No Hunting This Year but New Hunting Budy


Very Active Member

My wife gave birth to our 5th child (4th son) right in the middle of hunting season this year so no hunting for me. In the future though I will have more hunting budies then I will know what to do with :7.

OOO! Look at all that silky, blonde hair! What a lil' cutie! And yes, you will have more huntin' buddies someday than you know what to do with. How cool is that?


Hmmm - either way for me it means missing a year...

CONGRATS! Thats a cute kid for sure! Train him up right and you will have one heck of a hunting camp in the future!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Luv the bib! Cute Kid, Congrats Mark! With 4 boys in the house soon all you will have to do is shoot, then yell FETCH!

Hands down the best reason of all to miss deer season.
I feel ya family man. We had a baby end of september so I didnt even put in for anything this year. But I have the go ahead for a couple back to back archery deer hunts that total 45 days so I'm not complainin'

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