No For Mitt Means Yes for McCain NH Primary


Long Time Member
Before I get to Mitt & John, I just want to share the pleasure I took watching Hannity, Hume, D. Morris, Barnes, and others reduced to the heavily soiled infants they truly are. The GOP wants nothing better than to run against Obama, hence all of the Obama hype, Hillary downplay before the NH primary. Hannity, "I want Hillary, I want Hillary," Yes Sean, we are stupid and don't understand reverse psychology...what a panty stain that guy is.

O.K. now to Mitt & John. If Mitt couldn't carry N.H. where many folks commute to Boston he is toast. I believe the people of N.H. and Boston feel they were pandered and duped by Mitt in the past. I also believe that McCain's push was not a Yes vote for him, but a NO vote against Giuliani and Romney.

I also believe that the same results will happen in Nevada, except Giuliani's number will rise a little higher than he did in N.H. I also believe Fred will drop out if he can't muster 5% of Nevada.

As for Hillary, the bulk of American women over 40 really identify with her. She stood by Bill's affairs, raised a lovely daughter and pursued her own policital career. I also believe that women over 40 would desire the first female President over the first Black President. While younger college aged women will swept up with their peers will hop on the the Obama train.

Edwards is no dumby, with his steady 15% he realizes that he will be key down the road. His endorsement maybe a deciding factor on the Dem primaries.

S.Carolina is just around the corner and I believe Edwards will have a strong showing. However, Edwards carries the past V.P. candidate curse, if he doesn't carry his home state this time it will be a telling tale that he is definitely out and only staying in the race as a power broker. If Edwards loses S.C., it will be because Hillary beats him by a narrow margin.

The GOP in S. Carolina will be also be interesting, I think we will see Huckabee, McCain, and Romney, with a poor showing for Giuliani. I think Rudy will hold out for N.Y., place third and then quit.

The biggest falacy being portrayed by FAUX news and others is that Independent Voters will and or are leaning towards McCain. This is the most pathetic attempt by the right spin machine in circulation at this time.

Most Independent Voters are resentful Republican that feel the true roots of their party was hijacked 27 some years ago. A feeling once shared by McCain, until he flip-flopped and was the commencement speaker at Falwell's University along with changing to a Baptist religious belief. McCain's strong endorsement with the current administrations policies will also turn off most if not all Independent voters.

Wow that was a lot of typing! Let the beatings and verbal abuse begin, I will put on my head protection and mouth-guard.
Glad to see you're back FTW and great job writing this post, you make me feel like the hick I am. I agree with everything you say except I think Rudy might do better than you do, not because he's any good but because he's the only one with a chance at all in November and the republicans know it. I can't imagine McCain going too far as wacky as he is and with his weak stand on gun ownership, who knows anymore even the pros are scratching their heads.

I though Hillary would stomp Obama from the start, I still think she'll win but it's going to be a fight. too bad the dems are ignoring Richardson and Edwards isn't going to make it, I'd vote for either over the choices we'll actually have this fall.
Everything you type here I heard Sean Hanitty saying on his radio program...great show isn't it.
>Sounds fair and reasonable to me.
>. .

Gees, I never would have guessed.

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
D13er , moderates can agree without it turning into one of your Larry Craig meetings. you really need some help or just admit it like Rev Haggard did, we couldn't think any less of you so come clean.
JB is that really you or is this some imposter? This has to be an imposter, just look at the post count. Wait I remember now, you got sent to room for taking the pot didn't ya JB. hahaha

Wow reset your post count and everything... the sorrows of cyber-humiliation. :0

Just kidding JB! I guess iza pivot man cuz I takes it to the hole player.

Dude, Rudy said the other night on FAUX with Chris Wallace that he was different than the other candidates because he learns from his mistakes. I guess he wasn't referring to his 3 marriages, the last of which included him bedding one of his staffers at the Gov.'s mansion. Then subsequently using the press to inform wife #2 that he was filing for divorce. Or the fact that he disregarded the Chief of Police and Fire by not moving the Office of Emergency Services from the Towers after the 93 bombing. Or over-stating that he was at Towers everyday working along side all the rescue workers.

Now after he left office he formed a corporation with Bernard Kerik and went down to Mexico under contract of the Mexican Government to aid them in cracking down on police corruption. I don't know about you but if I were the Mexican government I think I would be asking for a refund under misrepresentation should Kerik be found guilty.

Now Kerik whom Rudy threw up for Head of Homeland Security is under 3 indictments for taking bribes from the Mafia. For a decade Rudy and Bernie were inseparable, now Rudy acts like Bernie was some friend of a boyfriend of a distant 3rd cousin he met briefly at a wedding 30 years ago.

Bloomberg's high approval rating will not serve Rudy well when it comes to the NY primaries. Many New Yorkers who fell in love with Rudy at the beginning of his term, couldn't stand him by 9-10-01. I think N.Y. will send a clear message to Rudy shortly.

Who knows? The fun part is we get to crack open a cold one, ponder, and watch it all unfold.

JB I was kidding, I think you're great, this place wouldn't be the same without you.
Forthewall, well said & well thought out! I'm hoping the pundits really don't pick our President. We all need to keep in mind that the President is an administrator, a CEO if you will! Let's elect someone that can pick good help! Something we've been damn short on the last 8 years! Having said that, I predict our next commander in chief will either be called Madam President or have a name that's going to look really funny next to George, Bill, Tom, Ted, Jack, Jimmy, Ron, Richard, Jerry, Harry, Frank, Ike, etc. Barrack????

well D13R , to look moderate around here you have to be what most would call a hardline conservative. a borderline conservative will be labeled a screaming liberal, a true liberal would feel the need to go into the witness protection program if they ever met some of you.

Richardson dropped out today, we're eliminating candidates by taking out the best first. by general election time only the worst scum should be on the ballot if all goes as planned.
Who knows Rus? I've stated my issues about Hillary and I have no horse in this race. I definitely know any candidate from the current party in power will not receive my vote. We still have to see if there will be a late Independent entry and I don't think there will be. As well, after the candidate selections we have to see who the running mates will be.

I can guarantee one thing history will label Ding-dong and Bozo as the worst administation ever to have served this country. There will be no public speaking events for these two pinheads, no late talk shows, no great cause they will champion after leaving office, no speaking engagement abroad except for Ding-dong who will be in Dubai addressing Haliburton shareholders via video conferencing. Bozo will become a prisoner in a place just down the road from hell...Crawford, Texas.

It's going to be a fun election to watch, just remember what happened in 2000 and 2004. Nothing is a sure thing.
I've thought about Bush and shooters future for laughs myself. shooter doesn't have to worry much he doesn't have a future but what there is of it will be with Halliburton.

Bush on the other hand, just what does one of the most unpopular, can't speak if his life depended on it,gone broke at everything he ever tried including being president type politian do after office? even most republican hardliners want to forget he existed, lets hope he saved his personal income better than our nations or he may be working at a Walmart near you.

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