No more half naked women


Founder Since 1999
As much as most of us enjoy seeing the skimpy dressed women, it is time to tone it back....a lot. Many of them are too much. There are plenty of sites on the Internet for folks to enjoy that stuff (atleast that's what I hear), so we don't need it here.
Please be considerate and understand that some kids and ladies visit the site.
No more mostly naked women.

Brian Latturner
Hear that Feleno?
They gotta have their clothes completely on or completely off,none of this semi-nude crap!
Yeah you

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I wanna see that picture of QT pie. I must have missed that post.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Hey founder, if you want to clean this place up why not do the obvious. appoint a new mod to the campfire. Lets say qtpie or triple K. I wonder how many half naked pics would stay up if there was a female moderator. Just not both. I think the cat fight would get too out of hand lol

Makes ya wonder huh????
AAAAHHHHHH Dad do we really have too?

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Bad idea stinkster!
I don't wanna see nudies of guys & slammy,I've already seen slammy half nude & that's enough,him & them damn sleeveless musclemilk shirts!
Here is a picture of my wife. She really is hotter than Tiffany.. No really she is. Try not to get to worked up over this picture. Please be respectful i know she is showing just a little to much eye.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-09 AT 08:00PM (MST)[p]TK, i think he was refering to the "snow", "mm calander girls" and the "tattoo" posts to name a few. None of which, i am featured in....Also wondering what pic of me is floating around that is soooo bad that you have to bring me up...only one that comes to mind is me in the hot tub in africa. In that pic however more than "half" of me is covered by water. Apparently it must be the other "half" of me you find offensive, which is funny cuz its not near as bad as the afor mentioned posts. Well, unless its the one feleno "touched up". Any who go get em may wanna start by hitting the nuke button on the posts mentioned above, if you are even serious.

BTW Stinky. I got no problems with tk though it appears she does with me for some reason. I can work with anyone (hello, im married to you):)...mod however is not a job i would ever want, thanks for the vote though. lol [font size="22"]

Does this go for Barbie too. I thought she was a little under dressed to be out their chasing elk.
>Does this go for Barbie too.
>I thought she was a
>little under dressed to be
>out their chasing elk.

Barbie is OK. She at least has a set of hunter ethics.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Damn woodtick you were on a roll tonight, well until the last 2...I'm about 99.9% sure founder wasn't hoping we'd post walmart chicks instead of tan sexy half naked ones...actually i'm positive!! NO MORE WALMART BUFFALO PLEASE!!


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