north eastern elk hunt



A friends freiends kid drew this tag and they went up scouting with no luck. I talked to a guy that hunted it last year and they never seen a elk ,nor any killed. Does anyone have any suggestions on where they should try? I belive they where looking in x-2 around devils garden and to the east. This hunt maybe way harder than most think, and hunt satistics arnt what they seem it appears, again.
I'll be hunting antelope in the garden next month, I'll keep an eye out.
But I've hunted and scouted in the garden many times on 6 antelope hunts or more in the last 20 years and never saw an elk...
Deer, lopes and yotes and a cat or two are a different story...
i think i heard that they started seeing elk over in the warners ???????????? i cant remember if thats true or not but it kinda rings a bell bet there is someone on here that lives up that way that could answer better than me
Go to JHO in the elk forum talk to the guy named DFG elk I think he runs all the elk hunts for california.If not he would know who to point you to.
Yep Pondosa area on that hunt, I have seen elk north of Devils Garden near the OR border but only once.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
There are a good number of elk in the Devils Garden and it is one of the three main areas people hunt for elk in that unit. There are also elk in the North Warners and Pondosa area. They can be hard to find some times and you are going to have to lay some boot leather on the ground. It can be an easy hunt (if you are lucky and elk are near the road that day) but most people end up spending a lot of time finding them. Shoot me an e-mail and I can try to help you out. [email protected]

Thanks guys, I will fallow up with everyone, You will make a young man very happy with the info help. Hope everyones hunts turn out to be great. thanks shawn taws
I forgot to ask what you meant by "and hunt satistics arnt what they seem it appears, again." I can assure you the hunt statistics are dang accurate. They are what is reported and it is mandatory. I know that some times people report or people think they report harvest from other areas but if they are doing that then it happens every year that elk are reported harvested in the same areas and they just happen to be areas I know have elk. Reporting is mandatory for elk and antelope whether successful or not.


elk and prong stats use to based on a avg. exp.60-80% I was told this covers serveral years to get there avg. I guess there finally doing it right.67 % kill last year still dont seem right from what Iam gathering from hunters . deer sats. on the other hand have always been over flated. I have been told by sac. office why and how they come up with there avg. again avg. not all people report , thats a fact. they said they even account for reported road kill in the over all. now if thats not true then you seen someone down there needs to informed , I am just repeating what I have been told by the dfg lic and rev branch. Bottom line we all need to report and dfg should and needs to keep year to year stats . if you get busted not reporting then the fine should be loss your lic . for two years . well enuff said. end of matter .
Pondosa, Toms Flat in to ROSEBURG LUMBER. You have to walk in as ROSEBURG does not let you drive into any of their property. along bear creek up and down from the bridge into Pondosa. Check all the water holes around Pondosa. Good Luck
As long as I have been in this job elk and antelope stats were never a 3 year running type of thing. That average is used to calculate some things but it is not what is posted in the booklet. The 67% reported is from the hunters who hunted that zone last year, if they lied to me then the number is wrong. The success seems to be pretty typical each year, some years a little more some a little less. The deer stats are based on reported kill and then adjusted based on deer locker tag checks. They check locker reports (deer brought into lockers for processing)with tags returned and get an estimate of non-compliance. Is it 100% accurate, probably not but it is fairly accurate and more importantly consistent through the years. Now, with the new ALDS system we are planning on going to 100% online reporting in the future, this will increase the accuracy for deer. To the best of my knowledge no success rate has ever included road kill animals. I entered deer tags while going to college and this is the first I have ever heard that one. One thing to consider is the source. The staff at the license and revenue branch do not know how the information is handled, they do not deal with it, process it, or report it. They can tell you what a tag costs, seasons, the application process etc. But they do not know how tags are reported or handled. Unfortunately everyone lumps DFG into one pot, not everyone knows how everthing works. If you asked me about fisheries management I would give you my opinion, based on limited knowledge and when I got it wrong it would be the same. "The guy at Fish and Game told me...." It is unfortunate but I see it all the time. DFG does a lot of things and you need to talk to the right person or understand that the person selling you a fishing license at the front desk does not know how deer tags are entered (ETC). She may give you what she thinks is the process, but in reality she is most likely not correct. Just like when I answer peoples questions on legal aspects of hunting, I give you my interpretation of it but unless it is absolutely black and white I will tell you to contact enforcement. They will be the ones writing you the ticket. Do not get me wrong, there are several people at the License Branch who are very knowledgable but they are not working the front counter and even those people do not know how everything is handled. I will be the first to admit it is not a perfect system but nothing is over inflated, under inflated, etc on purpose. It is what it is, and reported to the best of our ability. If you want information on elk in that zone please contact me and I will give you what I can to help you out. It is a good hunt and there are a good number of elk to be had, but it is not an easy hunt. Good luck

[email protected]
Now that is comming straight from the horses mouth, Joe is the man my antelope information says it is to be sent to wether I harvest or not.
Pondosa may be good start but be advised that most of the areas that hold elk are on Roseburg property which is closed vehicle traffic. I assume from your post that this is a junior hunter who has the tag. Hunting pondosa may require more walking than a junior hunter is up for. It may also be a challenge to get a big bull or big cow back to the rig from several miles behind locked gates without alot of help. Devils Garden holds a lot of big bulls and has more vehicle access then Pondosa. This may be a better bet for a young hunter if they can locate the elk. The elk in both Pondosa and Devils Garden can make a hunter mad if they are not talking so tell them to stick with it. This is a great elk tag and with each day of the hunt it just gets better! Wish them luck for me!
wow, i scouted the garden for years and never seen any elk, but i was looking for deer & lope......????
There's elk all over in the garden...check your PM


Talk to the owner of the sports "Hut" in Alturas. I spoke with him at length a couple weeks ago and he claimed that huge bull elk were fairly easy to come by up there if a guy knew where to look(inferring that he did).

I can promise you that HUGE bull elk are not easy to find ANYWHERE, let alone The Garden. I know several people who have had the tag and none of them have killed a HUGE bull, including my mom, a friend who grew up there and a guy who works for Fish and Game. Not to say there aren't some HUGE bulls there, but they aren't behind every tree.
I believe the guy you are referring to is a guide up there so he was probably trying to promote his business. I'd be curious to know how many HUGE bulls he has guided clients to. Just my thoughts.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-11 AT 09:27PM (MST)[p]Python, the majority of our conversation had to do with the X3-a deer tag i have in my pocket but i did remember this posted question and asked him about Elk in the garden. His response was, "why would you hunt them there?"

He has a couple Ca, Elk racks in his shop and a board full of pic's of past tag holders, many of them holding HUGE bull elk. Certainly huge elk don't grow on trees but I do not appreciate your tone that either i don't know what a huge bull looks like or that i or he is making this all up!

As far as i could tell, a good friend of his is the local Elk guru and likes to help people, friends of his with their hunts, but is not a "guide" and doesn't charge. Certainly, the shop owner is not a guide as you suggest. His services, or anyone elses for that matter, were not mentioned or offered in my pursuit of a good 3a buck .

I have little interest in this issue one way or another. Just passing on info i was told by a person, i spent over an hour talking with him, i believe after years of sorting the BS'ers out from the soothsayers. This guy was telling the truth and he personally took the time to show me the pic's as proof.

Wasn't trying to ruffle any feathers here just know that the elk up there are alot harder to hunt than many people think. I'm sure there are a few bulls up there that would fit the category of HUGE, just not lots of them. It's nice to hear the guy was trying to be helpful. Sorry for any confusion.
Well let's hear did the N/E Elk hunt go? From one of the archery tag holders, ther was a spike taken & a +/- 385 by a lady in the Garden. No, its not a rumor. Jr hunter? Let's hear it?
Great job for them. I told the kids friend about this site and to contact you guys how have offerd help. I dont think he did . they have only seen one small bull in all of there scouting trips. they shuold have called you guys. Now there up there hunting we will see what happens. Myself, I wont pull the trigger unless its better than a 360 bull , you can kill a small bull anywhere. Hold out for the wallhanger or bust. good luck guys on your adventures this season, be safe and successful , shawn
we were just up at McCloud chasing deer and saw a pretty big bull and a herd of cows ,,,, was at least the one bull maybe more ,,, when did the season close? thats the first time we have seen any elk in that area through the bino's i counted 5 points on a side and i couldnt see his whole rack was a big bodied critter too

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