Non - Resident moose help ?




I am interested in Moose hunting somewhere in the West someday and was wondering which state is for me ?

1. First of all, I am looking for a state that will allow me to bank/build yearly pref points until I'm ready to start appling. I would like something around 7-8 years from now.

2. I am not looking for a trophy, I would be very happy with a small bull.

3. I consider myself to be in good shape, so I would welcome difficult terrain.

Any help would be appreciated
Thanks You
Seabee, I wish I could sell you my Wyo. moose points (7 or 8), because I'm not sure I can afford to maintain them anymore. Other than that, good luck.
Your best bets are probably Wyoming, Montana and Colorado as they all have a points system and plenty of rugged territory. Utah doesn't offer many non-resident tags so the odds can be really tough but there is a bonus point system available. Idaho has the best non-resident moose opportunities but they don't have bonus points. This makes the odds of drawing much better but you don't have much of an idea when you might draw.

Look on the fish and game websites for draw success and harvest success reports.

Good luck.
Personally I'd put $50-75 a month in a savings account for 7-8 years and go to Alaska on a DIY hunt...

Your odds of drawing a moose tag are slim to none in the lower 48 as a NR in every state reguardless of how long you bank points... I've been applying in MT for 15 years, for the last 4 as a NR, and have yet to pull a tag. They have only had the 'point' thing for the last 5 though... I doubt I'll draw a tag in the next 15 either.

ID gives out the most moose tags but as a NR you're limited to 10%... You also have to buy a hunting license to apply and there is no point system...

If I had my heart set on hunting moose in the lower 48, I'd apply for ID every year and hope for the best. You'll have better odds of drawing and could possibly draw one year in the next 7-8, but wouldn't count on it by any means.

For the most part states that have point systems, you'll be pretty late in the game to play, thats the down side, but on the other hand most states do offer you a slim chance of drawing with fewer points than max. IMO its a pipe dream to think that you could just put in for 7-8 years and then pull a tag and go on a hunt... I have friends and family that have put in with resident odds in MT for 30+ years an not drawn a tag...

Like I said if your heart is set on moose... go to AK on a DIY hunt, at least you'er gaurenteed a tag. It will cost you a little more, but not much when you talley up all the application fees and the tag cost when and if you actually draw.

If AK is out of the questoin my pick is would be ID first and WY and MT second.

Thanks for all the info ! I never thought about Alaska. I was thinking of Canada and out West. I think I will take your advise and bank $75 a month for the next 8 years. That will give me around $7,200.

I was planning on going to AK next year for moose on a DIY hunt, but think I might go back to Africa instead... To good of a deal to pass up over there, and AK will always be around, can't say that for Africa with the political situation there now...

Anyway, I've looked into DIY moose hunts a bunch and just about any way you slice it you're going to be into a hunt about $5000 minimum. A fly in drop hunt will run you about $3-3500, but you still have to get there plus tags and licence... shipping home etc etc... Probably be closer to $5500 in the end.

Save up and have a good trip! You'd be surprised how fast you can save money when you have a goal in mind... my bet is if you start saving now, you'll be hunting up there in 4 years instead of 8. ;)

Alaska moose hunting would definatly be more of an adventure than hunting them out west IMO...

Also something else you might want to look into if you're just after a 'moose' is to look into eastern Canada. Really reasonable hunts out there fully guided etc, for the price of a DIY AK hunt or less. I've given this some serrious thought as well, but my hunting partners are more interested in 'racks' than just a moose.
You can also hunt in Utah on a CWMU for about 7,500 also. As said Idaho is your best bet. Forget about Colorado, there are about 8,000 hunters applying for about 40 tags, yes someone has to draw but you would have a much more rewarding situation on a DIY Alaska hunt. Only my opinion and good luck.

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