No Moose For BeanMan


Long Time Member
The results are in for 2005 Colorado:

No Moose for BeanMan. 3/2 now

How about you? Anybody get lucky?

Oh yes!!!!

Looks like Sandbrew is going moose hunting!



MF028O1R OCT 1-9

I'll take the bow but it's a rifle tag.


From cloud 9,

CONGRATS!! Unreal.
The willow patches that run down from Twin Cones to Vasquez Creek usually have some moose, I've photographed them there a few times the past couple summers.

From brown cloud 1,

AntlerQuest Hunt Consulting
Thanks DK!

One of my brothers owns a place in Winter Park just outside the NF on Vasquez Creek he knows it well and I'll know it better by the end of the summer. Talk to you later.



"brown cloud 1"

That's funny
No luck here. I've got 5 weighted preference points now. Someday I hope to draw.

Sandbrew-----that's a cow tag correct? Did you have an weighted points or did you draw with 3?
Yep it's a cow moose tag!

I only had 3 point no weighted points.

When I looked at the draw odds there were 9653 peeple that applied for 116 mooose tags in 2004. I bet there are more this year. I'm VERY happy to be one of the few who drew even if it's a cow tag.

I figured I was in the points game late anyway so I decided to burn my 3 points on a cow tag and reapply next year and for the next 50 years if that's what it takes. Hopefully I'll be able to say I have a Colorado moose to my credit. I can then apply until I die for a bull tag. Or there is always Alaska

I hear you Sandbrew. I've applying ever since they started issuing tags. I don't want to burn the points. I've got the most you can get----SOMEDAY--I'll draw. 5 weighted points after this year & counting.

Half the fun of the hunt is in scouting the area, working up the load for your rifle or in your case----praticing on the archery range.

Have fun on the hunt. Take photos & post some if you can. CB
Personally, IMO its harder to bag a cow than a bull. I sure saw alot fewer of them when hunting anyway. Have fun!

What unit and season did you hunt?

I've heard moose in general are hard to find Aug and Sept but come out of the wood work in Oct. I'm going to try with my bow but I relize it's to good of a tag to waste so if I need it the 338 WSM will be ready.

Hey Sand, Not in Colorado. I'm a thorough moose finatic, but haven't made it over to you yet. I have my Washington and my Idaho moose. I have to move your direction. My Dad drew Idaho this year, so I get to guide him, something I have been looking forward to a long time. Its time I repaid some favors. Its just been my experience that I've seen more bulls, and they definately respond to calling more. Cows are very vocal, so you can proably track one down by listening to them. Have you heard them in the wild?
I took my Washington moose with a bow, but my Idaho moose with an 06. Both were in the first of October. Catch them out feeding and you should be able to head one off "pretty easy". Just have to get ahead of those long legs.

Thanks for the info. Any tips on where to aim with the bow besides the obvious in the heart and lungs. I have heard the lungs are not as high as one would image and the hump fools a lot of people. Hows the lower third sound?

Also any tips on skining an gutting. I was thinking guttless method and just peeling off the hide as I go. I have also heard of using a 7 foot tree to "jack up" each quarter as you go.

Forklifts and cranes are nice, but usually not a choice. I saw a movie once where a log skidder pulled one out for a guy. Yes shoot a little lower. The heart sits real low. That hump is amazing. If you get into that at all, you probably won't be claiming your moose. Its actually internal a bit too. Hard to explain until you see first hand. They are big buggers. I gutted both of mine. You just have to crawl in, literally. Have you ever dove into gut a deer that was just killed. You know how they have reflexes, well watch that back foot when you dig in. I was aware of it, had a hold of it, and when he kicked I went ass over tea kettle across the meadow laughing along the way. WHAT POWER. You wouldn't want to catch it in the forehead. Get that black hide off and the meat hanging as soon as possible. Its a big project. I have the supersized meat bags that I wwrapped each leg in and then backstraps and loose meat. Bring a sharpening stone with ya, its a big job, and if you decide to cape him out, its real work. Make sure you know the regs on whether they want the whole skull, or just the teeth back at the check station. Thats a lot of weight to deal with. If you don't have horses or other pack means, don't shoot him too far out in the woods. I'm one for getting my monsters(deer) down in some god forsken hole, then packing them out. That doesn't work too well with moose.
I hope that helps. Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] if you have any more question.

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