No PETA Super Bowl Ad!!!


January 27, 2009 --

NBC pulled the plug on a PETA pro-veggie commercial planned for the Super Bowl because it "depicts a level of sexuality exceeding our standards," according to NBC Universal's advertising standards executive, Victoria Morgan. The ad, which carries the tagline, "Studies Show Vegetarians Have Bet ter Sex," shows lingerie-clad stunners getting "intimate" with vegetables. One shot depicts an actress "rubbing [her] pelvic region with pumpkin." Says a PETA rep: "PETA's veggie ads are locked out, while ads for fried chicken and burgers are allowed, even though these foods make Americans fat, sick and boring in bed."

I guess we now know their true agenda!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Oh sweet, now all we can hope for is a nipple shot from Rhianna!!

I heard that "mothers against sodamy of cucumbers" or MASC is the leading organization that has put a stop to this horrible commercial.
I'm extremely disappointed with PETA lately. It seems that they are grabbing for straws in their most recent efforts. Not too long ago there was a post about something PETA was doing and it was just the lamest thing. It's almost like they are not representing themselves as a "solid" organization anymore. They seem to have gone off the deep end lately....not that they are already a little off the deep end.


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