Noodling Anyone?


LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-10 AT 10:50AM (MST)[p]For all those crazy guys who go 'noodling' for catfish and stick their arms down the fish's throat!! This would be 'all the catfish you can eat',

Each year, a few people were drowning or disappearing mysteriously in Huadu's Furong Reservoir. It was not until recently, when the son of a government official went swimming, in the reservoir and was drowned, that the secret was revealed.

It is a 3 meter long man-eating catfish whose head alone is 1 meter wide!

After cutting up the catfish, people were surprised to find the remains of another man inside!

Swimming in the reservoir is now forbidden because it is feared another similar man-eating catfish is still lurking in the waters


I'd like verification from the person that was actually eaten by the mammoth catfish or maybe a picture may suffice....


Yes, this opens the door to a lot of posibilities for photoshop. Have fun boys!
Feleno- Sticker may be right on the "Oriental" aspect of his post. Alhough, without seeing the great beasts eyes or private parts, it is very difficult to tell just what nationality it is.

That does not look like a whale shark to me....although possible. However, it is true that some species of catfish (reaching up to 700+ lbs) have eaten people.

Within the shadows, go quietly.

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