No Trespassing!


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No Trespassing Signs

Pete is taking his friend hunting, but when they get to his favorite hunting spot, they notice 'No Trespassing' signs posted everywhere. He tells his friend to wait in the car and walks up to the nearby farmhouse. The farmer answers the door, and Pete says, "Sir, I've been hunting on this property all my life, but I notice that you now have a bunch of 'No Trespassing' signs posted. I wanted to see if it was still OK for me to hunt here."

The farmer tugs on his beard for a bit, and replies, "I'll make a deal with you. We have this cow out back that we have to kill for food, but we've grown too attached to it. If you go out back and shoot my cow, I'll let you hunt on my property."

Pete walks back to the car and decides to play a joke on his friend. "That miserable old bugger won't let us hunt on his property," he says. "I'm going to shoot his damn cow!" He then walks over to the side of the house and ... BAM!

Suddenly, two more shots ring out behind him and his friend runs up, shouting, "I got the dog and cat too! Quick, let's get the hell out of here!"

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