non res cow moose permits?


Very Active Member
so help me understand something. for the past 5 years, the dwr hasnt issued any cow moose permits in the drawings because the numbers are too low for hunts. fine, i understand that (dont get me started on them taking money for points though). then this year, they decide to throw 20 tags into the drawing. not alot, but it is a start. what i dont agree with, is why are they issuing ANY to non residents?? it seems like complete BS that we are giving out such a limited resource to out of staters! if they were doing 100 tags, i can see them justifying 5 or so to the non res guys, but not 20% of our total tag numbers! we already have given non res people our cow moose when we transplanted a bunch of them in 2008 to become wolf food! can someone explain their reasoning for this? or is this just another example of them managing for dollar signs again?
you do realize you are a NR in every state except one...


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
oh no chit? thank you captain obvious!

that has nothing to do with what im saying. i apply for several different states each year, and for many of those states, i have to pick certain units/seasons because non res tags arent offered for that season or unit.

when a resource is that limited, i think we should keep the tags for the guys who actually help fund most of the local habitat projects/protection/conservation efforts... not pimp them out to people who really have nothing to do with utah wildlife other than buying hunting licenses and permits
Do funds brought in from non-resident tags/licenses/points not fund significant efforts to manage wildlife? I think all tags should be given to residents / non-residents by some sort of percentage. Say 10%, so 2 of those tags could go to non-residents.
>oh no chit? thank you captain
>that has nothing to do with
>what im saying. i apply
>for several different states
>each year, and for many
>of those states, i have
>to pick certain units/seasons because
>non res tags arent offered
>for that season or unit.
>when a resource is that limited,
>i think we should keep
>the tags for the guys
>who actually help fund most
>of the local habitat projects/protection/conservation
>efforts... not pimp them out
>to people who really have
>nothing to do with utah
>wildlife other than buying hunting
>licenses and permits

so yet you apply stealing the tags from residents of other states who according to your defense deserve them, yet then don't want NR to come to your state to do the same exact thing you are attempting... make up your mind captain...

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Get a grip. These are cow tags, after all. There aren't really that many residents who want these tags, and even fewer NR will come to hunt a cow moose. I don't mind a few cow tags for nonresidents.

And, BTW, my wife applied for one of the resident tags. I looked at the bonus point report and there are not that many people in the max point pool. She may actually draw, if not this year, than soon.

Utah's system is wacked, but its not because a few tags go to NR's.

Good lord---where do you crybaby screw the next guy types come from?

I have no problem at all sharing tags with fellow hunters from across our nation.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-14-16 AT 01:17PM (MST)[p]I agree!

We're all NR everywhere except one State. I wish Utah would do more for the NR guys. Some other States are much more generous than Ut.

A little love for the NR's please!

Sorry if that upsets your apple cart.

haha she may actually draw?? no, she wont. you are living a pipe dream. maybe in 30 years. there are around 250 max point holders for cow moose. thats quite a few people to run through before you are guaranteed a tag... 1in 30ish odds.... not too great. im one of those 250 people. and i dont want to wait 30 years for a tag. thats why im mad we are pissing away our tags to non res people. i dont care if its 1 tag or 10 tags. that just decreases the odds for the people who live in this state
Your logic must be way over my head. Why have you chosen to single out Cow Moose to be "mad" about? How about San Juan Elk, or Henry's Deer, or Beaver Billy Goats? All those hunts are very limited in number, but Utah awards a small percentage to NR's. Just like all the other states most of us apply in for limited big game tags as NR's.
I think its because he has MAX points, I also have MAX points, I love moose meat and this will be my last real chance to fill my freezer with one. I kinda questioned the 20% vs. the normal 10% but I am just glad they did not end up as conservation/expo tags....but there is always next year. even with MAX points it will be a tough draw.
All 5 bull moose tags in the unit I applied for were awarded to hunters with fewer pp's than I had.
Don't be hatein it's not cool we are all trying to get a tag on a great hunt. I for one was a Utah resident and was born and raised there. But my work took me out of state so where does a transplant fall into your calculations are we NR's even though all of my family lives there?
We'll of course we are but I love to hunt with my family so I apply for hunts in Utah every year to no avail Besides do you realize all of the money NR's bring to Utah every year how much does that help you local businesses and guides, grocery stores gas stations Mom's home cookin in Salina that town and other small towns depend on those dollars to make it through the year.
I am not a big dollar hunter I try to get the most bang for my buck each year so we are no different in fact in most cases we work to hunt each year so drawing tags and DIY is one way to cut costs.
I am with the others I'll bet you wouldn't think this way if the shoe was on the other foot

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