No more MM bashing


LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-11 AT 06:52PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-11 AT 06:51?PM (MST)

I am a avid MMer have been for the last five years. Lately it has been getting pretty bad on here, with lots of attacks and just plain rude comments to others. It is by far the worst it has been on here ever.

So this post is a post appreciating others on here.
Please only put up positive comments if you can't than start your own thread. Here are a few guys and gals on this website that post here often I enjoy reading there post, checking out there sweet pics, and why I enjoy reading them.

#1 Rackman, he is my best friend my hunting buddy and I just enjoy his positive outlook on life. I have known him my entire life. Oh and he had one hell of a day last year connecting with two trophys with his bow in one day. It was awesome to share that with him

#2 Bessy he is rough around the edges but he is one great guy who would take the shirt off his back to help out others. And if we had more guys like bessy in charge of the wildlife I can guarentee we would see great changes.

#3 Utehunter propably the most envyd guy on MM in a good way.I love his pics, he find monsters year in and year out, he is hands down just a damn good hunter and enjoy seeing all his success pics and storys.

#4 Pleasedeer just a straght up great guy and I enjoy reading his funny comments.

#5 Predator this gal can just plan out hunt anyone of us anyday. She harvest monsters every year I enjoy reading her storys and seeing how much she loves to help out others.

#6 Kilowatt probably the nicest guy on this website always given out help and his pics are never a bore.

#7 Hornkiller cause he is a smart ass like me a shed hunting fool and his post make me laugh.

Thats just a few I could go on for hours. But lets hear who makes MM enjoyable for you and why you keep coming back on here.

Please for those of you who enjoy hi jacking threads and turning them bad, I ask you just enjoy this site and if you can't post anything positve on this thread than don't post on it at all.

I wish everyone a Happy New Year and may this be another great year for all and God bless

I have been on this site longer then most but hands down Pred is the class of this site. Bessy is fun, kilo is cool, Hunter Harry is awesome. There is a bunch more great people on here. Brian, again thank you for a great hunting forum.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-11 AT 09:08PM (MST)[p]Great post Aaron! First off I would like to apologize to anyone that I have offended or been rude to, in the end we are all the same. All trying to accomplish the same goals, when it comes to hunting fishing etc. It takes a lot to get me going but when I do I sometimes say some rude things. A few guys that stand out from the rest to me are Aaron84, Justr, PeakFreak, Bbop, fatrooster and shummy. You are all stand up guys that I would do anything for. I also wanted to thank everyone that sent me pm's and helped me out this year on my elk hunt. Lets make this next year even better!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-11 AT 07:26PM (MST)[p]There's too many to get them all but here goes, no particular order.

Bess kawboy kilo rackman aaron shummy roy stinky eel rugburn 1911 bltso swbuckmaster bohntr wiz elkhunter66 chubbytuna livetahunt JACO awholelottabull ttk to name a few.

I know I missed lots but that's a good start.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-11 AT 07:32PM (MST)[p]You guys cant forget about the FATROOSTER he is a great guy!
d13er comes off as an a-hole and really pissed me off a few times but not anymore i am sure he has a kind heart. then you got the guys that just like to post great pics like rod and squirell.
Like Aa84 i could go on & on but there is not enuf time and cant remember half the guys names! So have a good new year and be safe.

I had to edit forgot to mention epionter or is it 2pionter aw something like that and Yelum hes great to!
Here that! Treed
In the imortal words of Rodney king "can't we all just get along"
Rackman and Aaron I will try hard to get along with you two to make this site enjoyable for everyone.
I may come off as a azzhole but I am a guy who is fed up with people getting a free ride. Let's all try to make it a good year!!!!
Ute sorry about the shitty way I talked about you and your bud! I also hunt from august tll April that is my job.
To everyone else have a great newmyear
Wow, Aaron, thanks!!! I have a lot of friends here, all good guys and the ones that enjoy making other folks' hunts successful, like Antlerrick, AWB, Blank, PleaseDear, kilowatt, B Bop come to mind.

The photos of littlefoot and Redrabbit, and for a laugh a minute Eel, D13, Triple K...oh heck, every one of the Irreverant Ones at the campfire.

Then there's a whole bunch of new members who have wowed us with their tales.

MM rocks!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-11 AT 09:51PM (MST)[p]I forgot to mention fatrooster hell he is the reason I got a lab and trained her to find sheds. Justr is a great guy as well, even tho he made fun of my head shot ;). I can't beleive I forgot shummy he was nice enough to let me tag along on his cow elk hunt and I made a new friend that day. There are many more oh wait I almost forgot about feleno he makes me laugh my ass off. A shout out to triplek as well cause one she is hot, and two she gives her husband bagels and jam in the morning lol. Rugarm77 is a good guy can't forget about are corrections officer in all this. Of course founder for starting this great site. Jim aka awholelotabull never met him but look forward to it one day. Thats all I can think of for now maybe all have to go to the expo just so I can meet some of you.

Well gots to go Titanic is on oxygen channel tonight, and my favorite part is coming up yay! Love my saturday nights.
I enjoy almost all of the people on here. I am a firm believer in the fact that everyone's oppinion should be respected. We don't have to agree but we should show respect and I think most on here do. There are some really classy people on here and ones that I wouldn't hesitate to drop what I was doing to spend a day or 2 on the mountain with them if they called. Prism got me onto this site quite a while ago and my first post was something about leaving tree stands up on public land. I literally got shredded!LOL I had to take a step back and see why people felt the way the did and it did change the way I do some things. I have learned a ton of stuff on this site and have made many friends that I consider friends for life. And as the yearly Hunt Expo comes around I extend the same invitation as I do every year. Stop by the Vortex booth and introduce yourself. I love meeting new people that love to hunt and I have an AMWAY presentation I would like to share with you.:D


It's always an adventure!!!
AMWAY !!!!!! Now that is freaking funny. But I can do you 1 better, cause for a living I am a Life Insurance agent, a Financial Consultant, an Encyclopedia salesman and a Cutco sales rep(nothing against cutco knives) so if you have just a FEW minutes I would like to sit down with you and show you what we have to offer. :)
Thanks 84 U are a good guy too!! There are lot of great folks on this site. I know just about everybody on here bashes me but Im used to it just have some THICK skin and get on with it. I respect YELUM for what he does being out in the hills I know it must be hard for him.Founder for having a great site where hunters can come together and look and pics. an read stories an o ya bash alittle!;) I could go on and on but u guys know who u are!!
I like your list Aaron. I can honestly say that I can't think of anyone on here I dislike. Maybe it's because I'm older and I can't remember who I'm supposed to hate.:)


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

There's lots of guys I've got to know and come to respect on MM. A few I've known from elsewhere. Just a few that come to mind, although I'm sure there are others:
Justr, Openingday, bess, Feleno, NVBighorn, TripleK, swbuckmaster, and pretty much everyone who hangs out in the campfire. I don't post all that much, but I read a lot of posts and seem to know most regulars pretty well.
lol....I like everyone on here...the only thing I'm good at is smartass one liners. Feel proud if I sting you.

cocatchaser.....normal people type their message above there sig line. Wtf is wrong with you??....and I believe it shoud be "Hear that? Treed"

"here" is a place
"hear" is what you do with your ears....

There are just too many people to list. Over the years I've learned so much from the people on this site that I can't fathom not having it. Even through the arguing and heated debates there is a lot to learn. There are so many people on here that have helped others out and so many new people joining the site that are helpful that I consider this the best source anywhere for learning how to hunt the West. I must confess that even though I don't get involved in the negative posts that I enjoy them. Many times they are my source of laughter throughout the day.
I feel honored to have been mentioned as one of the helpful people on this site. Just giving back what you guys have given me. fatrooster.

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