north american hunting club


nahc (Guest)

Is anyone here at monstermuleys a member of the North American Hunting Club. If so, is it worth it to join. I noticed that they say they send you products such as guns, ammo, and other gear to field test and then you get to keep it. That seems hard to believe.
I joined the NAHC a few months ago. I havent received any field test products yet, but I have already received 2 issues of their magazine. With the reasonable membership fees, I think it has been money well spent so far.
I'm a life member to the NAHC club. I believe it is well worth the money to join. I received a nice leather jacket, belt buckles, life member stickers, NAHC pins..etc. Plus on top of that I get the 8 or so issues a year for the rest of my life. They do have a field testing program which I took part of when I first started. The item I tested was a hunters cleaning whipe. (cheesy I know but something). To be eligble I had fill out a form with my hunting interests etc.. Some people are lucky with the program and get to test some pretty awesome things. If you join I don't think you will be to upset.

I'm a yrly. member who recently signed-up to become a Life Member. I got a bunch of "stuff" for changing to a life membership. I've been a field tester twice in the last 5 years or so. Didn't get to test anything like a new gun, but, none the less, got free stuff to try and report on. The magazine is pretty good and the web-site is very good also. I think it's a well managed organization with alot to offer the hunter. :7
What is NAHC ? Does anyone really know ? How about the members that sent in their mone. Do you even know ?

Isn't is a club designed to make the Guys running it rich ? Isn't the Stuff you get CHEESEY and only 1 of 100 get anything even if it's dumb ? Where is the HEAD QUARTERS of this club ? Is it even in the states ? What do they do with your Money ?

I'm not badmouthing this club, But I don't know anything about it. Maybe Mr. NAHC that started this topic can Explain about it before I send some money to a place ?

thanx in advance.

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
This subject is also running another web site!
most say it sucks- you either get nothing or crap to evaluate and lots and lots of junk mail

when it all boils down - it is a good job/ if you can get it

so keep sending in your money to us- we will send your dream ie hunting trip, hunting accessorys, free coupons, free dung, maybe even some imported shangtong
As part of the NAHC field test program, I received, evaluated and kept a very nice Lyman muzzle loader. You need to send in a short questioner to be eligible to take part in the field testing. It seems to me that you can download a copy of the form off the NAHC web site. I joined in 1986 and remained a member for about ten years. I had few complaints and felt like I got my dollars worth. I resigned because of a "financial realignment." (lost my job!) Now a days, I earmark any extra monies for things like an Arizona non resident hunting license. My hunting funds just don't seem to go as far as they used to!
I was a member for awhile and never field tested anything. I also received books in the mail I never requested and they would bill you for them if you didnt return them promptly. I was soured by the whole experience but did like the magazine section that showed regular members with their animals they shot. Just seemed like they are always trying to sell you junk................. Allen Taylor......
I have belonged for many years. Can't say I am very impressed. they have sent me items through the mail I did not request then promptly ask for payment. I submitted a picture of a nice muley I bagged for inclusion in their "members shots" section in thier magazine. It has been 6-8 years and I have yet to see it. I believe that by telling you to send in your photos for publication and then holding them, they get you to renew your membership enough times to pay for it. They also frequently sponsor life member only hunts. You will see these featured in their magazine. The idea is to get you to become a life member. For "X" number or dollars you get the privlege of joining a club officer on a hunt somewhere. It really is no bargain for the member and because the club books a minimum of 6 hunters to go along, their club officer gets to hunt free. Another scam of sorts. Another little known secret about the club is that they actually own land in various statespurchased by club dues. Club members are supposed to be able to get details and permission to hunt the lands. But they keep that a fairly closely guarded secret. At one time years ago, they did put info about that in their magazine but haven't for quite some time.

Other than that, it is a decent magazine for the price. They just tend to exagerate the benefits a little bit.
Bura Nut-
Same thing happened to me when I was a member over ten years ago.
I was sent books as well. I called them and told them I did not want any stupid books. They said to return the book to which I told them I had already tossed it and that I had not ordered anything.
They tried to charge me but in the end saw that legally they could not do anything. After all the stress I told them to send back what was left of my subscription and to count me out.
They eventually did after two months of fraudulant collection notices and realizing I would not give in.
Guess what my opinion is of them.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-16-04 AT 05:00PM (MST)[p]The NAHC. What a joke. I'm agreeing with the Knack on this stuff. At first, it seemed like a good deal. The magazine was decent enough but soon I was inundated with stupid books, belt buckles, cheapie trinkets and generic trash items I could get at any five and dime store. I too returned them and was charged nonetheless. What a bogus deal. I canceled my "membership" right after that.
How do they generate "memberships"? They send you a honorary membership card and a bunch of boy scout rules that as a hunter in good standing must adhere to with dues for a buck a month. The free stuff to test? C'mon.
Wonder if these brainiacs are responsible for the likes of the North American Fishing Club, the North American Handyman Club, etc.? If it sounds too good to be true, chances are it's bogus.

And their show on the Outdoor Channel? Three goofs watching a video for 10 minites and discussing,debating & wondering if they'd make the ethical shot because the animal wasn't perfectly broadside.
Their show sucks too.
The same thing that happend to Bura nut and the others is the same thing that happend to me. You join the club and they send you these books in the mail that you never ask for and expect you to pay for them. They tell you that you will get to test products like guns and scopes and the like, but it sounds like you have to be a life member to get that benefit. The NAHC is just one of the many clubs that makes themselves sound better than they really are.
I'am starting the Western United States Hunting CLUB(WUSHC).You will all be getting junk mail from me soon. Just make your checks payable to WUSHC and all proceeds go to me. All money raised will go directly to funding my hunting trips. Hope to take your money I mean hope to have you as a member soon.
I will join your club if you join mine-
my club is called fleece
I offer free hunting trip to anywhere you want to go inside to USA
I own land in every state- you as a member can use my holdings for hunting-
my land is open to all types of big and small game hunting
annual fee is only $1.00 thats one dollar per day

the only thing is you need to make a reservation for the time you are wishing to hunt-

only restriction is if you have a foot size larger then an 11 1/2 you will not be able to hunt for you will be on someone elses land

each hunting property is one square foot in size so that means any thing that crosses the property can be taken

for further information contact my attorneys-
law offices of Dewey Cheatum, & Howe


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