to the max with gear and sheep meat. Im sure the guide was getting sick of me by then, cause everytime I saw a shed I wanted to go look at it. Those guys dont like to walk more than 10 yard out of the way to even go look at a shed, let alone actually pick one up, or even worse...pick it up and actually carry it off the mountain! It was killing me!! I did end up packing one big moose shed back, but ended up leaving it at base camp. I sure do regret not figuring a way to get it home.




Very cool. That moose shed is awesome , I like the way the one point hooks back in. Wow those are some massive bases...Thanks for posting em...
great pics. GPS me the coordinates, looks like someone needs to clean up that bone before it pollutes the landscape! LOL

Formerly known as "greatwhitehunter" on dwr forums
Great pics....thanks for posting them up. I checked out your ram in the sheep forum and it's a dandy...Congrats!
Too bad you can't find sheds like that back in the states, where no one picks them up
Jag great sheep! I have been to Alaska twice now. And it drives me crazy
Thinking about the ones I left behind. Huge moose set in South East in 94 and about 15
Moose singles. Then in 04 I killed my sheep on the first day so waiting for the plane
I tried to call wolves (no luck) and I stacked and hung Caribou sheds in willows for 5 days.
I did bring home a set of 28 inch sheep shells that I found in the river rocks. Same sheep 500 yards apart. I plan to glue them to a rock, put it on the wall and call them my STONE SHEEP?.

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