This has the makings of a cover up/conspiracy all over it. There has been so much misinformation spewed by the media in this case! It is hard to determine what is or is not true.

Reports of 2 shooters, then just one.

There were several reports of the handguns being recovered in the school and the bushmaster in the car. But then the coroner comes out and says that everyone killed was killed by the rifle, which was recovered from the car?

They bring the wrong brother into custody, the mom was teacher, etc...

It can go on and on.

I fully believe that the coroner was given his statement by the anti gun individuals. Either that or the gun man went in and killed everyone with the rifle then went back to his car hid his gun then re-entered the school to kill himself???

Who knows what the actual truth is, but regardless they will still spin this thing to create fear and outrage. They will act on emotion instead of rational thought etc...
What a bunch of loosers,I havent seen much on the news,the libs must be in hiding.Zigga give us some input!
....our leftist media is a corrupt joke. The end justifies the means.......

Genghis Khan raped so many women that 1 in 200 people today carry his genes..
When this first broke and they had on the scene coverage, they showed a policeman taking the AR from the trunk of the kids car and unloading it. There has been conflicting information on whether he had 2 or 4 handguns in the school and they have now confirmed that it was four and that's what killed all of the kids and staff. Now the next thing that needs to be looked at is the crooked coroner who stated right out to the media that the autopsy results on all of them showed multiple gunshot wounds and they were all with the AR---Hmm!!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-12 AT 11:46AM (MST)[p]I heard it reported from the start that he had an AR in the car but never took it out...Hand guns only..

Idiotic Liberal press pushing Obama's agenda AGAIN!!! Using 20 babies deaths to push their politics....Scumbags.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
This report is way old. Supposedly all the shootings were with a 223 rifle except one pistol shot that he killed himself with.

If you watch the video of them checking the trunk of the car later that night you can clearly see that the shell ejected from the gun in the trunk is a shotgun shell. It's just an all black personal defense type shot gun.

I'm not saying this whole thing isn't a a giant can of worms, but that if you go watch the video you can clearly see that the gun in the trunk is not an AR.

The contrary facts of this whole case surely make it ripe for all kinds of conspiracy theories to come out. I've read quite a few. One is that it was done by the Israeli Mossad. Another, a screwed up dept of homeland security training exercise!

Still the best explanation is exactly what the "authorities" are now claiming. A nutter kid took his moms guns and went to wreck havok on our most defenseless in another lunatic "gun free" zone where he knew no one could or would do anything.

>NRA needs to comment on THIS.

No need. The media and the gun control advocates can make themselves look foolish without NRA's help. They (now we as of today) just need to be diligent when we vote and when there is another attempt to infringe on our right to keep and bear arms.
is another
>attempt to infringe on our
>right to keep and bear

C3 I beg to differ on the old news angle it was reported on Xmas, that's why they were going after AR on every single channel for days and on Gregory's show last Sunday. The main stream media knew exactly what they were doing and they were distorting the truth to the general public. The harms been done so where's the retraction stories? All this was done to promote the anti gun movement. There were hundreds of articles written in papers & magazines across this country and they were still using the story today on some networks. The mainstream media doesn't let facts get in the way when they're promoting their agenda.

The early reports said the gun was in the trunk then it got distorted and that's where they got off track in fact they actually reported that the medical examiner stated it was an AR on news casts. There were articles in our newspaper here Wednesday supporting the AR was the gun and our paper is owned by the NBC affiliate in AZ and they clearly knew otherwise. The media bias on this is quite obvious and the misdirection was all part of the plan.
Boskee---The news didn't actually report the medical examiner saying it was the AR that killed all of them. He came right on camera during one of the News Conferences and said it himself and I watched it go down on live TV.
>Boskee---The news didn't actually report the
>medical examiner saying it was
>the AR that killed all
>of them. He came
>right on camera during one
>of the News Conferences and
>said it himself and I
>watched it go down on
>live TV.

I saw that too, he said he only examined 7 victims, and he said all 7 he examined were all were rifle wounds....
Say's it was aired Dec, 15th...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Yes you are 100% correct an assault rifle was used . But my point on this is: why is there was so much misinformation on this it helped to churn the caldron of emotion and hate for all gun owners by the anti's. Nobody really knew for sure did they and I'll bet some guys on here were second guessing what they knew after this posted up. WHY?

That was why the press should be called on the carpet on this. I was in Cabela's yesterday and guys were discussing it and still divided. It clearly shows how much misinformation was spread on the subject and how much is still out there. There shouldn't have been so many story's with conflicting information on a story of this magnitude if the press was doing their jobs right. But it fuels the fires when one has an agenda to promote and lets be honest the press has been antigun for years. C3, Snort TopGun and others knew but shouldn't we all have been clear? Please accept my apology if I offended any of you, but it shows why we all can be victims of the press.
>But my point on this
>is: why is there was
>so much misinformation on this
>it helped to churn the
>caldron of emotion and hate
>for all gun owners by
>the anti's. Nobody really knew
>for sure did they and
>I'll bet some guys on
>here were second guessing what
>they knew after this posted
>up. WHY?

Because the news media is undisciplined, unprincipled and so used to sucking the hind tit of those they suck up to, that they don't know how to do it properly any more.


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