No more tags for SFW



The DWR needs to raffle the tags not SFW.
DWR needs to take control of all auction tags and raffles.
Money collected can go to the wildlife from the DWR. In other words no more tags to all organizations.
I trust the DWR more than the SFW and all other organizations.
. . . and you voted for Obama too didn't you! You have got to be kidding me! Do you really think a government agency could manage that kind of funding on their own? Wow! Now that's some serious Kool-Aide drinking right there.

It's always an adventure!!!
If SFW wants public tags then SFW is in the spotlight. If they do not want the tags then they can step out of the spotlight.

For those of you that support SFW no matter what % of money hits the ground, great.

Here is my perspective. If Don and Karl and the Outfitters want to have a secretive group where Don calls the shots and SFW does not proudly release how every penny came in the door and how every penny went out the problem. They can even charge for memberships. Those groups exist everywhere.

But...none of those secretive groups get 200 Utah tags that belong to the public.

The spotlight is on SFW and the issue is not SFW failing to say all the good it has been doing. The issue is how well it is managing the money while it does its mission.

I have yet to be part of an organization that could not stand for a bit of improvement. Not all organizations are open to outside suggestions and SFW may feel all the good answers originate inside SFW's office.

Will be interesting if the March 25 meeting covers finances.
>But...none of those secretive groups get
>200 Utah tags that belong
>to the public.

Outdoors, please post Utah code which states Hunting tags are public property.
The states wildlife is not public property. Sorry
"Outdoors, please post Utah code which states Hunting tags are public property.
The states wildlife is not public property. Sorry."

Seems these tags are 100% the result of taxpayers who provide the funds for the Utah state government to exist. Those funds in turn are distributed by elected state officials to unelected department heads during the budgetary process.

Are you saying that the wildlife tags at the Expo, that are directly removed from the nonresident pool of tags which is from the larger pool of all Utah tags which the general public would otherwise draw during the application process, belong to some entity that does not answer to the taxpayer?
>The DWR needs to raffle the
>tags not SFW.
> DWR needs to take
>control of all auction tags
>and raffles.
> Money collected can go
>to the wildlife from the
>DWR. In other words no
>more tags to all organizations.
> I trust the DWR
>more than the SFW and
>all other organizations.

And who do you think these people are?

" On February 16th 2010 the drawing for the 200 permits for the Western Hunting & Conservation Expo was conducted at the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources in Salt Lake City, Utah. Start time of the draw was 12:11pm and finished at 1:06pm on February 16th, 2010. Those in attendance and witnessed the drawing procedure included: Greg Evans, IT Supervisor-DWR ? Kirk Poulson, Database Analyst-DWR ? Kenneth Johnson, Business Analyst-DWR ? Steve Harward, Systems Analyst-DWR ? Lindy Varney, Account Tech-DWR ? Ryan Foutz, WHCE Drawing Coordinator ? Justin Lucast, Software Consultant ? Rob Gray, Graysky Technologies."
>Are you saying that the wildlife
>tags at the Expo, that
>are directly removed from the
>nonresident pool of tags which
>is from the larger pool
>of all Utah tags which
>the general public would otherwise
>draw during the application process,
>belong to some entity that
>does not answer to the

That seems to be the case does it not?
I'm saying the states wildlife and the permits for them are regulated by the State. They govern the wildlife as they see fit.
Now I'm sure if you got enough money and people behind you I'm sure you would have a strong voice in how these tags were disributed. i.e. by influence of elected officials. Posting on Monster Muleys isnt gonna cut it.
I personally am for the tags SFW and all the other groups who recieve those tags but I spend 80% of my time in the hills and have seen results. I believe if the DWR was in control of these monies the DWR administrators would all have fat bouns checks and raises or the State would cut their budget because of the increased revenue and add another lane on I15 in the Salt Lake valley. Nothing would be getting done for wildlife.

"I personally am for the tags SFW and all the other groups who recieve those tags but I spend 80% of my time in the hills and have seen results."

Now be honest, the reason you support these tags is because you make your living directly from them. You have also, on several occasions, complained about the increased number of elk tags hurting quality. Looks like more wealth tags good, more public tags bad.
WOW, I guess my civics professor should be fired and locked up according to isaynunya. He taught that the people ARE the government. Just think of all the "ignorant" people who have believed that the government is beholden to the people, them dumb Founders, WTF did they know? Thanks for clearing that up nunya.

Funny how in the eyes of stinky it is all or nothing. If anyone dares question ANYTHING done by SFW we are just acting childish. I guess you think the same way about people question Obama. FOlks, here is the deal, we need to just shut the %&^* and trust our fearless leaders, they know what is best for us and what we really want, at least that is what stomper and nunya want us to believe.
dwalton, I am a plumbing/mechanical contractor. Dont know where your getting your info but I dont make my living from auction tags. The number of tags auctioned has no effect on my income. I just like what they are doing with the money.
Hoyt why dont you lobby your gov. officials instead of bitchin on MM. Thats the problem you wont stand up for anything you believe in, hunting, hunting rights or over sale of utahs hunting permits, you just #####.
Benifit it does! Like the 225 buck killed off a guzzler that was built by SFW with auction tag funds in and area that held no deer prior, the 238 buck killed in a reseeded area thanks to SFW with auction tag funds and the bighorn sheep I got to hunt thanks to FNAWS and SFW who put transplant sheep there 10 years ago with Auction tag funds. Those bucks were all taken during the regular hunt with every other draw tag DIY guy hunting them also. It does benifit guides and everyone else for that matter.
I'm not saying every thing SFW does is great I'm not saying all the auction tags are great. I'm saying wildlife and all of us benifit from it like it or not.
I never had a problem with sfw and special interest groups until now. They have become to big and when one party just like in government gets to big they no longer look out or the average guy. they look out for their selves. then throw in $$ and back door deals, lobbying and it stinks like a skunk.

enough is enough no more tags. in fact give back some is in order!!


Nets are for fish!!
Only have one thing to say. I've lived and hunted in Utah for over 50 years. I guarantee you this. Hunting has never been better. I suspect it's because someone besides the DWR has stepped up to the plate and used some common sense. Tell me I'm wrong! Bigger deer and bigger bulls are being killed in Utah than in the last 25 years. Give credit where credit is due.

By the way, most of these deer are being harvested on general hunts. Most of my friends have drawn a premium elk tag in the last 10 years if they really commit to the draw system.

SLICKROCK ARE YOU SHI%%$#& ME??? Hows the Cache Deer Herd looking these days??? Are we still putting a couple hundred thousand hunters in the hills each October??? We are kicking so much ass that we now have half the hunters and a three day deer season!!!

WTF kind of koolaid are you drinking???


good GOD what the hell are you teaching the next generation of hunters??? It's all good if every 20 years something with really big horns hits the dirt??? Thats all that matters right???
Hey slick if you have hunted in utah for 50 years that must mean you are at least in your mid sixties. Maybe you forgot about what mule deer hunting was like back in the 60s. I was quite young but I can remember all my uncles and older cousins filling their tags on mature bucks without really trying too hard. The serious hunters almost always killed record class bucks. Archery hunters back then could tag 2 bucks...NO comparison to todays deer hunting. And that was before limited entry was even heard of.
Hey DirtDick, you're right it was better in the 60's. Reread my post. I said in the last 25 years. If you knew anything about deer hunting in Utah you would remember that in the 60's nobody was f'n with the winter habitat. There were no ATV's in fact most people didn't have 4 wheel drives. A lot of things have changed. I'm just saying the DWR let things get so bad that it took private hunting groups to get things back on track. If you think the DWR is going to save the day... go choke on your own Koolaid axxhole.

No need to get fired up with me slickrock but the second sentence of your original post says "hunting has never been better" I only take exception to this on the matter of mule deer hunting. I never said anything about koolaid either o.k.
Sorry Dikndirt... fired back on the wrong post. Wiley was in my sights. I missed as usual.


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