Nootka Fishing trip '07

Link didn't take. I'll try again later when I have an hour to kill....
Copy and paste works. Nice fish! Kind of sad that you didn't choose to post it here first... we thought we were your bestest friends!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
:) Roy, you recognize most of those hooligans on Huntwa?? Thanks, I'm sure your like me, home is where the heart is but I've always got a place for my MM buds. To be honest, it's much easier to load the picture's on Huntwa as an attatchment. I have nothing but problem's trying to resize and load the pictures in to photo bucket. My computer is also a piece of crap. Good luck on the opener!

I tried cut and paste, won't work, if you click on that link, go to 'Fishing' and go to page two. My Nootka thread has all the photo's.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-11-07 AT 02:06PM (MST)[p]wierd i can't get the link to post right either.
here you go...




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