Non-resident deer tags

Just a few years ago they sold out mid-summer.

IDFG wants too much money, and the hunting has gone seriously downhill.

Not good for Idaho's wildlife.

Screw Idaho Fish and Game

They want way too much money for their crappy general hunts

This could be the year we see them cut prices!
I for one like to see the tags left over. Those animals not taken are left to reproduce, and the money that fish & game would have recieved actually does very little to help big game in the state.
This price increase & the economy may by accident be the best thing to happen for idaho game managment in years.
The IDFG just tried to reduce the price of Non-resident deer and elk tags sold as second tags at the Aug 24 commission meeting, but the commission said "NO". They recommended lowering the NR tag prices last year too, after they determined they were overpriced compared to other states, and the commission said no then too.

I saw this coming when they raised prices a couple of years ago, and tried to convince them not to raise prices but they did anyways, and now they are feeling the consequences.
Please feel free to pass this along to IDFG.

After not drawing deer in my home state, I thought about going to Idaho to hunt deer. Yes I had heard that the numbers are down but I was willing to go just to get back into my favorite little spot. When I brought up the web-page and looked at the prices, I just moved on. What is sad is that I actually have the money! I just refuse to pay that for deer.

I quit going to Idaho a several years ago and started going to Wyoming. I fill up in Ontario Oregon and that gets me through the state of Idaho without filling up again. I got so damned cranky about their tag hikes that I refused to even buy gas in the state!

Have you seen how much of the IDFG budget comes from non-resident fees? wow. I imagine that IDFG is having serious budget problems due to non-res hunters opting to go elsewhere. Bottom line is that they got greedy. They are not alone, other state agencies have done it too. Life was good when the economy was good and lots of folks had lots of disposable income. Now that times are lean...
My problem with them is they charge you nearly 200 bucks for a chance to draw 1 controlled hunt there is really no way you could ever get your 2nd choice as a non resident.

Heck in some of the hunts that you can apply for there is not even a debating upon that anyone will draw a tag at all! To me that is just plain robbery.

Then when they were considering a bonus/preference point system they wanted to add an additional fee for that! The point system was shot down by the residents which I can understand but if they left it inplace for non residents can you imagine the revenue they would get!

I wish every state would follow Nevadas lead in this they have the best system out there as far as I can tell. You can at anytime with any amount of points draw one of your 5 choices! not your first choice only and yes if you have no points you can draw while someone with 15 does not.

But back to Idaho I have always felt that why they have their draw set up the way they do is do basically force the hand of the non resident to feel like they are already so invested that they feel obligated to buy a general tag.

At least thats how most people I know treat it.
I could give a crap if out of state folks come to our state I think it is great they raised the prices. We our one of a few over the counter states left. I think they should make them draw as well. The decline in animal numbers has hurt the state and F&G is managing themselves out of a job. My uncle works for the state of Idaho and he said F&G in our state is the most corrupt organization in the state. I think their are better states to hunt if you have to travel.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-02-11 AT 08:50PM (MST)[p]"Make them draw". They can't give there nonresident tags away. Thats funny "make them draw" are you kidding me? No one wants them. If the price of nonresident tags doesn't come down, then i'll bet resident price's go up real soon.
It's about paying for a quality experience, if there's very little game and if the quality of those you do see are basically small young bucks and bulls, it's a very expensive camping trip! Idaho does have nice camping!
The hunting would be better if they didn't let every Tom .##### and Harry into the state and they would manage their game not hunter opportunities. I hunt 30,000 acres of private land so it really isn't that big of a deal to me. I just hat to see it all go to crap. Idaho has tons of public land and if you are willing to work you can still shoot some great animals being a native to the state I have seen it go way down hill. If I was an out of stater I wouldn't come unless I had private ground to hunt or new the area very well. The problem is quit a few out of state folks are happy with those young bucks that most locals would pass on. Why because it is still better than their home state where they can't draw a tag or they are covered up in private land.
I don't think the states local hunters will miss out of state hunters much. The F&G might miss their money though but I think they have found ways to fleece the locals to cover that. I think if it stay this way for a few years with some mild winters and if the economy stays in the toilet the animals will come back.
The state of Idaho must need someone to teach basic level economics.

I clearly understand not wanting more hunters around... no matter where they are from... but someone has to pay the bills. If the money isn't coming from non-resident sportsmen then they will find a way to get it elsewhere, and that elsewhere will be through the resident. If you think for a minute that they will make it up by cutting expenses, you just havent studied government for more than five minutes. Cuts may come, but they will be temporary until they find the financial solution.

Again, Idaho is not the only guilty culprit here, we just happen to be discussing Idaho at the moment. Oregon really screwed up on the non-resident hunters years ago and then really did it again this last year. I believe it will take a year or two before they realize how bad they screwed up. Wyoming pushed it to the edge, but not enough to kill their funding base.

There's a whole lot of assumptions in your post that just aren't so. Hey, that's your opinion so whatever. It has been stated that the NR funds the bulk of the game depts budget. If the resident hunters want to take over, go for it.
They do not miss any opportunity to make a buck. Some of their changes like making you put in for a Archery Antelope tag. Everyone that puts in pays that fee which they use to not have. Second draw tags. I think they leave one tag out so they get folks to put in for that second draw. Wolf tags now and so on. They try to fleece the public when they get the chance. My only rage about Idaho is they sell over the counter and they have a mentor youth tag that an out of stater can get cheaper for them than someone in State. You don't see that in neighboring states. Montana raised their prices. I wouldn't come hear to hunt if I was out of state either. Maybe they will learn if they don't they will be looking for a job. As for right now all they are selling is a opportunity and a easy in,buy a over the counter tag.
Man you guys have a lot to complain about. Tell me which state has the best system. They are all different, with different strengths and weaknesses.

In my opinion, the strength of Idaho's system for both NR and resident is the opportunity to hunt much of the state on an OTC tag every year with the oppy to also draw for some pretty good LE tags. Yes the opportunity to draw requires a lic, but most states have a min cost to play. What do most other states cost? I put in for Wyo and pay $100/yr for points, though I am not required to buy a lic. I think this is the case with most states, either you must buy a lic/tag or you pay for points to stay in the game.
>Man you guys have a lot
>to complain about. Tell
>me which state has the
>best system. They are
>all different, with different strengths
>and weaknesses.
>In my opinion, the strength of
>Idaho's system for both NR
>and resident is the opportunity
>to hunt much of the
>state on an OTC tag
>every year with the oppy
>to also draw for some
>pretty good LE tags.
>Yes the opportunity to draw
>requires a lic, but most
>states have a min cost
>to play. What do
>most other states cost?
>I put in for Wyo
>and pay $100/yr for points,
>though I am not required
>to buy a lic.
>I think this is the
>case with most states, either
>you must buy a lic/tag
>or you pay for points
>to stay in the game.

My personal opinion as stated earlier is Nevada has the best system. You can draw with no points and get a tags someone with 20 points was also trying to draw! Yes your points will cost you the price of a license but at least you get a point!

When I apply for Idaho I have to buy a license that unless I get drawn I will not use! Also in Nevada you can draw anyone of your 5 choices. In Idaho you only have a realistic chance at your first choice. For instance the area in Idaho I would ove to draw has a early and late hunt. The late hunt usually only draws 1-2 non resident hunters so if I tried for that first I just spent lots of money for very slim odds. and no chance of getting the early hunt! Also there are some hunts that will allow for non residents to apply and then none are even drawn tome that is thievery!

I guess what I am saying is if you make me buy a license to apply give me a bonus point! If not give me some of my money back. I am only going to Idaho as a last resort to hunt over the counter and I would almost rather stay hime and chase little bucks around here.

Please by all means stay at home and hunt little bucks around there. Your comments are exactly what I get sick of hearing. Stay in your back yard if you don't like our system. I don't ##### about your "little bucks" on here, so if you don't like our costs don't pay them but don't complain on my state forum!

I took a little look at your favorite states draw system. In 2010 only 8.8% of deer rifle applicants drew a tag in the draw. That isn't just first choice, that's any tag. In those hunts only 50% filled their tag and 56% of those were 4pt.

By contrast, just considering Idaho LE Draw hunts, 9.7% of 2011 NR applicants drew a buck tag. That does not take into consideration the OTC opportunities. Our LE hunts ave 60% succces and 64% 4pt or better. Even our OTC general hunt averages 30% success, with 45% taking 4pt or better on a 100% hunt opportunity.

Plus, to top it off, according ot David Long's book, for the 20 years from 85-05, Nevada put 19 deer into the B&C book, while Idaho put in 83. We put in 4x as many deer in the book and only kill about 3x more mule deer, so I say you get a lot more bang for your buck here in terms of opportunity, trophy, and fair treatment of NR vs Residents.

If you feel better that you have points, then good for you!
Well it aounds like you have heard this more than once. My point is that I believe Idaho is leaving a lot of money out there. If they implemented a point system they would get more applicants! Also by getting more non residents to apply does not affecr odds of residents.

Hey I just want a chance to hunt if I don't draw that's fine I will do something else.

Do you think its fair that I have to buy a license that I will not use just to be able to apply for one hunt? $150 is a lot of money to some people.

Hey I am not all hate for Idaho if I lived closer I wouldn't think twice about it. The chance to use a general tag over the course of 3-4 months in a large portion of the state is really cool. And you can take your kids and let them hunt without too much extra cost.
Many if not most NR hunters are looking for deer and elk. The elk hunting has taken a big hit. If the elk tags sold out so might the deer tags. F&G is getting double whammied from the poor elk numbers.

The bonus point issue comes up from time to time and is always shot down. I don't thing you will see it in Idaho. I do think you will see more draw only units or more restrictions for deer hunters. But, there is no need to do it now as NR hunting pressure is lower.

Lack of NR dollars is a BAD THING. If F&G is forced on the general fund we will all see less hunting opportunities as our wildlife will be managed for the "non-consumptive" user. i.e. more wolf watchers.

Hey, a NR wolf tag is only $31.75. Let's hope we sell out on them.
As a NR I hope Idaho does not start a point system. Yes the price is high, but as a plan B hunt it fits my schedule. I am able to apply for a draw hunt, and then if I don't draw and have time I can get an OTC archery deer tag and hunt the last season. My children will one day be going with me and a point system will cut down on family opportunities, so will eliminating the OTC archery tags. Last note, the mentor program is great, a youth can tag along at a reduced rate with the parent paying full price. This helps bring and keep youth hunters hunting. Just my 2 cents.

I agree that NR deer/elk tag fees should be lowered. Those of you who agree, send emails to Idaho Legislature. They set the price level and will not listen to IDF&G request to have it lowered.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-11 AT 05:36PM (MST)[p]I don't think price is stopping people I think it is the lack of game. Most the hunters I know are not going to be stopped by the little fee increase not serious hunters. It sucks for me when I go to buy that extra tag though. How out of line are they with the cost of tags in other states? I think to roll in and buy a tag over the counter it is a deal for folks that can't draw in their own state. What other states can you buy a OTC tag as a non resident? The only ones I know are back east and are covered in private ground. I could be wrong though.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-11 AT 07:32PM (MST)[p]There's lots of game left in Idaho. There's lots of big bucks killed in over the counter units every year, you just don't hear or read about it. (most are people that keep there lips shut). I think it's pretty simple, if you don't like the way Idaho is handling its game, then don't come. I'm not trying to be rude. I've never hunted out of state. The reason is because I don't need to go anywhere else to harvest my game. I guess other states you can drive down the road and shoot a big 4-point.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-11 AT 09:00PM (MST)[p]It's all give and take. Some like it and some don't. Clearly as consumers we all can choose to go elsewhere. Personally I am happy to get to hunt each year, and like this year occasionally have an opportunity at a really special hunt.

Man I can't imagine having NO opportunity each year. I would be willing to have the entire state closed down for a year or two to get the age class of deer back up, and then decrease/cap by about 10% less in hopes of improving quality, but I don't think we can wake up tomorrow and be Colorado. It only takes one or two bad winters to take a huge step backwards, which even Colo and Wyo may be experiencing now.
I am a NR I have never hunted Idaho, but I don't think there fees are anymore than any other state. Arizona license is $152.00 elk tag $595.00,deer tag $232.00 just an example so like some have said if you don't like the prices don't go.
Some of us hunt out of state because the state were we live either sucks (where i live) or we can't get drawn. I would pay to hunt Idaho just to get to see some of that beautiful country!! It seems people are starting to forget the reason we hunt, its not just about getting a trophy animal. It should be about getting in the outdoors with friends and family and enjoy it. Just my .02 so go ahead and rag on me if you want.
I don't think you have the right to tell anyone the reason WE hunt. I don't hunt to go on armed hiking trips. I can go see that country and hike with a gun any time I want. The reason I hunt is to kill an animal. If that is not the reason why call it hunting?
No I don't kill an animal every time I go hence the name hunt.
I can save you a ton of money. Go to a family reunion in the city park in July. You can't have a hunt without the main plan being to kill.
Ron, I think he made a good point, its about the memories we make spending time doing the things we love. If its strickly about killing animals become a butcher.I dont think he was meaning he isnt trying to kill animals just enjoys being outdoors as much as the kill. I have had successful hunts in my opinion, when the animals killed didnt make it a success, the experience did.
I,m not telling anyone why we hunt! I'm just saying it seems like nowadays everyone is so fixated on killing a trophy animal. Sure I would like to kill a monster buck, but I would also be happy with an average four point. If I hunted hard and thats what I shot I consider it a trophy to me. It just seems alot of people are complaining about the cost to hunt Idaho, but I would gladly pay it to be able to hunt every year. Sorry if I made you upset.
As of Sept 23rd 9656 out of about 12000 (approx) non-resident deer tags still available with 17 days until opening day. What is the over/under on how many will be left on October 10th?
Can someone confirm that non-residents can still buy unsold deer tags during the season? I'll be in Wyoming on an elk hunt in October, and if I harvest early I'm hoping to swing over to Idaho to hunt deer and wolf for a week. Thanks in advance!
I am reasonably sure that if there are tags available that you can buy them, keep in mind at some point residents are allowed to buy the left over non-resident tags for the non-resident price. Some residents take advantage of this.
Thanks. Yep I understand the residents can buy the tags starting around end of August. I was just more concerned whether they limit sales to just prior to the opening of the general season. The way it looks there should be plenty of tags available.
I'll be buying my Non-Res deer and elk tags. And I am sure IDFG is happy I am. Tell you what, running into our game officer every year, who is an awesome guy, he sure is happy to see us every year :)

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