No More Popcorn for T.O.


Very Active Member
I know Im not the only Dallas fan out there. What do yall think about him getting released, and where do you think he will end up? Personally, as a huge Dallas fan, Im thrilled he is gone. I hope he ends up with the Raiders. Al might be the only one left dumb enough to take him.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-09 AT 03:29PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-09 AT 03:28?PM (MST)

Too bad he didn't go on the resent football players fishing trip.

The boys will be a totally different team without TO, Pacman, Tank, and Williams. I hate the Boys but think they will be better in 2009. Now if they could just get rid of Jerry Jones and send him to the Raiders as well.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-09 AT 04:02PM (MST)[p]First of all, the Cowgirls blow. With that said, how can it be a good thing that your best athlete is gone? T.O. was the only guy on that damn team that could move the chains with any consitancy. T.O. made Romo a better Q.B. And now all you Cowboys fans are happy he is gone. I don't understand.
Reminds me of all the supposed Jazz fanz here in utah when they said that the team will be better off without Boozer if he leaves. Just plain dumb in my oppinion.

The reason it is better is because he is the best "athlete" who is the biggest distraction to playing football and winning. It doesn't matter if he is Superman, if no one on the team wants to practice/play with him.

I always thought you were paid to win the game. T.O. gave the Cowboys a chance at winning whenever Homo got him the ball. You get payed to play, not paid to be friends.
Ya and chemistry has nothing to do with winning. I could list dozens of excellent recievers who win games, but know how to play as a team. PLZ the guy is a physical specimen who is a mental loser. Good ridance.
My guess he'll probably end up in prison before long.
Any day the Cowboys lose is a good day!!!
Sounds like he's gonna end up with
the Raiders.

TO's a hell of a good football player.

I've got mixed opinions about him leaving,
but he was a major distraction.

Left 9.6 million lean'n against the salary cap,
so Jerry saw something.....

Be interesting to see.

Dallas candy a$$e$!
FYI, Dallas will never be what it used to be until they play as a team. T.O. was for T.O.! Romo is for ROMO! Jerry BLow Hard is for Jerry BLowHard!
Teams Win....... Dallas Individuals are Losers!

And I have to put this in "Obama Fans are Losers Also!"
Tell us how you really feel tincup.

Actually that was very funny.

+1 on the spread my wealth to losers crack.

Ahhhh the detractors. 2buck obviously has no comprehension of team sports, especially football. tincup, well, looks like he likes to blow. I hope TO comes to YOUR favorite team guys. mtmuley
Send him to Detroit!!!!!!

Might be some second thoughts on signing him, he does have a history of being a huge crybaby and hard on overal team hes getting on in years. You'll be signing a almost hasbeen crybaby.

Is that ethical?
T.O.'s report card from the 3rd grade;

"This 15 year old child does not play well with others".

T.O.'s resume from the Dallas Cowboys;

"This 30 year old child does not play well with others".
Check this out. Guess people are tired of hearing him.......

Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:36 pm EST

The teams that don't want Terrell Owens
Terrell Owens is still technically the property of the Dallas Cowboys, so it would be against league rules for other teams to go on record as saying they are or aren't interesting in acquiring his services (though that hasn't stopped the Redskins)., though, is keeping a list of teams that have made it known to them through "league sources" that they have no interest in Owens. As of right now, that list includes:

The Dallas Cowboys.
The New York Giants.
The Washington Redskins.
The Baltimore Ravens.
The San Francisco 49ers.
The Minnesota Vikings.
The Atlanta Falcons.
The Cleveland Browns.
The San Diego Chargers.
The Philadelphia Eagles.
The New York Jets.
The Tennessee Titans.
The St. Louis Rams.

And the Eagles and Dolphins are listed as teams that are expected to join the list soon. Donovan McNabb and Bill Parcells are the president and vice president of the "Terrell Owens Deserves a Giant Wedgie Club."

But there are no real surprises there, except maybe a couple of mild ones. The Redskins are always worth mentioning whenever an expensive free agent is available, and the Vikings wanted T.J. Houshmandzadeh badly, but whiffed. I guess they're only in the market for sane receivers.

See more on NFL Free Agency here.

Related: T.J. Houshmandzadeh, Donovan McNabb, Terrell Owens, Atlanta Falcons, Baltimore Ravens, Cleveland Browns, Dallas Cowboys, Minnesota Vikings, New York Giants, New York Jets, Philadelphia Eagles, San Diego Chargers, San Francisco 49ers, St. Louis Rams, Tennessee Titans, Washington Redskins, NFL League Issues

Is that ethical?
Heu muley, T.O. has allready been on two of my favorite teams. He went to the SB with the Eagles. I understand team sports just fine. You do what it takes to win. I get the fact that T.O. is a pile as a team player. But that still doesn't hide the stats as to what the team did while T.O. had the ball in his hands, and when he didn't. They went from a contender to crap in thos instances. Lets face it, The Cowgirls are in trouble, they let Williams go also. Seems to me that he was one of thier best deffenders. These whiners get paid to play the friggen sport, they all need to wipe between thier legs and just play.
T.O. What a pain in the ars. Let us not forget he was second last year in dropped passes. A-lot of those coming at critical times. What a history he has had. He is for sure a first ballot hall of fame for one of the biggest distractions to have played the game.

GO FINS..............
Wait, did someone really say that T.O. was the only guy on the team that could move the chains? Sorry dude, but Witten moved the chains more than T.O. did. Go look at the stats. 50 first downs for Witten, 38 for T.O. Witten in 10x more dependable than T.O. is.
grizzmoose good point. Look for Witten to have even a better 09 season without Romo feeding the ball to the ego t o .
T.O.-69 receptions, 1052 yards, 15.2 average, 10 td's.
Whitten-81 rec., 952 yards, 11.8 ave., 4 td's.
Who did more with the ball? Stats don't lie.
How many pass attempts to each player????

How many dropped balls by each player????

The two play different positions don't they??

If he is so good than why doesn't anyone want him??? I just watched a report this morning on ESPN which listed all of the teams in the AFC that had interest in him. Only 1 the Raiders. In the NFC only 1 the Niners.

Remember if it was not for Boldin he would have led the NFL in dropped passes.

100 yards difference. 6 TD difference. I can see how that would be a big deal if you were comparing two WR's. We are comparing a supposed #1 WR to a TE. I dont expect a TE to be getting all that many TD's, so the comparison there isnt that strong to me. The whole point was someone stated TO is the only one that moved the chains. My point is thats just not true. Moving the chains is making 1st downs. Witten had more. End of story.
Listen, I don't even give a rats ass about T.O.
all I am saying is that the Cowboys are not going to be as dangerouse without the guy. Which is a good thing since they are my teams rival.
Realistically, I think the Cowboys will lose some of their explosiveness. You are right there. But, I think they will be substantially more efficient. Our run game will improve with the return of Felix Jones working with Barber. The whole dynamic will change. I dont think they will be a Super Bowl contender, but we obviously weren't with T.O. either.

BTW. . .Williams WAS was of our best defenders, about 4 years ago. Right now he is getting older and is a huge liability in pass coverage. He is more interested in making highlight hits than making a tackle. I think ditching him was a better move than releasing T.O.
The Pats could use him with Moss.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded". my mind it was the perfect marriage of two people that deserved each other (Jones & T.O.), that did all the rest of us favor as long as they didn't procreate...

Sorry to see them break up... }>
I was close same league. one year contact then over to the Pats Maybe, LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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