Non-resident AZ Supplemental class January 3, 2015


Very Active Member
For those non-residents who are looking to get a permanent bonus point to help your odds in drawing an Arizona big game tag, the Kingman team will be holding the one-day class on Saturday, January 3, 2015 here in Kingman (100 miles south of Las Vegas in northwest Arizona).

Only requirement is that you must have taken hunter ed in your home state (or any state) since 1980 and you provide a copy of your card to Dave Williams at AZ G&F. Any one 10 years or older can take this class!

Williams can reached to sign up for the class at 623-236-7434. FAX your cards to him at 623-236-7903.

Class will start at 7 a.m. (Arizona time) and will end about 6 p.m.

We will do a "working lunch" to try and get folks out early.

Take this class and graduate--and almost all do--and you'll walk out with a permanent bonus point that WILL be added to your accumulated points for the 2015 elk and antelope draws!

We will talk about how the AZ draw works in detail and explain to you the "new" way that NR's will see bonus points applied starting in 2016.

If you need a good, clean and reasonably priced motel to stay at while attending this class-either Friday or Saturday night, call the Silver Queen Motel at 928-757-4315 and tell them you are there for the AZ Hunter Ed class. You'll get a small discount off the regular room prices if you do. They are right next to the freeway and have a Denny's within 200 yards.

If you have any questions, call me at 928-303-9481 and/or send me an email at [email protected] or call Dave Williams.

Don Martin
Chief Instructor
AZ Hunter Education
Region 3
In a nut shell in starting in 2016, the NR's who are in the top bonus point pools will get up to 5% of the tags, not the 10% they can get now.

The other 5% will be available in the general, or second draw. The thought is that NR's who are not in the those max pools, and most are not, will have a chance to draw those premium deer, elk and antelope tags that right now they are locked out of due to the 10% going to max point holders in the 20% pass draw.

I'm meeting with G&F in Kingman this week to go over this; and I assure you I'll have the right scoop for those who take this class!

Don Martin
I already have the hunter Ed point as a non resident. So you are telling me this is a done deal? It's great for the non max point holders their odds on the strip will go from zero to to 1 in 1200. Great deal for e everyone
Isn't there a chance with the new system the non-residents will not even receive up to their 10%?
Sorry I have the numbers incorrect above the odds of drawing 13 B will go from zero to .0008 percent keep in mind . 01 is 1%.
1 in 1250 odds? Those are pretty darn good, no?

I'll only be 1311 years old by the time I draw...unless there's more points creep. LOL

What happened at the meeting? I heard they did the right thing and did not change the NR draw.

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