No Dip for MLB

Copenhagen it makes me feel so good Copenhagen the way I know it should...I put a lil' chew in my mouth go spittin' and a slobberin' all around the house that Copenhagen it makes me feel so makes me feel so good...


I wonder if Obama is going to sign that with a Winston in his mouth. Double standards always work out;)
I understand why they would want to take up this very important issue, what with them having nothing else to do and all.

Yep, our Congress at work...

"I understand why they would want to take up this very important issue, what with them having nothing else to do and all.

aholes.... "

+1 :)

This all started with the seatbelt and helmet laws! Hey, I got an idea.....why doesn't the government let me live MY life and I'll let them live thiers? Baseball without chew? That's like Feleno without the Man Crush!!


My family has been LDS for 6 generations...of course, I'm against any kind of tobacco. BUT THIS ISN'T THE BUSINESS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

To the government: BUTT OUT!!

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I have some russian friends that told me that the way the govt is implementing safety laws reminds them of how it worked in the USSR. They say they had the same style of all encompassing laws even into your own personal choices. So we got that going for us, which is nice.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-10 AT 10:09AM (MST)[p]Guess they don't have better things to do up there in Congress like BALANCE THE FREAKING BUDGET - OR REDUCE THE FEDERAL DEFICIT - OR a thousand other things.

Leave us alone Congress - PLEASE - we were doing just fine without you before!

If MLB wants to do something - that is their perogative and I have no qualms with it - but Congress needs to back the hell off.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Careful Roy! You may end up face to face with a couple of Obamas thugs behind Popeye's Chicken! (That's where Obamas thougs like to hang out!)

I don't understand why we've ALLOWED Congress to stick their nose where it doesn't belong.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-10 AT 11:37AM (MST)[p]Like this is the stuff that our elected representatives should be concerning themselves with, YEAH RIGHT! When are people going to start telling these morons (I'm sorry to offend morons, politicians really make them look bad) going to start acting responsibly and doing what they were sent to Washington to do, instead of inserting themselves into every facet of society.

If this is a problem that congress has any business in, I wonder how long it'll be until they want to tell us how many times per day we can flush the toilet?
>If this is a problem that
>congress has any business in,
>I wonder how long it'll
>be until they want to
>tell us how many times
>per day we can flush
>the toilet?

I thought they already did that in Kali?? Isn't the new state conservation motto "If its brown, flush it down, it its yellow, let it mellow" ??

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
If the Govt. is not letting major league players chew a legal product then members of congress should not be able to molest their staffers or perform/request homosexual acts, drink and drive,do drugs,lie,cheat on their spouse,take bribes, pay for sex ect. ect...... they will say it's because they are roll models to kids, let the players chew if they want to and I'll raise my kids.
and bean balls are assualt with a deadly weapon!

I don't chew, never have, but Major League Baseball without chew is just Unamerican. They might as well ban hotdogs from being sold at the ballpark (to prevent obesity) while they're at it!

Nocked N Loaded
They can't fix a damned thing so they'll get involved in something that's none of their business.

Come Nov we can fix this. And if that group doesn't work out, we can do it all over again in 2012 Send em a message.
First they put their hands in the baseball steroid fiasco, then they think the BCS is a huge priority and try and intervene, not this???!!! I have no idea what these people think sometimes. How big of a priority is this really? Wow

On a side note, my fiance works for a triple A baseball team and they are not allowed to chew during the game. They can get suspended if they get caught with it and fined. It obviously doesn't stop them, because she says that there's always 5 or 6 cans in the dugout, but minor leagues are not allowed to chew during games.
I sent this link to a friend who's affiliated with an MLB club. I can't print what he had to say about congress sticking their nose into MLB's business.
Well - I think it is about time someone did something. There is no need for tobacco to be used in any form in any sporting venue. It just teaches our nations kids that whatever they hear about how harmful tobacco is, it is actually OK. I mean - what are big league games if not a 3 hour long tobacco commercial?? It is ridiculous to see a ball player with a big lump of chaw in his mouth or lip, or a round "skoal ring" in his back pocket.

And to whoever quoted that Chris Ledoux song - that is the most idiotic and senseless song ever written. It glorifies a carcinogen - wow - very intelligent.
And to whoever quoted that Chris Ledoux song - that is the most idiotic and senseless song ever written.

Really? Lighten up Homer!

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