NM Unit 52 Muzzleloader Antelope


Active Member
Well another NM Unit 52 antelope muzzleloader season has come and gone. Sorry for the late posting. I can't wait until next year. My wife and I and all that came along had a blast. She took her first pronghorn with the muzzleloader on the first day, last Saturday (August 20th). I am a very proud husband. Not a bad goat. My guess without putting a tape on it...he scores in the high 60's or low 70's...maybe better. I thing he will go 14". I took a meat buck on Sunday evening. I was not sure if I would be able to hunt on Monday and Tuesday...so my predator instincts took over and decided to get some meat. Did not get pictures of mine. It got dark on me and forgot the camera in the truck. It does not bother me a bit that she got a bigger goat than I.

On both days we saw plenty of antelope and lots of hunters running, hiding, and driving all over the place. That Saturday both of us passed shot opportunities on smaller bucks until she decided to take her goat. Sunday the 21st was a little slower. Just like every other year antelope were spooked pretty good. I passed shots on the smaller bucks, hoping to have a chance at a 80 incher like I took last year (I will try to get those photos up now that I think I figured out how to post pictures). I really didn't see many "super bucks" like I see other years. Maybe one or two way out of range or being chased by other hunters. Lots of average 60 to 70 inch goats...and lots of "dinks"...those 1 1/2 year old bucks. Oh, ya we ran into 5 different prairie rattlesnakes...pretty scary when trying to sneak up onto antelope if you know what I mean.

Overall, I think harvest was a little below average. I only heard or saw a few other buck taken. Those who hunted or know someone who hunted...what kind of success did you have? Share some pictures. I will try to upload some photos. Hopefully I won't crash the system. Again, I can't wait until next year.

JDS, congrats on the nice buck. Patience often pays off. If I am not mistaken you were hunting just below me. Did you see that funnel cloud Sunday afternoon behind San Antonio Mountain. Got me running to the truck. Any snakes. Drop me a email to talk about the hunt.




Congrats on your muzz antelope, that is a nice one.Looks like you had the whole family involved, nothing like it!!!

congrats on beautiful buck! last year i got one also! i should have wait for a better buck, but that's hunting...can't wait to draw again! was unsuccessful for unit 52...where do u mostly hunt for antelope? i was huntin at chico dry lake mostly!

here is my pic from last year, open day, early morning

Hey there Brother . How did you guys do up at Capolin this past weekend ...? Put those pics up too or send em to me . I decided I liked Gails smoke pole , just need to figure out a way to hide my credit card statement for awhile ...Talk at YA....NM
Real pretty buck.

We were hunting this past weekend in Unit 58. I had a definate B&C Buck in my crosshairs at 300 yards (front facing) that was really tall, big prongs, and exceptional mass, but I made a mistake waiting for him to turn broadside. When he turned he was all out running across the prairie and there was no shot.

Sunday, I spotted a bachelor group of 21 bucks on the ranch with 12 shooters and two huge bucks (I would guess 90 B&C). We got 5 of them to split off from the group and I got the heaviest body and heaviest horned buck in the group. My first shot was 350 - 375 - hit him a little far back - missed the next couple (shot over his back) and the final shot was at 460. I held my 450 yard crosshair on him and it him right behind the shoulder. I have never shot that far in my life, it was a long long long ways even at 14.5 power. My wife took pics, but they are a bit to dark and I am going to have to lighten them and play with the filter to make them look better before posting.

It was a fun hunt, best buck in camp was one that scored 83 1/4 with most being in the mid 70's.
Vinihunt, We mostly hunt on the East side of the US 285. I try to stay hunting in one area and try not to run all over the place. Especially this year with the high gas prices. Seem like I do real well if I am patient and stay in one place. Seems like you are in the TP area quite a bit. Stop by at the Tres Piedras Ranger District when you are in the area. I work there. I would like to meet you in person. Drop me an email to keep in touch.
Francisco - awesome, great pics, hope to see you seen at the station with an even bigger elk!

Rattlers huh? Going to have to pay attention even more!

4 weeks and 2 days before I am elk hunting!
Hey there Don ....Bad knews bro , there are no elk left in 52 , heard they migrated over the west side into 51 and 4.....Man I'm so sorry for you as I know you were really looking forward to comeing down...Hey theres alway next year....he,he.....Ah you guys are gonna have a blast , especially back there on top where you killed that bull in 03' , not too many guys willing to get in there where you where at....Did you get the scope problem fixed....NMHUNTNUTT
Scope problem was a friends (really!) I had some bolt problems but pretty sure all is well, gun shooting good, no, great, this is going to be way easier then bow!

I am packing in even further this time, I suspect it will be good, or I will pack back out and hunt old spots.

Cannot wait!

You gonna be around for some breakfast????


PS I got a much better camp too, more comfy, 03 was rough.

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