North American Pronghorn Foundation



Just curious if anyone has any info on this organization? I read over the web site and it was only 20 bucks to join so I sent it in, but just wondering if anyone else was a member or how much work they do?
I am a sucker for conservation organizations and belong to over 10. I am a member of the NAPF. You will get their newsletter. They do a lot of research for pronghorns. They are also active in the politics of pronghorns esp in WY. I think this is important with all of the changes over there, i.e., gas exploration and subdivisions.
I paid up several years ago and never recieved anything. I emailed etc. for a year or so and still nothing. I hope my money was used wisely.
I also paid up several years ago and didn't recieve a thing. I sent emails to each member on the board that was listed, with no reply from anyone. I don't recall ever getting my check back from them. This was in 2002. I'd love to support them, but I want to be sure my money is doing something.
Sounds "shadey" to me. Not even getting a reply to multiple e-mails ??? No good.

Measure wealth by the things you have,, for which you would not take money.
That doesn't sound too good , maybe some one should email them this link , maybe some responses would happen . I know I would not support nor give my $$$ to a foundation that wouldn't reply/respond to me ....NMHUNTNUTT
I think that they only send out one or two publications per year. The organization does not seem to communicate as much as some of the others. But If you sent them money you should check on it if you have not heard for a month or two.
Well--- since they don't appear to be in business anymore, perhaps we all should get together and start up another Pronghorn Foundation...?

...There is no lack of issues facing pronghorn these days.
There is no lack of foundations either. Way too much wasted effort in duplication. How about the "Foundation for North American Big Game"??


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
--Benjamin Franklin 1759
I sent an email to the preseident of the NAPF, Robb Hitchcock, the same night after I wrote my first entry here. I explained what happened to me and what the people who wrote before me here had said. I still have yet to get a reply. These guys are really on top of their organization. I don't need to get the stickers and magazines sent to me like the other larger organizations do, but I would like to get accknowledged for my contribution and sent what they promise to send me in their membership form. I'd be all about puting together another reliable organization for the pronghorn, but JB is right. Too much duplication. I'd like to know what is happening for the animals by the NAPF(if anything) before trying to start a rival organization.

Looks to me like they ran out of steam and fizzled.

You are right on duplication, however if these guys are dead in the water, perhaps the machine can be revitalized with new leadership.

Pronghorn are pretty popular, whether you are from the west or not. I'd think that support could be gathered from a wide area and this foundation for this critter would have some appeal. One way to guage this is to check an outdoor mag www site and run a search to get article archives. Pronghorn articles run ahead of about everything big game but WT MD and Elk

I believe that just about every state with pronghorn has a working group/task force dealing with antelope issues and would be glad to have the support of an organized and motivated foundation.

There are some good and some less than perfect examples of big game orgs out there to craft a viable mission statement and goal set...

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