Non-Resident Youth Special Draw


Long Time Member
Could someone please lead me to a web link outlining this information as I am drawing a blank. I am looking at putting my son who is a youth into the Special Draw but I haven't been successful on locating any info on the Youth Special Draw fee's. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks and happy huntin'


"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-13 AT 05:39PM (MST)[p]There is no such thing for youth and that's why you can't find a link. If you enter them into the special draw they have to pay the adult fee. The youth fee break is only for the regular draw.
That would be a good explanation why this info can't be found. Appreciate the response...

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."

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